Instrumentation System

In modern simulators, most of the traditional instrumentations/instrument panel would be replaced by multifunctional displays and soft instruments or virtual instruments. The point is that if AOA is needed to be displayed, it does not matter what mechanism drives the AOA ‘‘pointer,’’ which could be a ‘‘soft pointer’’ and not the physical hard pointer of the classical instrument. Thus, the computed values of the flight variables are displayed by the soft instruments. This shifts a considerable amount of burden from hardware mechanisms of driving motor, etc. to software tasks. This reduces/eliminates the wear and tear of the instruments/driving motors as well as the maintenance and heating of the hardware components. However, for safety, there should be some redundancy provided via analytical means or some important instruments should be still provided in the traditional hardware.

6.2.2 Inertial Navigation System

The inertial navigation system (INS) consists of a stable platform with gyros and accelerometers. The gyros maintain the platform’s accelerometers in a steady posit­ion in relation to the Earth’s surface so that accurate measurements of accelerations are provided [1]. These acceleration data are integrated to produce aircraft velocities. The computer platform heading resolves the velocities through the heading angle to produce North/South and East/West components of the velocity, which in turn are integrated to obtain the distance. This distance with the datum latitude and longitude gives an accurate present position. The INS platform and the computer form the INU. Software simulation of INU is often used. Software simulation has several merits: (1) ease of availability of the required data, (2) ease of update of the SW, and (3) reasonable simulation computer core and time requirements.

6.2.3 Flight Management System

aircraft performance data. The crew use these data to perform (1) navigation, (2) guidance, (3) electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) support, and (4) data displays. The outputs are command data to flight control. The usual practice is to replicate the (aircraft’s) HW FMS for the simulation also and not perform the SW simulation of the FMS [1].