E193 and E193MOD

• E193-PT (Fig. 12.11)

The E193 has been used on a wide variety of designs from hand-launch gliders to large cross-country ships. In this sense, it may be considered as a multi-task airfoil. What makes the E193 a popular choice is not the performance in terms of drag, but rather the low-drag range from C; of 0.1 to 1.1. With this range a sailplane will have good wind penetration and thermal performance under most weather conditions. Of course an airfoil with the same lift range but with lower drag will always be a better choice.

In terms of the overall accuracy of the E193-PT, it should be noted that the E193-PT matches the E205 better than the intended E193 (Fig 11.12).

Also see: E205, S3021, E387, E193MOD Digitizer plot: Fig. 10.5 Airfoil comparision plot: Fig. 11.12 Polar plot: Fig. 12.11

Thickness: 10.22% Camber: 3.57%

• E193MOD-PT (Fig. 12.12)

Dale Folkening generated the E193MOD by scaling the ordinates of the E193 by a factor of 1.19, effectively adding camber and thickness. The result increases the lift (as indicated by the change in the zero-lift angle of attack) and the width of the polar. There is an associated slight increase in drag, owing mostly to the added thickness.

Also see: E193, S4233, E205, E387 Digitizer plot: Fig. 10.6 Polar plot: Fig. 12.12

Thickness: 11.85% Camber: 4.15%