
Подпись: • Lightweight helicopter • Proven design • Brisk sales


Encouraged by the success of its two-seat light helicopter, the R22, the Robinson Helicopter Company of Torrance, California, created a slightly larger four-seater variant of tho older machlno for training and transport dutios. Many proven features wore rotained in the intorost of cost saving, simplicity and safety. Tho first R44 began flying in 1990, and by early 1994 around 300 R44s were In service around tho world.

Подпись:R44Robinson R44

▼ Value lor money

At present, this httlo helicopter has a list price ot lest $265.000 in its homo morkot. which makes it а very attractive buy.

Occupant protection ►

Comfort and safety were prime aims for the R44. so on electronic throttle governor and satoty restraints are standard.

▼ Popular in the US

R44Small helicopters have proved especially popular in the United States, and competition is fierce. Tho R44 has sold well.

R44R44Exceptional ► versatility

Doso model R44s ore known as Astros. They are also available for uso as police helicopters, fire – bombers and for logging support.


► The first two R44s built accumulated more than 200 flying hours between 1990 and 1992.

► A total of $15.000 in doposits wan tnkon on the first day of R44 sales.

>• By January 1997, 308 R44s wero operating In 38 different countries.


► The first R44 to roach 2,000 hours was the

seventh production machine, which was returnod for overhaul In mid-1996.

► The left-hand collective control lover and pedals can be removed if required.

► A Hoat-equlpped version, the Clipper, is available; It retails for $281.000.

Robinson R44