Warsaw Pact armed assault chopper


uilt to take tn tops to the – thick of Ixiulcficki action, the MI-2’1 galmxl from Ic*.- n Іі.*апкч1 by IN forces in Vietnam Big enough to carry right troops, it was powerful ami last, and саггіечі enough WCJ|X»ns to suppress Itosttle force– en route to the landing zone – a Hying amtoured personnel carrier.

Mil used ihe TV2-1 Г engines uiu! dynamic system from the Mi « Hip so that design work could coraxturate on the wcai* *ns Installation Ал a result.

the llind-Л was in service witll tin: Soviet fiKccs in |йы Germany from 1973

The IV2-I1“ engines were replaced hy TV 3-І17s m later production aircraft, and the same powcrplant was fitted to some earlier machines llind-As with the later engine have the tail rotor repositioned on the tell of the tail bourn.

I hough the Hind-Л was not exported as widely as some of the later gunship versions of the Mi-24, small numlx-rs have served with the forces of

Afghanistan (where the type saw its first action, mainly in the counter-insurgency role),

Algeria. Lilvya and Vietnam.

The "Hind-C (Mi-2-ІI’ I was a dedicated trjirung version ol the Hincl-A’ with dual оопіпуК Init strip|ycd «if armament. It was one ol these aircraft (designated Л ИП lliat was used in 1973 ю sel eight world marks, including a itumlxT ol sjx44l records, with a female aircrew Front the mid I9"0>. tlu – redc-signc4l Hind i) replaced the A model on the production line.

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Warsaw Pact armed assault choppertd m Ы pUV. r giving, the cockpit of the had throe ranis The crew сопел! nd of * yanuxs n the centre tart я ftght fco pilot befxnd hen to the nw. end the let to the left rear, next to the co-priot In я rose a 12 7 mm І ЬО-cal I macrene – i luted in a tVmtXo mounting

‘Hinds’ at home and abroad

■ Mi-240 HINO-O’: The Hlnd-D* was л major redesign ot the Mi-24 intondod to address the weaknesses of tho Huxt-A’ Earty production examples of the new aircraft were duWoftxi to Warsaw Pact countnes. including East Germany

Warsaw Pact armed assault chopper


■ f. ti-24 – HIND-A’: Atgenan ‘Hind-As’ served alongsde Mi-4s ana M -3s In 1996 the North African state continued to fly ■Mina though whether these were ‘Hind-As1 is unclear. Few «роп c. ntomers ordered the vanant ___________________________________________________________

Warsaw Pact armed assault chopper


Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Warsaw Pact armed assault chopperArmament: one 12.7-mm machine-gun and lour AT-2 ‘Swatter’ anti-tank maples plus bombs or two rocket pods

Straight wings wittiout anhcdrai identity this Mi-24 as a ‘Hmd-B’ from the first production series.

Подпись: Dimensions: rotor diameter length height rotor d«c area Подпись:Mi-24 ‘Hind-A’

Libya was among lour Soviet allies to recerve the ‘Hlnd-A’. the others being Algeria. Afghanistan and Viotnam. It is believed that few, If any, ‘Hind-As’ remain in service.


Wl>Je earl/ production Mki As and some lalor Mnd-Ds’ had 1he< taf rotors locator! on the starboard ode of the tar fin, «к»© on що Hmd-As’ worn switched to the pert «*»


Each stub wng can carry two Гatmgn anti-tar* nesstas (krtwn to NATO as AT-2 Swartrus’» as we* as Чи/ 32-round rocker poos Vhnou» antnrwts on trvi aircraft wnie nssocnlefl wth чию equemnnt ora dolertwvo avionics two IFF fldMtfcHon fnand or to*






Warsaw Pact armed assault chopper

■ Mi-24P HIND-F: Experience in Afghan-stan led to the replacement of the 12.7-mm nose-moisted machme-gun with a twin-barretlod 30-mm cannon on the МІ-24Р. The Soviot Union and GOR used thts variant, the Mi-35P was an export derivative

A* the Mnd’ nn Oei«k*wl mth new ongne*. • ivOeugr+4 fusettg* eno mom слр*Ы* weapon». и» top spood tuetuisad The w M-?40a war* rrwgnaih «lower than the Tind-A. but by Vm tirrw that the »*-74P Xnd F rod appeared n aarvoi tr*s had bean addrauad. the type hawo a tmaA top «peed margn 0«*r me Ml 240 нт-а

Mi-74 ИШ0-*

Mi-24* ‘WHB-D )10 UMl |1*2 n. p.».)

Подпись: IB-24* nmo-FX» k«t (201 ■#.*.)
