London cancelled flights in the Sharm-esh-Sheykh after interception of messages of YOKES

London cancelled flights in the Sharm-esh-Sheykh after interception of messages of YOKES

Interception of messages of fighters of terrorist group "Islamic state" became the reason of a stop of an aircraft service between the United Kingdom and the Sharm-esh-Sheykhom. As the Deyli telegraf newspaper reports, Islamists discussed the organization of large act of terrorism in the region.

It is noted that after the tragedy with the Russian plane the British intelligence services MI-5 and the Center of governmental communication together with the American colleagues managed to intercept negotiations of extremists, and their contents became the reason on which David Cameron made the decision to cancel all flights from and in the Sharm-esh-Sheykh. In the future this restriction can be extended and to other cities, regions and the countries where operates YOKES.

London cancelled an aircraft service with the Egyptian resort on Wednesday evening. On Friday it can be partially restored, the authorities of the kingdom intend to deduce home about 4 thousand the British citizens having a rest there remaining in the Sharm-esh-Sheykhe.
