Frank Piasecki’s ‘flying banana’


ccin. ll ІІ1С Н-2Г6 potcntijl. (ІИ-* I >S Army awarded I’iasoik) a production оu iiract in 1952. H-21* bad estensive armour atxl the ability to cany two external fuel tanks, and Intn. KJuccd a 2-tonne hook.

In 1955. In the time lielio’pter pioneer Prank I’l. isecki was forced оШ ol tltc linn which Ixmr Іііч name (the ciHiipany becatlk* Vetiol. latei O’ ving-VVrtOl). the I S Army was the bluest user ol tills tandem, twin-rotor helicopter.

Ihe H-21 was l>a. sed on the t s ‘av> > IIKI’-i. ilsell a

Model 44A

Vertol produced a small number of Model 44s. which originated as the Piasecki PO-22. a civil version of the Workhorse. Belgium’s flag carrier SABENA operated a single leased example during the 1958 World Fair.

Accommodation: plot. co-piot. crew chef, and (to Vietnam) two gunners tor door-mountod

12.7- mm М2 or 7.62-mm M60 machine-guns, plus 20 troops or 12 stretchers


mam rotor Олmeter 13.41 m (44 nj

tuselago length 18 m (52 ft. 6 in,)

height 4 8 m (15 ft. 9 in)

rotor disc area 282.52 m’ (3,0*1 sg. tt.)




Kl traoo o> ІІЮ) 1)00* used Mngl* i*xai pwton engines. irvi Wright Cycione in me M-21 tuivng tn power two rmtn rotors the Skonfcy H 34 end н-to wee conventonal eng» men uxor dusa>a the former nav/vj the moil oov/<yJ engne UltxmMy turbonlialt ena-nos retraced rattele n most isrtcoorers.« mey are ughto end more powerte then e futon ongme оI lerslar wohjht.

И-34Л CHOCTAW IlMkW 1528 hp

Frank Piasecki’s ‘flying banana’

Frank Piasecki’s ‘flying banana’
Frank Piasecki’s ‘flying banana’

■ MODEL 1CH-1A PATHFINDER II: A joint ArmyVNavy funded programme to research compound helicopter designs led to the Pathfinder and Pathfinder II of the early – 1900s.



the time of its inception, the H-16 was the world’s largest horopter Flown In 1953. it was iudgcd unsuitable by tho OS Army


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Frank Piasecki’s ‘flying banana’

PZL Swidnik