
• First production helicopter • Successful design • Wartime service

Подпись:R-4/R-5Many people believe the role of the helicopter in World War II was restricted to experimental flights. The USAAC took it far beyond the test phase and Sikorsky’s diminutive R-4 performed some of the most significant flights of the entire war. Pilots found themselves confronted with an ontiroly now era of flight, and the potential of the military helicopter was quickly seen. As a search and rescuo platform, it was a life-saver.

Подпись: Natural progression ► Following on from the R-4 was a slightly targor machine, the R-5. It is seen here in early configuration with a taitwhool undercarriage. Подпись: |R-4/R-5

Workhorse forerunner ►

Although tho R-S was successful.

redesigning it resulted in the S-51. which did more to establish the concept of rotary-winged flight than any other helicopter.

British helicopter evaluation ►

After the R-4 had boon ordered by the US armed sorvicos, a handful found their way overseas. The Royal Air Force and Floot Air Arm evaluated the type during the closing months of World War II. In UK service, they were given tho designation Hoverfly Mk I.

◄ Production gets underway

With flight trials having been conducted successfully, the R-4 was put into production at Stratford. Connecticut in early 1942.

◄ Distinctive looks

Compared to later designs, the R-4 was an ungainly machine featuring a boxed spar fuselage covered in fabric.


>■ On 21 April 1946 я single Canadian R-4 became the lirsl helicopter to rescue n downed crow In the Arctic.

► Thirty production machines (YR-4As and YR-4Bs) wore ordered In total.

>■ US Army Air Forco R-4s wore used to rescue downed crews In the Pacitic.

> By tho time production switched to the Improved R-5/S-51 series, a total of 1Э0 Sikorsky R-4s had been built

>• A Sikorsky R-4 was the tirst truo helicopter to make a landing at sea.

► On 17 May 1042, tho XR-4 new о distance

ot 1224 km {760 ml.).

Подпись: Rota ry-wi nged warriors

Подпись:R-4/R-5Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: MULTIPLE ROTORS: Igor SiKoreky's most successful testbed bafom tho R-4 was the VS-3CO The strange-lookng machine made its maiden SgM on 14 September 1939. SfcoraKy had boon oxpormontmg wth live idea of rotary-wnged aircraft for many yoors, but otU the late t930s the technology was roi sufficient to warrant a full working example. This tri rotorod layout was |ust one configuraton tested on tho VS-300R-4/R-5

Ідей – Sikorsky finally managed to ll ln> first successful rtMary-wingcd craft in 1939. Known as the N■4-300, it was instrumental in the development ol the world’s :irsi true pnxluction helicopter, the. шы/ing Sikorsky K-1 With the VS-300 (lying at speeds of up to 113 киї h ГО nt. p.h.) by 1941. it was obvious that a more practic-.il machine was viable

Flie resulting XR-J featured an enckxsed cockpit with dual, iide-by-slde seating and a single Warner KStXl piston engine After successful trials, an order for 30 pnxluction aircraft (three YK – l.-Ys and i~ YK-iBsi was placed by the

United States Army Air Force They were laid augmented by Klfi more R-»Bs which featured more powerful engines R – is were pioneers in the development of the helicopter and, on 6 May 1913. an early production machine liecaute the first helicopter lo land successfully aboard a ship, touching down on ilk* aircraft carrier. I SS HtniLxr Hill.

Using the K-i as a Ixtsis. Sikorsky develop’d tlie laiger It-5. which featured an all-metal fuselage and other improvements li first flew in 1943, but did not enter service until after World War II Nevertheless, it proved iremendousJv successful and
some 3"9 of these aircraft, later called S-51. were liuilt.

Al R-4s were tiled with (tveo tiUXwl miwi rotors To reduce wogifl. ttvjy worn connoucttxl from spruce wood, whch proved а problem aunng rescue орогс&опб a Itm P. vcilc. Ihonf/o

Above: This photograph is unique, shovnng the Sikorsky R-4, R-5 and R-6 together. The evolution ol the helicopter can already be seen.

Loft: Col Frank Gregory, who helped to bring about the R-4, was the first person to land a helicopter on board ship.



Подпись: A:--liner feature oeneereo Dy Ш9 R-4 WBB ti л intarcnangeabie irxtefcarioge, R 4fts *ri -jrac© witn the US Ncr.v aboard ships often toted with floats Подпись: Because of tho extreme upward tapering of itio (Motegfo n very long tai wlwel was nccnssiay to lump tho R 4 Ic.ol whilft on п-чі ground. Подпись: During Initial trials tho Sikorsky R-4 wore an overall silver dope scheme with full colour Insignia. Wartime operations saw tho adoption of a drab green colour scheme to offer some form of camouflage to the vulnerable R-4. Подпись: FURTHER IDEAS: Alter experimenting with many configurations. Sikorsky discovered that StabAty and directional control probfems coufd be solved by adopting an anti-torque rotor on the tail. This configuration has been adopted by the vast majority of helicopters since; the design is similar to that which ultimately emerged on the R-4 itself,

At її ці time, Ww cocXpl rJ the R-4 was <*»!•> u – tsual for nviny plots тгл icaaf: commander – Я n tho nght-fumd sent It л-is not a dittcuft reach*» to t>y ana piOtn Ad go »ofo in >jsi а tow почте.

Подпись:Подпись:R-4/R-5R-4/R-5Early Sikorsky helicopters

В SIKORSKY R-6: Installing the R-4’s engine and gearbox in a ‘ • л. much more streamlined fuselage resulted m tho R-6 They w – delivered to the RAF as Hovedty Mk Its
