Category Helicopters


• Korea veteran • Pioneering troop-lifter • Air-sea rescue

The S-55 was the first in a long line of successful large Sikorsky helicopters. Starting life as a piston-powered machine with a limited load-carrying capacity, the S-55 later received a turbine ongine and considerably more capability. It could perform a variety of roles, including airlifting troops, air-sea rescue work, air taxiing, cargo-hauling and anti-submarine patrol. The S-55 took part in the Korean War, but was still providing useful service to military and civil users in the 1980s.

T Piston power

Подпись:S-55/H-19The large, bulky radial was faired under twin clamshell doors. Engineers loved this as it meant easy access to the engine. But the mamago of helicopters and large piston ongines was never realty successful.

S-55/H-19Troop carrier ►

The S-55’s ability to carry up to 10 fully-equipped troops was used in the development of an entirely new kind of warfare known as helicopter assault. Troop-carrying S-55s saw action around the world.

from Malaya to Algeria.

Load-lifter ►

Hauling logs in the Rockies was another task that earlier helicopters wore not capable of. The need for a powerful lurbino engine was demonstrated vividly when carrying loads at high altitudes.

Sling load supplies ►

The ability to get supplies to troops miles from any airfield was especially useful in Korea, where UN units were frequently bypassed and surrounded. Tho narrow fuselage profile made underslung load – carrying preferable to using the tight cabin space.


> The US Army version of tho H-19 was known as the Chickasaw.

>■ The US Navy HOS-4 version was used for anti-submarine warfare duties.

► French S-55s in Algoria used rockets and

machine-guns in combat trials.

>■ The US Army was still using its last few H-19s In the earty 1980s.

► Wostland-built S-55s were sometimes powered by the AJvis Leonides Major piston engine or Gnome turboshaft.

► In an air show stunt that went wrong, an RAF Whirlwind dragged a stuntman on a bicycle through trees.


• Rescue helicopter • Amphibious design • Mail service

Подпись: ▲ This S-51 is rescuing a member of tho Canadian Armed Forces from a platform during a demonstration. Tho Sikorsky displayed excellent handling qualities, which are vital for rescue work.S-51/R-5After its succoss with the R-4, the USAAF issued a requirement for a larger machine which was able to carry out tasks such as observation duties. Vought-Sikorsky’s Model 327 was designed to meet the new specification and shared the R-4*s basic layout. However, it was an entirely new design and seated two crew in tandem in a more streamlined fuselage. Sikorsky went on to dovolop the S-51 civil helicoptor from the R-5.

▼ Airborne angel

The Sikorsky S-51 saved hvos by ensuring that casualties received medical attention quickly. This example carries fwo wounded men to a held hospital.

S-51/R-5A Early days

With the fuselage panels removed for an engine test tho small sue of the R-5 is readily apparent.

Crop sprayer ►

Seen displaying an unusual rig for spraying crops, the S-51 saw wide­spread civilian service as an air ambulance and work-horse.

A Cross-deck operations

Returning an admiral to his ship, an S-51 lands precariously on a gun turret.

Staying afloat ►

A US Coast Guard H-5 sits on the water with emergency floatation bags inflated.


>• Westland built the R-5 undor licence in Britain as tho WS.51 Dragonfly, for the RAF, Royal Navy and civil operators.

>• Nine H03S-1s wore used by tho US Coast Guard as H03S-1Gs.

>• H03S-1s sorvod with distinction In tho Korean War with Squadron HU-1.

> In 1950 Sikorsky built and testod a single XH03S-3 with a redesigned rotor head and blades.

> Two XR-5A* woro fitted with British instruments to an RAF requirement.

> Tho R-5B. R-5C and H03S-2 were planned variants later cancelled.



Type: !wo-/1oui-seat млеив and utility helicopter

Powerplant: one 336kW (-tbO hp) Pmft & Whitney R-985-AN-5 rodof piston ongine

Maximum speed: 171 knvTt (106 m. p.n j; cru. smg speed 137 knVh (S5 m. p.h. l

Initial climb rate: 3048 m <1.000 ft»m 15 min

Range: 679 Km (360 ml.)

Service ceiling: 4390 m <14.400 ft) with. in operational load

Weights: empty 1715 kg (3.78t lb ); take-ori 2189 kg (4.826 lb.|


main rotor diameter 14.63 m (48 It.)

length 17.4 m (57 ft.)

height 3.96 mp3 It.)

rotor disc aiea 168 15 m’ (1.810 sq. 11.)


Left: The H-5. seen hero returning after a rescue, was the pnmary SAP helicopter for the USAF throughout the 1950s and rescued both servicemen and civilians.


wheel’pontoon landing gear.

The US Navy took delivery of lliree K-5,n. designated M02S-ls, in late I9i5. and later ordered I lOAS-Is. equivalent to the H-5.F Althougli ofiiclally designated as observation aircraft, they performed а ШІШІ7СГ of tasks.

Examples wen? also Ixnlt under license by Westland in Britain and served with the Fleet Air Ann and the RAF’ In Royal Navy service tlie helicopters ojXT. ilod as plane-guards’ living from aircraft-carriers.




Above: The first amphibious helicopter (or US service, the new wheol/float combination of tho Sikorsky design greatly improved its capabilities.



oprt provided imodeOon tor two crow • tandem. ЕхоовиМ watotoy ’ ntod to tho pnat whch was ir search and rescue won.


М» JIS5 UcMIO? m. p.b. l


I T£ kmS (109 ft p. h )


HAS Лк 7



manoeuvring in the hover, a fact that many dowrod cn>w came to xmrooalo


The tuscMge war. at an at ftwtal design wtvch ottonxl a mcior rnprovbmanl oM>r (ho

OOtHX tjtJOC CUVOftXl SkccsXy R-4 The design лае to того iea? Jam to the tvemooso. ллгіі was veal аз the nebxptet was soon operators in a war гопа



undercarriage was metaled on tre netoxiler :a vtWbfi Поза couU be attached tor ГВ6С0Э work over wntai


Sikorsky’s rescue helicopters


■ SIKORSKY HU5-1A; Operating over water, many helicopters were fitted with floats to a*ow landngs on the sea. Tbs proved mvaluaWe during rescue work. Though highly effective, tho uso of tioats rosultod m a loss in performance and many operators did not use the extra capability.



Continuous development of live heticoptiy fleet saw the Н-1Э become ooo of the most successful early designs. Constructed under licence by Westland in Britain the helicopter was often seen rescuing people from tho sea. as illustrated here by this USAF oxampfo


■ SIKORSKY HOSS-1: Dftvotoped shortly otter the S-51 tho H05S-1 ottered о larger cabin area to accommodate more peopte. Used alongside the S-S1 in the Korean War the type was used by both the US Navy and Marines. Alter Korea it was employed by the US Coast Guard


M-HIRlIVnO HAS. Mil 7 7S$S kg (6,316 ft.)





• Helicopter at war • First in service • Rescue role

Подпись: A Tho talhor of modem helicoptor design. Dr Igor Sikorsky (right), stands m front of a YR-4. which dictated tho basic handling characteristics of helicopter flight for the next generation.R-4/R-6A

Igor Sikorsky flow the prototypo of his first helicoptor, the VS-300. in Soptomber 1939. By January 1942 his company had built and flown о того powerful derivative, the VS-316A and it was this model that the US Army Air Force bought for evaluation, as the XR-4. The USAAF went on to buy more than 100 R-4Bs. In October 1943 Sikorsky flew the XR-6, an improved variant with a more powerful engine and a more refined,

streamlined fusolago.

R-4/R-6A▲ Merchant Navy

Sikorsky R-iB helicopters flew from merchant ships, acting as air observation posts.

A Warbird

Helicopters wore employed during the war by both the US Navy and Army; ono rs scon lifting off on an oarfy operational flight.

A Casualty evacuation

In addition to two crew members, fwo stretchor coses could bo earned externally, enabling advanced area rescue

▼ Tall rotor trials

A developmental model tokos to the air. showing the early style auxiliary toil rotor.

A Precision flying

Bringing new dimensions of flight to tho masses was part of tho holicoptor’s oarly role, as m this display



► Colonel Frank Gregory mode the first helicopter landing aboard ship, on 7 May 1943 In Long Island Sound, USA.

► Tho first flight of the XR-4 was on 14 January 1942.

► Early XR-4s had a metal and fabric – covorod fuselage.

► The US Navy established its first helicopter squadron, VX-3. at Floyd Bonnett Flold NAS.

>■ Three YR-6As made the first roscue mission In China during World War II.

>• R-4Bs became the first production helicopters in tho world.


Typo: experimental, training and roseuo helicopter

Powerplant: one 138-kW (l8S-hp.) Warner R – 550-1 or R-550-3 Super Scarab radial piston engine

Maximum level speed: 120 km-h (74 m p. h)

Endurance: approx 2 tv Climb rate: 2440 m m 45 min Range: 209 km(130 mi)

Service ceiling: 2440 m (8005 ft)

Weights: empty 913 Kg (2.013 IbJ; loaded 1153 Kg (2.542 IbJ

Accommodation: two paots seated side by side

Dimensions:-otor damoter 11.0 m (38 ft.) overall length 14 65 m (48 ft)

twgW 378 m (12 ft. 9 In.)

rotor disc area 105.3 m! (1,133 so ft)



Loft: Smglo-ongined and with a crew of two. YR-6As flew numerous missions involving spotting, reconnaissance and rescue over land and at sea.


the Hoverfly Mk II.

Alter 191>>. the K-1 and H-b Ixvanie known as the 11-І and H-<>, respectively. Though they had relatively short careers, they paved the way for later developments Hie helicopter configuration they pioneered remained essentially unchanged for more tllun W) wars.


Abovo: YR-4BS gave bomber crows the chance of roscuo. it needed: this one lifts off to search for a ditched aircraft. •




Thu mckprt. with side-by-tade senbng w:v, f n«l ‘well instruments lor both t>« is. Gazng wasextenafve. gvmg «• ntenr v-sibety ft a» dreebons


T)hi new ruler hood was л simple and MraghUorwurti design corseting of various push rods si mounted a> a metal pytan of four stool tubes. fKs proved eftjeuve arxt extremely venotle


Trvoo rotcr biados wore constructed trom tumnasod spruce with balsa leodog nogos co-onxl by totorie. an urxnucu сочтюхзл method wtich proved extrorncty durable



Mountod vodicafy OrectV betund the pints, u Warner R 550-1 гази» ongwi ржяй tho R-4. driving both rotors through a complex wbxw of tnrisriwison utiafli.


The boxlfce fusetage consisted ol heny gauge steel tubng with welded (Quits and was covered n tabne to reduce drag



After numerous axpanmenta mars Ни? mounting ol the taf rator n me vertical розеол was кялі to gwe the boot directional contra!









(14.400 It!


Problems with umdng ravJlrxl г the tail wrioci bomg mo-zed to 1ho mu of the bOOh bom its wtor central position, so. іtewing better handing


An example of a Sikorsky R-48 in US Army service
wtth the Air Junglo Rescue Squadron, which was
employed to retrieve wounded soldiers and
aircrew from inaccessible areas.


Sikorsky’s early years

В FIRST FLIGHT: Igor Sikorsky made the *<rst a" mpte to tly in trio VS-300 on September,5′;’ at Stratford. Connecticut, in the USA


Ш TAIL ROTORS: Another variant ot the VS-300 was constructed with adcMional ta-l rotors to impro-zo the handing qualities


I THREE TAILS: Although the addition of tail rotors was thought to be the answer, eventually the singlo rotor was seen as most effective.


■ BASIC DESIGN: With the Sikorsky R-4 the basic principles of helicopter (light had been solved. The example la seen with tloats.



ГН-48 Ї8І lux

1130 ni.)







• First production helicopter • Successful design • Wartime service

Подпись:R-4/R-5Many people believe the role of the helicopter in World War II was restricted to experimental flights. The USAAC took it far beyond the test phase and Sikorsky’s diminutive R-4 performed some of the most significant flights of the entire war. Pilots found themselves confronted with an ontiroly now era of flight, and the potential of the military helicopter was quickly seen. As a search and rescuo platform, it was a life-saver.

Подпись: Natural progression ► Following on from the R-4 was a slightly targor machine, the R-5. It is seen here in early configuration with a taitwhool undercarriage. Подпись: |R-4/R-5

Workhorse forerunner ►

Although tho R-S was successful.

redesigning it resulted in the S-51. which did more to establish the concept of rotary-winged flight than any other helicopter.

British helicopter evaluation ►

After the R-4 had boon ordered by the US armed sorvicos, a handful found their way overseas. The Royal Air Force and Floot Air Arm evaluated the type during the closing months of World War II. In UK service, they were given tho designation Hoverfly Mk I.

◄ Production gets underway

With flight trials having been conducted successfully, the R-4 was put into production at Stratford. Connecticut in early 1942.

◄ Distinctive looks

Compared to later designs, the R-4 was an ungainly machine featuring a boxed spar fuselage covered in fabric.


>■ On 21 April 1946 я single Canadian R-4 became the lirsl helicopter to rescue n downed crow In the Arctic.

► Thirty production machines (YR-4As and YR-4Bs) wore ordered In total.

>■ US Army Air Forco R-4s wore used to rescue downed crews In the Pacitic.

> By tho time production switched to the Improved R-5/S-51 series, a total of 1Э0 Sikorsky R-4s had been built

>• A Sikorsky R-4 was the tirst truo helicopter to make a landing at sea.

► On 17 May 1042, tho XR-4 new о distance

ot 1224 km {760 ml.).

Подпись: Rota ry-wi nged warriors

Подпись:R-4/R-5Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: MULTIPLE ROTORS: Igor SiKoreky's most successful testbed bafom tho R-4 was the VS-3CO The strange-lookng machine made its maiden SgM on 14 September 1939. SfcoraKy had boon oxpormontmg wth live idea of rotary-wnged aircraft for many yoors, but otU the late t930s the technology was roi sufficient to warrant a full working example. This tri rotorod layout was |ust one configuraton tested on tho VS-300R-4/R-5

Ідей – Sikorsky finally managed to ll ln> first successful rtMary-wingcd craft in 1939. Known as the N■4-300, it was instrumental in the development ol the world’s :irsi true pnxluction helicopter, the. шы/ing Sikorsky K-1 With the VS-300 (lying at speeds of up to 113 киї h ГО nt. p.h.) by 1941. it was obvious that a more machine was viable

Flie resulting XR-J featured an enckxsed cockpit with dual, iide-by-slde seating and a single Warner KStXl piston engine After successful trials, an order for 30 pnxluction aircraft (three YK – l.-Ys and i~ YK-iBsi was placed by the

United States Army Air Force They were laid augmented by Klfi more R-»Bs which featured more powerful engines R – is were pioneers in the development of the helicopter and, on 6 May 1913. an early production machine liecaute the first helicopter lo land successfully aboard a ship, touching down on ilk* aircraft carrier. I SS HtniLxr Hill.

Using the K-i as a Ixtsis. Sikorsky develop’d tlie laiger It-5. which featured an all-metal fuselage and other improvements li first flew in 1943, but did not enter service until after World War II Nevertheless, it proved iremendousJv successful and
some 3"9 of these aircraft, later called S-51. were liuilt.

Al R-4s were tiled with (tveo tiUXwl miwi rotors To reduce wogifl. ttvjy worn connoucttxl from spruce wood, whch proved а problem aunng rescue орогс&опб a Itm P. vcilc. Ihonf/o

Above: This photograph is unique, shovnng the Sikorsky R-4, R-5 and R-6 together. The evolution ol the helicopter can already be seen.

Loft: Col Frank Gregory, who helped to bring about the R-4, was the first person to land a helicopter on board ship.



Подпись: A:--liner feature oeneereo Dy Ш9 R-4 WBB ti л intarcnangeabie irxtefcarioge, R 4fts *ri -jrac© witn the US Ncr.v aboard ships often toted with floats Подпись: Because of tho extreme upward tapering of itio (Motegfo n very long tai wlwel was nccnssiay to lump tho R 4 Ic.ol whilft on п-чі ground. Подпись: During Initial trials tho Sikorsky R-4 wore an overall silver dope scheme with full colour Insignia. Wartime operations saw tho adoption of a drab green colour scheme to offer some form of camouflage to the vulnerable R-4. Подпись: FURTHER IDEAS: Alter experimenting with many configurations. Sikorsky discovered that StabAty and directional control probfems coufd be solved by adopting an anti-torque rotor on the tail. This configuration has been adopted by the vast majority of helicopters since; the design is similar to that which ultimately emerged on the R-4 itself,

At її ці time, Ww cocXpl rJ the R-4 was <*»!•> u – tsual for nviny plots тгл icaaf: commander – Я n tho nght-fumd sent It л-is not a dittcuft reach*» to t>y ana piOtn Ad go »ofo in >jsi а tow почте.

Подпись:Подпись:R-4/R-5R-4/R-5Early Sikorsky helicopters

В SIKORSKY R-6: Installing the R-4’s engine and gearbox in a ‘ • л. much more streamlined fuselage resulted m tho R-6 They w – delivered to the RAF as Hovedty Mk Its


Schweizer 330

Подпись:Schweizer 330▼ Common components

In common with rival light helicopter designs, the 330 shares many components with another model, the Series 300. These include its basic fuselage structure and flying controls.

Sluggish sales ►

Sales got off to a slow start, with only 12 Schweizer 330s being delivered by 1996.

▼ First flight

N330TT was the first 300 prototype and made its maiden flight on 14 June 1988.

Подпись: I
Подпись:Schweizer 330FACTS AND FIGURES

► Some design features of the 330 can be tracod back to the Hughes 269, which first flow in 1956.

>■ Tho first Schweizer 330 in Europe was a demonstrator for Saab Holikopter.

>• Wost Palm Beach Police Department in Florida operates a floet of 330s.

>• Main rivals in the US light helicopter markot Include the best-selling Robinson R44 and Enstrom 480 scrios.

>• By January 1997 a total of 15 Schweizer 330 helicopters had been delivered.

► The Venezuelan army is one of tho few military operators of the 330.

Подпись: SCHWEIZER 330
Подпись: Lightweight performer

Подпись:Schweizer 330Подпись:

SilnvcM/cr> Model З. ЛО is A tU rl>osl ut lt-powercil tlevelopmcnl t»f lllf in. miil. li Hirer’s established Model.400 Originally J liuglto design, the M< кіеі 300 had been сієч‘іо| кчі from I he Model 260 i’lixlmlfon was transferred to Schweizer in 1083

I he 3.30 was designed to eotnliine safety ami mission flexibility with outstanding |4ifdnnnme The unusual

fiiM*luge shape, combined with large. stabilisers. make the 300 jxutiiularly stable, ami the simple push-rod control system avoids the excessive weight and cost ol hydraulic Ык»1 jnd stability augmentation devices. The fuselage also Itdjis provide lift dining fotward (light and improves the flow ol ait to the main rotor.

«hirer safety features include a crash resistant fuel Itiadder and a

Right: This view of N330TT shows the similarity of the 330 to the elderly 300. especially the cockpit and doors.

cabin flixit and seat smieiuiv which has been specially designed to alwnrb sudden vertical impact during deivleratiim



R< ui mg many design Ioniums tram the two jft. it S«fts 300. tin» larger 330 otters an om’Wt vww from mo cockjxi tlw interior layout1 tioiobte and throo sets of tiii controls can t»3 noeciftad tor student tranng.


СогиЛтЫо attenton was paid to ease of mnuMcnunco ntxl »чк m reflected n tie design ol the rotor Ur*» the rival R44. the 330

matures IiLuVw, .win. ці.«и


On Им» ivijirvii prototype, ttw? tal boom w. w an open design, •niter to thnt of tho Senes 30C The tushUge ivns liter тсіатсюїяі to ivc-s юс* an


Schweizer 330

A ange Alison 260-C20 turooeiuit powers the Schweizer 330 Ftot-roted ui foot 17S Mil (235 hp.). the впдло Ins lr« utility to run on to bine luo •nsiiv id of Avgas and oners excellent hot-And-higfi performance.


Schweizer 330

■ AEROSPATIALE GAZELLE: Successor to the Alouotto II. tho Gazelle was also built under licence in the Urvted Kingdom,

Schweizer 330


■ BELL 206 JETRANGER: One of the most successful IxTticoptors in tho world, the Jetrangor ts n familiar sight.

Schweizer 330


Schweizer 330Schweizer 330Schweizer 330



R44 Astro

Typo: four-seat general-purpose kght hescopte*

Powerplanl: one W-KW (260-hp.) Textron Lycomng 0-540 horticntatty opposed sa – cyfindor engmo

Maximum speed: ?09 km/h (130 mp h.)

Initial climb rate: 305 m/min (1.0001 p, m i

Range: 643 km (400 mi.)

Service ceiling: 4270 m 04.000 ft.)

Weights: empty 635 kg it.397 to.): loaded 1088 kg <2.394 lb.)

Accommodation: one pilot and up to trwv passengers



Below: R44s have enjoyed sales success outside the USA. too. This smart dark blue example is one of a number ol machines currently registered in the United Kingdom.


Robinson’s R 11 has brim an undLspulcd success Могу for the company SiiKv ii was Іаиікімхі їм the earls I99ib, orders have continued lo come in Гимн оЫ(Miters in various parts of tlir world. Л major teason lor its popularity Is the relatively low list price, which currently stands at around S265.000 in I lie I SA

Experience with the K22 resulted in the retention ol the totoi tlfsij*n. which is unique in


that it eliminates the need for rhe complicated hydraulic stmts anil shock absorlx-rs found on most other rotary winged craft Other notable features im hide maintenance tree couplings in both the main and tail rotor drives, and spiral Іч-vel gears.

Most К i is have Iteen purchased for private use or as flying camera platforms In telet ision news companies. Others have Ijcen Ixmghr by small police tlepartntents


Above: N244H was the second R44 to tty and. like the first, was painted in this smart hvery. It was later fitted with largo floats in place of the skids and served as the demonstrator for the more upmarket R44 Clipper variant.


UM rotor diameter



main rotor diameter


1.47 m (4 ft. 10 in.) 9.07 m (29 ft. 9 in) 3.28 m (10 ft. 9 in.) 10 06 nr (108 sq ft |


►1 both It» mam ant) t. ia rotor i>v«l тштвмпса-Гм» flexible cunnings .«t« used as а а special clastic teeter dingo. Thin prevents the man roan Wales hem making contact vssiti the la* unit.




Popular lightweight

An imOv. Urre loahan of Rconeon heicoplers Is the man met* ur*f. It is incxe-rxngert eAminating me r«ed ler ag mr-ges. snoo fiteerters and dydraulc shuts, ncreasng refcatsity and reducing rreritencnoe wee.


A two-Waded rran rzter is standard on the IVM and bods Wades are metal – bonded tr тйх/шп Krongtn and duraotfy. Tlie leading edges are tatmcoiea from steel


Ртсм» m|’.iv»is«iI on Uie R2? won rifle*4*1 tor ’ =гусг tubing In II» 00041*1 п. иИ tt« Rcbuwnn central eve* stick pUe – an automatic itaotoo governor and rotcr tx. i-/• mwj1 hrto reduce 1 Hot workload


20Jlruti|1»«ip.* |

105 taUti (US m. p.S. l


•*4 A.1TMJ



240 kalfc (149 m p. h.l


Popular lightweight
Popular lightweight

Lir/J aloy « pnmMity имкі m the fiwtago. win the entin section oomprtarocj a sir»* cage covered wtd Ughtmsght root» ana Waste Winning Edonv.* use o* sound daadooog гтийспщ results n я tow level of cabin nose*.




MO ai/aut



(1.Ю0 f. p.m.)


420 «tain

11.175 I pm I


Popular lightweight

Robinson helicopters at work

Я flSHING SUPPORT: Fitted with floats.

U4. Mcoptere support large fishing beets.

Popular lightweight


■ POLICE WORK: R22s (shown) and R44s are employed by various po-.ce departments.

Popular lightweight


■ CROP-SPRAYING: Robinson helicopters am often used In the crop-dusting role

Popular lightweight


■ COW HERDING: Many largo farms n the USA use heticcptms for rounding up cattle.

^———————————————– *.


Popular lightweightPopular lightweightPopular lightweightPopular lightweightPopular lightweightPopular lightweightPopular lightweightPopular lightweight


• American light helicopter • Hughes ancestry • Limited sales

Popular lightweight


esigned in the early 1980s to meet the US Army’s requirement for a new flight training helicopter, the Schweizer 330 was produced with three sets of controls so that two students could be instructed simultaneously. It lost to the Bell TH-57 Creek in the military competition, but has been sold subsequently as a three – or four-seat light utility machine. It offers an attractive combination of low cost, high performance and mission flexibility.

A Looking similar to the larger Hughes! McDonnell Douglas Model 500 sonos of light helicopters, the Schweizer 300 first flew in Juno 1988. and went on sole during 1993.


Подпись: • Lightweight helicopter • Proven design • Brisk sales


Encouraged by the success of its two-seat light helicopter, the R22, the Robinson Helicopter Company of Torrance, California, created a slightly larger four-seater variant of tho older machlno for training and transport dutios. Many proven features wore rotained in the intorost of cost saving, simplicity and safety. Tho first R44 began flying in 1990, and by early 1994 around 300 R44s were In service around tho world.

Подпись:R44Robinson R44

▼ Value lor money

At present, this httlo helicopter has a list price ot lest $265.000 in its homo morkot. which makes it а very attractive buy.

Occupant protection ►

Comfort and safety were prime aims for the R44. so on electronic throttle governor and satoty restraints are standard.

▼ Popular in the US

R44Small helicopters have proved especially popular in the United States, and competition is fierce. Tho R44 has sold well.

R44R44Exceptional ► versatility

Doso model R44s ore known as Astros. They are also available for uso as police helicopters, fire – bombers and for logging support.


► The first two R44s built accumulated more than 200 flying hours between 1990 and 1992.

► A total of $15.000 in doposits wan tnkon on the first day of R44 sales.

>• By January 1997, 308 R44s wero operating In 38 different countries.


► The first R44 to roach 2,000 hours was the

seventh production machine, which was returnod for overhaul In mid-1996.

► The left-hand collective control lover and pedals can be removed if required.

► A Hoat-equlpped version, the Clipper, is available; It retails for $281.000.

Robinson R44


Popular light helicopter


I may viiitul like j lawn – mower Hitting through the ■vky. Inn the Rctbtason H22 Ls actually a very efficient and pleading lightweight helicopter, TlU> was also exactly what the world was waiting for. The iii. iiiuI. k Hirer, which calls itself a small family in the California Iva. h city of Torrance, rvrog – пі/счі that there Is a demand for j >implt easy-to-openite heli­copter that can instruct students and perform basic missions.

Above: Heticoptors have been operating over America’s cities for many years. Only the safest and most rohablo single – engine helicopters fly over the city.

Powerplant: Ope 119-kW (160-hp.) Lycoming 0-320-82C flat-tour piston engine de-rated to 96-kW (130 hp I (or takoofT

46.17 m’| 25 ft 2 in.) 6.3 m (20 ft. 8 in.)

2.8 m (8 ft 9 m.) 462m’ (497 sq. ft.)


Popular light helicopter



A fa« rotor pyton Ixskte the mem rotor wot door of tho uptx* fuselage, thm dWncfrve Mature of the R2? rue been adopted on mo four аил R44 Л ЗОЯСІЗІ system «instated to prevent the rotor blades trttmg the taiboom when starting rt windy condtora


1ultimo powm tor the Scrm330 reeuts n it having a higher тактит юоеО Spood liowevof, Is not always or great wrpartnnce m the «slul stages of «yny training and the more doeft* ehMBNmatlCS ol the R? i may bamfS the student pAX


Vew tram tie cabin is смех*:’* and the doors тлу – m removed if desrad. PD*ri itxl ObMWOlOn mo v1 Gui be sicoboct vn’.it bubble <Joor windows





IN katfi (112 ■ p. h.) »————

I99kmft(l24 и p. h.)


A brpght-rod boooon Sashes to warn other «craft to Bw presence


ШС16» 1S3 lavti (9$ m. p k.)


Popular light helicopter

For anb-torqi» control the R22 i«os n email two – btode tak rotor Tint Wvkts turn» a «amtes3 sled spar and lendng odgo with light atoy skms iwl honeycomb Ming


Tho Lycoming ongmo * mounted on the tear part of the cabn and has a prominent cooing fan. Fool a earned n a 725-toe (i9-go$on) tank m «I» upper left part of the fuselage


Mounted botow the vertical tai surface on the right-hand sdn ir. a snu» taisWd This knnpa tho ia» rotor dear of iho ground n the event of a tail-low vandng,


Wth a track of t.9 m (0 ft 4 in ), ttws skxi undoroamaga provides а зіаье lanong platform. Combined foot and s*od tandng gear e амМЫе on the R22 Manner, but И» requires an extra tastplane to be tilted








A* three of then» tmdl tvheoptora ohor OubUndng ronga due to trwr Ughl weight and emewnt eng. no devgn The R22 Я Quito cutstandng m the roopocL provdng notice poats wah B* uppodunTy ler long crdts-couiby КОМ Wig nghla


Helicopter lightweights


■ ROTORWAY SCORPION TOO: Designed “7 В j. Schramm the aircraft is sold in kit form

‘Or PI-.-, 4Tibtv hv amateur biridors


■ BELL 47: On 8 March. 1946. the Amoncan Bell 47 received the first ever Approved Type Certificate for a civitom helicopter.


■ HUGHES 300: Developed <n the early 1960s. tho Hughes 300 was also bconso-bullt <n Italy and found favour with a range of operators.


■ ENSTROM 280: A more kjxunous dovofopment of tho F-28 of 1960, the 280 first flow In 1973 and remains a popular aircraft.


333 bn (370 ■!.)


413 ka 1303 oU.)


201 km (140 ml.)


Popular light helicopterPopular light helicopterPopular light helicopter


Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

• Polish-built light helicopter • Soviet design • More than 5000 built

Подпись:Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’Designed in Russia by the Mil bureau but built in Poland by PZL at its Swidnik factory, the Mi-2 was the world’s first light, twin-enginod helicopter. The first prototype flew in September 1961, and since production startod in 1965 того than 5000 have been delivered. They have been used for a range of missions by civil and military operators in many countries. As well as developing the Mi-2, PZL has also launched the improved W-3.

PZL-Swidnik (Mil) Ml-2 ‘HOPLITE*

Подпись:Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

▲ Still in Russian use

Unvtod Mi-2 production contimied into the 1990s. This gaudily painted Hophte’ was one of a number that remained m Russian servico until 1991.

▼ Missile-toting МІ-21ЖР

The MI-2URP. which dates from 1976. is among a number of armed ‘Hophte’ variants. It may be httod with up to four 9M1-1M Malyutka (known as AT-3 ‘Sagger’ to NATO) air-to-surfaco missiles.

4 Agricultural variant

Among the dozen Mi-2 variants was an agricultural vorsion with externally-mounted hoppers and spray booms.

▼ External fuel tanks

All Mi-2 variants can be fitted with external fuel tanks, each of 250-1 (66 gal.) capacity. Carrying a full load range is limited to 170 km (106 mi)


► In the lato-1970* PZL developed on oxport conversion of the Mi-2, called Kama (Kittyhawk). with two Allison engines.

► Mi-2s still servo with ex-Warsaw Pact countries, plus Nicaragua and Syria.

► Chronologically, the Mi-2 appeared in production after the Mi-4 and MI-6.


► PZLs W-3 Sokol (Falcon), which flow In 1979, was based on the MI-2 but hod new engines, rotors and a larger cabin.

► East Germany used Mi-2s for artillery spotting and electronic warfare.

► Civil versions include air ambulance.

TV rolay, agricultural and survey models.

PZL-Swidnik (Mil) Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’


Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

Type: twin-engined general-purpose light helicopter

Powerplant: two 331-kW (44S-hp.) Isotov GTD – 350P turboshalts

Max speed: 210 km/h (130 m p. h) at 500 m 0.6-10 ft.»

Maximum climb rate: 270 nvmm (885 T. p.m. i at

sea level

Range: t70 km (105 ml.) With maximum payload

Service celling: 4000 m (13.100 IL)

Weights: empty 2402 kg (5.485 lb ); maximum take-oft 3700 kg (8.140 lb)


main rotor diamotor


Below: CCCP-06180 was the registration given to the Mi-2 prototype. V-2. which first flew in 1961. Externally, the design did not change significantly during production.


14 56 m (47 ft 9 in.» 11.94 m <39 ft 2 in.) 375 m (12 fl 4 In.) 166 4 m’ (1.790*1 »«>


fuselage length height

rotor disc area




One ol the AOfldS fun twn engmod tght nancopeera. tm* Mil had я raMivety mode* powo* output. Сопрели» lo mom inoornn type» »Ka 0m* DK 11T and К&-77Є. It» ‘MgptKe’ hod on mferor power-to-wetght ratio


BX lire-?



(84 kW (1.1SS l« |


IBSOhp. l

STS kW (840 kp |


MI-7 HOPtlli 8 pauenttn


The M>-2 nt*oauccd a ivntx* о» improvements over the Mi-t. tnduring a bonooav/rtood keebgo and anti-kang «допюг* on the епдюэ ач mtefces. The «her uses ware freed a – Irom the – engne


rim Mi-2 use» two 295 kW or 322-kW laoww. GTD-3S0 0» 331 – kW CTD-350P tvtx*ha»t engines own л Poland ахни tcence by P&. These aio mouited m a necote above tin» kCOCfcpit and cab*i


Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

Tne tat rotor blades are ot bended-metal lioneycomo construction All bioaee have electro thermal de-tong


Ali’tougn normally ooerated by one (stot. tie M. 2 may be toted win duct controls ter tiMuo msaons


ЛЛ three nekeopsers ihovtncan Ml mtatwaly targe imdertlung bath Instead ol cairyrg poseenge-*. The M.-2 pan II» 1200 kg Cf. etOlO) *nue manta* cabin con «1*0 be nrccnligured lo carry ireghi intcmuiyTtie HopMe’ can cany up lo 700 kg (l. WO »I miemaOy when its seat* ага removed




Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

Many гтхКагу ‘Hoptoo’ vnrWrits cm fitted л an NS – 25KM 23-mm carmen on tho pert ado of the t. is&age bmow tloor and door kwer. When is oanod by ttie ptot The example car nos two 57-mm Mm? rocket pods.


Xl-TM MOOOIUM8 7 рпіепрп



"hvi ”«тш neats *i the man or conditionoa cu*ki cjvi tio fl*wred to uttow for up to TOO kg (1.540 to) & cargo to do Сл"- ‘I Tho urge rrvjr doo makes toadng and іпкчЮгд onaMr


Soviet designs in foreign production


Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’
Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’


Since 1984. HAL in India has bud more than 100 MtG-27 stoke aircraft under licence.


Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

■ PZL-MIELEC An-28 CASH’: Production ol thes Antonov Ал-1-І derivative began in 1984 Most ol these 17-sealers went to civil users.




7*7 km* |15J aip. h.)


ил iml |03 n p h I


Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’


• Two-seat light helicopter • Cheap to own • Private and business

For the beginner and the professional alike the Robinson R22 is the right helicopter. Since 1975, thousands of student pilots have oarnod their rotary-wing qualification flying the R22. Though it receives little publicity, the R22 is a popular, lightweight general aviation helicopter that is also economical. Few helicopters are tailorod for people of modest means—but this aircraft is. making it the ideal training tool.

Robinson R22

Подпись:Подпись:Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’▼ All tied up

Helicopter rotors can bo surprisingly tragilo. They must bo carefully anchored to tho fuselage to prevent windmilling on tho ground.

A Four-seat R44

The R44 is a four-seat version of tho R22 incorporating many now features such as an automatic engine clutch and a rotor brake.

Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’◄ R22 on floats

Another version of tho R22 is the Mariner, which has mtlatablo floats and wheels for ground handling. Tho first examples delivered wore used for fish spotting from tuna fishing boats oft Mexico and Venezuela.


> It is ostimntad that ovor 13,000 student pilots have made their first holicoptor solo in this aircraft.

> Tho first R22 prototype flow on August 28, 1976, and tho second In 1977.

> Total production of the R22 hod oxcoodod 2,500 aircraft by 1995.

Desptto tho company’s small sizo, Robinson nchiovod n production rote of about 30 R22o per month.

► Tho Turkish army Is tho only military user of the R22, ns a basic flight tralnor.

>• Argentina’s police forces are acquiring R22s fittod with both floats and wheels.

Подпись: Seeking to offer Itodi simplicity and low cost. Robinson was so successful that in 1979, Ixirely liHtr years aftei starting lljghl tests, the company had already sold Si і ot these fine aircraft. With side-by-side stating and excellent vision tluough its rounded windshield, the Robin- son K22 offers a superb ride for student and professional alike. Despite its small м/e. the R22 is Iwsically but ade<|u.itdy equipped anil carries Подпись:Подпись: ROBINSON R22Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Mi-2 ‘Hoplite’

PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOL

PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLRescue Anakonda ►

Bristling with equipment, this Polish navy W-3RM Anakonda is equipped for the search and rescue role. As well as flotation gear, the aircraft carries a hoist and life-saving equipment.

A Naval service

The Polish navy operatos W-3RMs alongside Russian-built Mil Mi – 14s.

PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLA Protracted development

PZL began W-3 dosign work in the mid-1970s, and the prototype flow in 1979.

First W-3A deliveries ►

Saxony’s police department took delivery of the first W-3A, equipped with Westom avionics.


► Among proposed W-3 variants Is an electronic reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures (ECM) aircraft

► By 1 January 1996, excluding prototypes. 85 W-3s had been built by PZL.

>• At 1994 prices, a basic W-3A was available for US$2.5 million.

>■ Polish civil W-3 users include the Interior Ministry, a telephone company and a cardiac hospital.

► W-3 users include tho air forces of the Czech Republic. Myanmar, and Nigeria.

> As well as tho W-3. PZL has developed a light turboshaft-powered type, the W-4.

PZL Swidnik W-3 SoKbL


PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOL

W-3A Sokol

Type: medium multi purpose helicopter

Powerplant: two 671-kW <90B-hp.) WSK-PZL Rzeszdw PZL-10W turboshatts

Maximum speed: :>bb *m ь at 500 m Climb rate: >10 m/rmn at sea tevwl Range: ’60 km Service celling: 6000 m


Below: Currying its distinctive colour scheme, this Sokol demonstrates Its abilities at an air show. PZL Swidnik has been keen to sell the aircraft In the West. Piasccki Aircraft Corporation markets the W-3A in the US and Pacific.


Weights: empty 3300 kg. maximum tako-off 6400 kg

Accommodation: (passenger configuration! two flight crew pfcis up to 12 passengers


Above: With flotation gear inflated, this Anakonda demonstrates its amphibious abilities in the rescue role.

the W-3 has lemovahle seats and can Іч* used to carry cargo or casualties as an alternative to passengers. Only one example of the armed \ -3 Huzar has



rotor diameter fusetoge length hoight

rotor disc area


15.7 m (51 ti6m.) 14.21 m <46 ft. 7 in.) 4,12 m (13 ft – 6 inf 193.6 n* 12.084 sq tt)


been completed, but lUneloftineni is continuing




US company Rockwell tu» ргсаюат! a ‘Wcetemeed’ version ot the W-3W equepod with He4f*o ani– uvk msstes. upgraded ovlorucs. etectionio warfare and targeting systems




PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOL

The W-ЗА спяа икриіісапііу more stowty than «malar modern Western type». Both It» S*ors*y S-76D and the Eunxopte» Dauprun are more atroanVmed deeqm

w-sasottdi тія*(ма»«.м

AS И5Н2 DWWilM 2 MS km* (177 ■ »-»!

sти smn km* per e..»j».|


Two mortem WSK-PZL Rrteirow PZL – 10W tUtXMtioflK. each ratort at 671 kW (900 hi),I for їжо oil. power tho W-3W they have a ЭО-mrwte emorgercy rftfing of 746 kW (1000 txij,




SokOis ivive a good denb rate perfcrmorc*. mergnoly better than ihel o< Ihe S-76 and ConerSrrnWy better than mat ot the Oajpnm. Thoi isflanmee la a reflection ol me type’s power-to – eergry гзйю

PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOL

Solon ‘une а good range pertommnee. better mart mat of me S-76. cut not as good из mat ot tkeOeupran However, W-ЗЛ» are atAe to carry urgerioadi. especoiry r therr larger cotxn areas As many as 12 poasenoors may be accommodated


Ел»г w 3s earned a three person сим. including a dtot. co-ikbt w*J Вц/п ongvs.. W-CtAs. with •npto-md nvonic& con bo ttowri b, rvv mol *i vm CCrvV’rris.


Duran тип оотртюз moot of the W-CIA’s •umetoge structure ond tho u»< rotor омяЛііі? Glass nbre-rwitorasd plastic (GFRP) a incorporated n ihe main and tart •otcr blades, tmTm от hoctrontai siaotew.


On It» starboard vde ot the arcrati и GSz-23 ktrwnrtl firrig 23-rrim rwr – Ьогт^. о cannort is riled


For it» cavalry т-о. ihw W-3W hog irytrtnn titled tor mckrt іліппюг* Uvntaoi deptmnmc mnr»4lyvig pocks and к» attun wmdcw-mounlod ЛК 47 niton or other guns


і St ■ кім) fbooiaga conAgufabone aitowtor 12 passengers Anakonda SAP arcah carry eight sunmers and two attendants


Sokbl’s PZL-built predecessors


■ SM-Jb PZL produced M4 s first helicopter design, the Mi-1, ‘от :i о mm i 950s. Its own version, the SM -2 with an enlarged *** ■0 fuselage. was produced laier.


■ Mi-2 HOPLITF: Introduced In the late 1950s. the piston – engmed Mi-2 was made exdusrvefy in Poland from 1964. At least 5,000 have been birtt and production continued in Ihe mid-1990s


И KAMA: In collaboration with US engine manufacturer AJkson, PZL produced this updated Ml-2 vanant powered oy hvo Atoson 250-C20B turboshafts


PZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLPZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLPZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLPZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLPZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOLPZL Swidnik W-3 SOKOL

PZL-Swidnik (Mil)