Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region

We consider the subdomain SW delimited by the C+ which bounds the uniform flow region where the perturbation velocity is (u1, 0) and the C— characteristic through the point of intersection of the former with the Ox-axis, Fig. 4.21.

Plane Flow

Подпись: CR+ Подпись: d dx Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region

In the case of plane, near sonic flow (M0 = 1), the compatibility relations given earlier are

Подпись: — |VY + 1 u2 — w ^ = 0 along C : (j^)C — = —Подпись: CR— : d1



We consider the change of independent variables from (x, z) to (£, Z) where £ = const along C + characteristics and Z = const along C— characteristics. One such transformation is given by

d £ — dx — /(y + 1)udz — dx + didz

/______ dZ (4.137)

d Z = dx + V (y + 1)udz = dxdx + f^dz

Let u(x, z) = U(£, Z) and w(x, z) = W(£, Z). Using the chain rule, the total derivative along the C + characteristic can be written

Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow RegionFig. 4.21 Subdomain SW adjacent to uniform flow region

Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region

The CR+ now reads

This PDE can be integrated to give

Подпись: (4.140)2 3

– 3>/7+Тu3 + w = /(Z), Vz, Zin sw

where / is an arbitrary function of a single argument. Similarly, with CR one finds 2 3

Y + 1U2 + W = h(Z), V Z, Z in SW (4.141)

This last relation can be fully resolved by taking into account that all C – charac­teristics in SW emanate from the uniform flow region, therefore [2]

Axisymmetric Flow

The compatibility relations now read

2 / 3

— ~2 y + 1u2 + w

— 2 —y + 1u 2 —

Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region

CR+ ■ A.

CR ‘ dx




CR-: d





We will use the same change of independent variables and verify that a simple wave solution exists in SW by assuming that u(x, z) = U(Z), V Z, Z in SW. The C R+ now reads

2 3

-jVT+l U [3] [4] + W

Подпись:d W d w

= 2 = [w]c+ =——–

dZ dx z

This relation holds on a C + characteristic of equation Z = x — zV (Y + 1)U (Z) = const, hence one can write

d w dx

= — (Y + 1)U (Z) (4.147)

w x — Z

Upon integration one obtains ln |w| = —(t + 1)U(Z) ln |x — ZI + f (Z), where f is an arbitrary function of a single argument. Lets define the C— character­istic with parametric representation (xi(Z), zi(Z)) and characteristic Cauchy data (U(Z), W1(Z)) on C—. One finds

Подпись: (4.148)/zi(Z) (Y+1)U (Z)

W(Z, z) = W1(Z) ^ , along C+

-3 yytt u (Z)2 — W1(Z^

Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region




Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region

The left-hand-side term can be expanded as

2 3

—3^гП и (Z)3 — w (Z, z)

Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region

Supersonic Flow Adjacent to Uniform Flow Region




which, upon integration, yields

– 3VYГГU(03 – W1 (0 ^ = h(Z) (4.152)

along the C – characteristic. Note that along a C-, z is only a function of £, not of Z. Making use of the fact that the C – originate in the uniform flow region, one concludes that h(() = const., and the relation becomes

2 3 3 z,(n Тїт+ЇЖО

дл/т+ї u 12 – U(03 – wm ^ = 0 (4.153)

Along the C – , the characteristic initial data cannot be chosen arbitrarily since

Подпись:|Vy + 1 ( u2 – U(02 ) – Wi(0 = 0 there. This completes the verification that

a simple wave solution exists in the SW subdomain. Although w(x, z) varies along C + characteristics, u(x, z) = U(£) is constant on a C+, implying that they are straight lines of slope. In this axisymmetric transonic small disturbance

approximation, a region adjacent to a uniform flow region is also a simple wave region.