Viscous Thermal Surface Effects: Examples

The topic of thermal surface effects was introduced in Section 1.4. There the basic concept was explained and qualitative information was given. Quanti­tative information was presented in several of the following chapters. This chapter is devoted to a more in-depth consideration of several additional examples of viscous thermal surface effects.

The examples partly are generic. The problems at real flight vehicles gen­erally will look different. Moreover they will be of different importance on different vehicle trajectory segments. However, thermal surface effects must be identified, their effect be appraised, and finally be taken care of or not.

In the first section we give a short introduction to the topic. The following sections then are dedicated to the discussion of several viscous thermal surface effects, which partly were only recently achieved. A literature review is not intended.

10.1 Introduction

The topic of thermal surface effects principally can be approached only by discussing examples of different kinds.

Viscous thermal surface effects, concerning mainly CAV’s—and ARV’s on their airbreathing trajectory elements—, have many faces. In the next sec­tion qualitative results, essentially from Chapter 7, are presented in a sum­marizing way. An overview of the examples treated in some of the previous chapters follows in Section 10.3. In the following sections then a number of numerical and experimental data—these achieved with different kinds of hot experimental techniques—is discussed in a compact manner. More examples, also concerning multidisciplinary simulation problems, non-convex effects at radiation-cooled surfaces etc., can be found in [1].

Regarding thermo-chemical thermal surface effects, concerning mainly RV’s of all kind, no material was identified for a discussion in the frame of this book.[170] The reason is mainly that too much space would have been needed.

Couplings of stability and transition phenomena with thermo-chemical ef­fects are mentioned in Chapter 8, however not discussed in view of thermal surface effects.