Aerospatiale’s super workhorse


cabin big enough U> .ircuitimodflie 2-І p:e«eng(:i> on Maiiilaul scab i> i ti iirly big enough in cany snulfcr mimlxTs in much «cater comfort Atrtwpatlalc lu-1- exploited the jiossibility in ;i lug way. ami claims to luve avail’d iIm; market for VIP helicopters by combining the versatility of іotary-wing lliglu with I he. ill the ixintfortN of a ІН1МПСЯІ (cl.

IIіе I’rcMige range of VIP interiors < ‘Iters lu. Miriou. sly uphoLstetxnl sealing in a single nine-M. ii cultfn. or separate cornpaiimeiils with four seals forward mil another eight alt.

As a 8at«y rrocmiun the Suoor Pixna can be fitted vail і отогцчіку Dotation bags огоіукі «л cock»*.. Tboso inDufe м »*г wont ot Ви – iif^copta lancing cn water.

AS 332L-1 Super Puma

Type: twin-engined transporKsuppon hodcoptor

Powerplant: two 1184-kW(t. S90-hp) (continuous rating) TUrbomeca Makila tAt turboshafts

Cruising speed: 2Є6 Km/h (U>b m ph)

Initial climb rate: – mb m/mm n.600 t p, m,> at sea level

Range: 870 Km (539 mi.)

Service ceiling: d600 m (15.100 It.)

Weights: onpty 0460 ka (9,612 1Ы; maximum take-ott 6600 kg (18.920 ft)

Accommodation: two pilots plus 24 passengers

Dimensions: rotor diameter 16.60 m (51 П. 2 in) length 16.29 m (53 ft. 5 In.)

height 4.92 m (16 ft. 2 m.)

main rotor disc area I9t. to nV (2.056 sq It)


CONSTRUCTION WORKER: Despite its small si/©, the AtVospatiale SA 315 Lama (pictured Sett) is a specially developed variant of the SA 318 Alouette II The heicopter offers a better performance at high altitude and is equipped with raised skids to allow it to operate from any rough terrain,

Aerospatiale’s super workhorse

OIL INDUSTRY: Offering an – ncicose in range and capability. Bell’s LongRarger (pictured above) was derived from the exfremefy successful JotRangor. With its tong-range, the helicopter is used to oxplon potonhal sites tor oil exploration The holicoptef can bo oqulppod with a ski undercarriage, it required, during winter months.
