
• SD8000-PT (Fig. 12.152)

• SD8000-PT u. s.t. x/c = 20%, h/c = .17%,wjc = 1.0% (Fig. 12.153)

• SD8000-PT u. s.t. xjc = 40%,h/c = .17%, w/c = 1.0% (Fig. 12.154)

• SD8000-PT u. s.t. xjc = 70%, h/c = .17%, w/c = 1.0% (Fig. 12.155)

Although the shape of the SD8000 is quite different from the HQ2/9-RG15- S2048 group of airfoils (see Fig. 11.10), the performance is strikingly similar. As with the RG15 and HQ2/9, trips do not produce dramatic improvements at the higher Rn’s. At and below 150k, there is some advantage to using a trip.

Also see: HQ2/9, RG15, S2048, S2055, SD2030

Digitizer plot: Fig. 10.59

Airfoil comparision plot: Fig. 11.10

Polar plot: Figs. 12.152-12.155

Lift plot: Fig. 12.156

Thickness: 8.86% Camber: 1.71%