Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D

Consider a rectangular particle of initial size (Ax, Ay) near the wall y = 0. On the upper edge the velocity is u = Au. Equivalently, this corresponds to moving with a particle located at (0, 0) in a velocity field where v = 0. After a short time At the particle is sheared and takes the shape of a parallelogram. The strain rate is defined as є1і2 = limAy^0 Ay = &y. Similarly, considering a velocity field with u = 0 and upon superposition with the previous flow field, one finds the following strain rate, Fig.8.3

du dv

£1,2 = £2,1 = +

dy dx

(a) y

Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D

Fig. 8.3 Shear a in x-direction and b in ^-direction


(b) y




Further, we define the following strain rates

du. d v

£1,1 = 2— and £2,2 = 2— dx dy




Vorticity is defined as


du dv

d y + dx




and the angular velocity of the particle as


1 1 ( du dv

Q = w = — +

2 2 dy dx




A general deformation reads:


u(x + Ax, y + Ay, t) = u(x, y, t) + Au(x, y, t) +———–

v(x + Ax, y + Ay, t) = v(x, y, t) + Av(x, y, t) + •••






Au(x, y, t) = du Ax + Ц Ay + Av(x, y, t) = dvAx + dv Ay + ■




or, in matrix form




Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D

Note: any square matrix A can be decomposed uniquely into the sum of a sym­metric and antisymmetric matrices

Подпись: (8.9)A = 1 (A + A*) + 1 (A – A)

where A* is the transposed of A. Hence

Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D

1 / £1,1 ё 1,2

2 £1,2 £2,2

1 ( 0 – из

= 2 U 0






Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D

Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D


u(x + Ax, y + Ay, t)
v(x + Ax, y + Ay, t)
general 2 – D motion

Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D



Vorticity Versus Strain Rate in 2-D