Parameter Interaction

The influence of possible interactions between two parameters can be captured by the Taguchi Method as well. For each interaction one (for parameters with 2 levels) or two (for parameters with more than 2 levels) columns must be reserved in the orthogonal array. This increases the number of required columns and also the num­ber of simulations. Thus the advantage of requiring less simulations than a standard parameter variation is reduced. But on the other hand, the influence of interactions between the investigated parameters can be evaluated. This won’t be possible if a normal parameter simulation is used. For several pre-deflned Taguchi matrices so – called interaction-matrices are published. They describe which columns are reserved for which parameter interaction. The interaction-matrix for the Lg Matrix is shown in Figure 3. For example column 3 must be reserved to examine the interaction between the parameters number 1 and 2. The parameters originally stored in these columns would move to column 4 if no other interactions are investigated.