Category Helicopters

Agusta A 109 Hirundo

Подпись:Agusta A 109 Hirundo▼ Hot and high

Dostgncd lor operations in and, mountainous regions, the A 109K incorporates more powerful engines, dust filters and improved avionics, giving it the durability to survive in harsh conditions.

Agusta A 109 HirundoAgusta A 109 HirundoПодпись: Alpine rescue ► The A 109 can be fitted with skis and is used In the Alps as an air ambulanco. evacuating victims of avalanches or skiing accidents. A Spy launcher

An unusual use of the A 109 is as a launch ship for unmanned reconnaissance drones. These can spy on enemy positions using conventional or infra-red cameras.

Agusta A 109 Hirundo

A Flying ambulance

The A 109’s capacious cabin is ideal for casualty roscuo. The versatile helicopter can ferry two stretcher cases plus throe attendants to hospital.


> The first of three civil A 109 prototypes made Its Initial night on 4 August 1971.

>• Deliveries of the first production A 109A began in 1975.

>■ Two of Argentina’s four A 109As wore captured during the 1982 Falklartds War and were used by tho British.


► In 1981 tho civil model was redesignatod A 109A Mk II. reflecting changos in transmission and othor features.

► The A 109C is a wide-body’ version with more room and increased power.

>• The Belgian army uses A 109s for scouting and anti-armour dutios.

Подпись: Agusta’s best-selling machine

Agusta A 109 HirundoПодпись:Подпись:Подпись:

Although AugusUi lias.1 X’tlicl «rack record for

nuking hdiwprcis designed by oilier com|>anlr. s, the A 109 llinindo (Swallow* wa> llif fiwt mass-рпкіікчхі IttllcopICJ actually designed by die Italian company.

Ціс sleek Л 109 was urigiiullv mtemk-tl to lutve.1 single SSI kV(-H) |ip. J TVirbotneca iVsia/ou XII turbosltfft. bin Гог adilitioniil safety li was redesigned 111 19(57 around two Allison iSo-CI-i


Development ol the A 109 was protracted, but the tesult has been satisfying. Urge corporations, ixiltcc department* and military users are plcu-scd with its solid perliimuince. Гог military and naval use. the llinindo carries dozens ol combinations of electronics gear, weapons and equipment ‘Пи* hi-tech maritime Л I09A ГСМ telectronic countermeasures) variant lias a radar display, direction finder, eleciromagnetic emission analyser and lamming equipment.

Above: The A 109 upholds the Italian tradition of producing aircraft with sleek, graceful lines and excellent performance. However, the Hirundo is also reliable and durable, making it ideal for both civil and military rotes.

A specialised military utility model, the A 109». was proposed, but in 1%9 this was ulwndoned in favour ol the eight-seat A I09C civil version.

Agusta A 109 Hirundo

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Agusta A 109 HirundoПодпись:Agusta A 109 HirundoPASSENGER LOAD

The s-76 *n dMngrwd merv дооПсову with lh« erv* hdcoptu* marvel m mnd. and therefore has a Ngtwr pauengc* capacity. Tho A 10Q and Bed 773 и re tnudfir ull-roiindem. with mom versatile ailronm* Ьиі tower рмделдег сарос-Ту



s-ті smn

17 (


Cooier-rtional hekcnplof* hew united «рек»» »м IP the laws ol aerodynamic*. Even tto. *111 he»* mactvnce are wrfl tttroamimodL Qntng I ham irvjch tvQhor crumnq tpeedi than sunlur slrod iiotcoptern design*! Ю or 30 >*ars oatUcr

Д ІИА MIRUKC0 7*6 km* (IBS *.».h.)

M0QC1222 765 kn. h (ISA m. p.fe.)


Multi-role middleweights

И AEROSPATIALE SA 365 DAUPHIN: This helicopter was

to replace the ASooetta И. The Dauphin II was the mam T01′ ‘–during twn engines Chna bought the production rights ‘ ‘ ‘ 55 iirid builds the type os the Z-9 Haitun; a military

’пяжоп armed with anti-tank missies й also projected.


Agusta A 109 Hirundo

Я SIKORSKY S-76: The S-7G has been very successful. cspociaUy in America. It lias also been devetepod as a military helicopter. But ha» had far more sales m the civ; market.

Tho latest versions have ArruH turboshaft» like tho A 109K and advanced ‘glass’ cockpit displays.


■ BELL 222: Anolfier capable design, in Пегое competition with the S-76 on tho ov. l market, the Bell 222 has had little success m tho military field Its successor, the Bell 230. shows every sign of changing this, with trials on Chilean navy vessels proving vary successful and many other nations showing signs of interest


Agusta A 109 Hirundo



• Air taxi • Military transport • Anti-tank attack

Подпись:A 109 HlRUNDOWidely recognised as one of the most gracoful and attractive helicopters evor built, the Agusta A 109 Hirundo has sold well in both civil and military markets. Since 1971 the Hirundo has performed superbly as a light passenger transport, freighter, air ambulance, law-enforcement craft and search-and-rescue ship. In its military guise, the A 109A is employed for anti-tank attack, reconnaissance and electronic warfare.


AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS

• On-the-spot news • Rapid response • Economical and reliable

Подпись:AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS

AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS

Helicopters are responsible (or some of the most dramatic television news images. The use of these aircraft as TV camera platforms has mushroomed since the late 1970s, when the first microwavo transmitters small enough to be carried by a light helicopter appeared. The helicopter usually carries a reporter and a camera operator, and the AS 350 Ecureuil, with its combination of affordability and reliability, has proved popular for the task.

AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS


Even in America, where Bell and McDonnell Douglas helicopters have traditionally been favoured, the AS 350 has been popular with TV nows companies.


◄ UK newscasting

This much-modified, smartly painted Twin Squirrel is operated by fTN.


JetRanger on air ►

Many other light helicopters are used for TV dutios. including ttie Bell JetRanger.


AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWSAS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS

AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWSChicago ► bulletin

This JetRanger is operated by Chicago’s WLS-TV. The helicopter also represents а high-profile publicity tool lor tho TV station.

>■ A Textron Lycoming-engincd version of the Ecureuil is marketed In North Amorica as tho Astar.

> By 1 March 1989 Ecurouils and Astars wore flying in 43 countries.

► An uprated electrical systom on tho Ecureuil 2 makes it particularly suited to the TV reporting role.

► Apart from its twin engines, the AS 355 Ecureuil 2 is similar to the AS 350.

Подпись: ►

> Most of the AS 350’s outer skin is made from thermo-formed plastic.

The Ecureuil is still in production, and is now built by Eurocopter.

AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWSAerospatiale AS 350 Ecureuil – tv news

Подпись: Going live with the Ecureuil
Подпись: Гг» AS 355 tod AS 360 u*3'0 me some rotor system desqa iho bt*d« .vo of 4re consJnjctxxi with stamess sreel uoonu oOgo tibeaiha GUsa ttre п й&о used n the rote» hub.Подпись: ACTION DATAAS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWSПодпись: Above: Some TV broadcasters use their helicopters as relays for signals transmitted from the ground. This system is especially useful for live broadcasts from built-up areas.Подпись:Подпись:

Once It boot me possible їм relay like picture»

In nit helicopters. many Ітхкії омег» rushed to buy (heir own machines VCilllin 1H months there were more than |0() in use at toss the I Inited Sute» alunt – But operating in this way was very expensive, ami и Іччате more mmmtm to charter an aircrah when it was nettled to cover a sjxxlik story or event.

Tlte AS 350 ‘ main advantages lot news-gathering Operations are reliability ami performance Good reserves ol
powet. simple flight controls ami rapid response mean that the pilot can concentrate on the subject and docs not need to lx – concerned about the machine’s limitations.

litis is particularlj – imponant when the pilot is also the reporter Keeping clear of oilier helicopters, res|X4ting minimum height regulations and liandhng the controls, while selecting the right чіми to illustrate the story and
describing the scene In viewers, ts a full-time K^1

In spite ol the expense,

■I a helicopter can get to the scene of a major event as it is happening, or to the aftermath of a natural disaster, there is no substitute for the sense oi immediacy it can provide

AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS



Twn Maori tufbosrvitts gwo iho Tw*t Squirrel torgo ruaerws оf

їжмгсг fi глею! hgtn conditions, aiowng fho t>*>* to rxv*cl to a OLMifcjpmg situation


A b»oadnr chord tal rotor n any modacatqn which nlowe tho AS 355F 1 to ‘ bf el ocreassa waghts


The Ea#B.> 2 can be operated by n «пою crowmnmber. which makes too ercrah mom cconcrmcot.


AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS
AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS

When us»»j heavy camera equipment, me camera operator тим mmam safety restrained at iH limos. regarrfess Ы ftgnt attitude. fliere is a largo toot/ем or II» side ot tne catai and ccmprehensw* hamesang в зво toed


А гуп&і*/ сепчиыа sensor poo. comunng u curnora system. I» moenteo on n boom which пл* "trough the іиглтпі pan of tfe cubn


AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS

Подпись:Подпись:AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWSMulti-purpose Ecureuil

a’f агтз w*e tt» Ecureuil in ns anned form

q. … helicopter It is compatible with a range of

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись: ■o toscsПодпись: SSD 6 krrjAS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWSwjnpcxir ,-v; ungu(dod m3si! es


Aerospatiale’s super workhorse


cabin big enough U> .ircuitimodflie 2-І p:e«eng(:i> on Maiiilaul scab i> i ti iirly big enough in cany snulfcr mimlxTs in much «cater comfort Atrtwpatlalc lu-1- exploited the jiossibility in ;i lug way. ami claims to luve avail’d iIm; market for VIP helicopters by combining the versatility of іotary-wing lliglu with I he. ill the ixintfortN of a ІН1МПСЯІ (cl.

IIіе I’rcMige range of VIP interiors < ‘Iters lu. Miriou. sly uphoLstetxnl sealing in a single nine-M. ii cultfn. or separate cornpaiimeiils with four seals forward mil another eight alt.

As a 8at«y rrocmiun the Suoor Pixna can be fitted vail і отогцчіку Dotation bags огоіукі «л cock»*.. Tboso inDufe м »*г wont ot Ви – iif^copta lancing cn water.

AS 332L-1 Super Puma

Type: twin-engined transporKsuppon hodcoptor

Powerplant: two 1184-kW(t. S90-hp) (continuous rating) TUrbomeca Makila tAt turboshafts

Cruising speed: 2Є6 Km/h (U>b m ph)

Initial climb rate: – mb m/mm n.600 t p, m,> at sea level

Range: 870 Km (539 mi.)

Service ceiling: d600 m (15.100 It.)

Weights: onpty 0460 ka (9,612 1Ы; maximum take-ott 6600 kg (18.920 ft)

Accommodation: two pilots plus 24 passengers

Dimensions: rotor diameter 16.60 m (51 П. 2 in) length 16.29 m (53 ft. 5 In.)

height 4.92 m (16 ft. 2 m.)

main rotor disc area I9t. to nV (2.056 sq It)


CONSTRUCTION WORKER: Despite its small si/©, the AtVospatiale SA 315 Lama (pictured Sett) is a specially developed variant of the SA 318 Alouette II The heicopter offers a better performance at high altitude and is equipped with raised skids to allow it to operate from any rough terrain,

Aerospatiale’s super workhorse

OIL INDUSTRY: Offering an – ncicose in range and capability. Bell’s LongRarger (pictured above) was derived from the exfremefy successful JotRangor. With its tong-range, the helicopter is used to oxplon potonhal sites tor oil exploration The holicoptef can bo oqulppod with a ski undercarriage, it required, during winter months.


AS 332 Super Puma

• Airborne workhorse • Increased power • Civil operations


AS 332 Super Puman established favourite with

Подпись:helicopter companies specialising in the support of offshore oil exploration and production, the Super Puma, along with its Cougar military variant, has also won orders from many other companies and agencies for a wide variety of applications. They range from VIP transport to the support of UN peace-keeping forces in the world’s troublespots. The type is readily adaptable for a whole host of other tasks.

AS 332 Super Puma
AS 332 Super Puma

A Increased volume

77)0 larger fusolage of the Super Puma is evident in this view of an AS 332C lifting off from a snowy landscape.


◄ Added strength

An increase in power along with the larger fuselage has seen the Super Puma employed heavily in the construction industry. Extra nose mirrors arc installed to allow the pilot to monitor the load.




AS 332 Super PumaAS 332 Super Puma

► The first flight of tho AS 332 Super Puma ► was on 13 September 1978. Service entry occurred in 1981.

>• Civilian Super Pumas have the capacity to ► seat 24 passengers.

► Luxury variants have been developed to ►

fill the VIP transport role.

In tho event of a mishap, the Super Puma is able to land on water because of the fitting of emergency flotation bags.

One variant, the AS 332L, has more than 70 examples in civilian service.

Super Pumas are widoly used as transports for oil exploration support.

Aerospatiale AS 332 Super Puma

Подпись: along with such amenities as a bar. individual video screens and telephones. Super Pumas and Conga is arc used to transport no fewer than 2^ beads of state, arid more than s<) VIIі versions are in service Apart fmm the 8 in <2(>-ft l long cabin, the type's attractions include low noise and vibration levels ami large windows along with high performance and long range Other roles have included supponing the I nited Nations peace-keeping force in Mozambique The Su|H*r Puma is well suited to operations in Africa, where it is able to take Подпись: AS 332 SUPER PUMA

Подпись: Multi-purpose Pumas ?,.BC?‘GIAN POUCE: Thu Puma л one ot three examples used ’ ' Гл|0 4n Genoarmene They are based at Bcasscfuiat m the Vr11 r‘' rountry and employed (or patrol and VIP duties.
Подпись: ■ VIP FLIGHTS: This SA 330C Puma serves with the Gabonese a-r force Most are flown by mercenary pilots. The Pumas are used for VIP and support tasks. Подпись: I RESCUE ROLE: With its extended range and improved all weather radar. Singapore's AS 332Bs operate with No 125 Squadron at Sembawaitg They arc used for SAR and VIP (tights

Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:Подпись:AS 332 Super PumaПодпись:Подпись:Подпись:AS 332 Super Puma

Alouette II/Lama

• World’s first production turbine helicopter • Worldwide success

Подпись: ▲ Despite their age. the Alouette It and Lama soldier on. While Alouotto production ceased in 1975, the Lama was built in France until 1991 and continues to be produced in India. Alouette II/Lama

Design work on the now famous Alouette (Lark) aircraft began in 1947. Originally designated SE 3120 and powered by a piston engine, it was the installation of a turboshaft engine which produced the world-beating Alouette II.

As the first turboshaft-engined helicopter to enter production anywhere in the world, it was soon in great demand internationally. The series has gone on to be France’s most successful helicopter.

Civil success story ►

Although conceived as a military helicopter, the Alouette II and Lama found a large numbers of civilian customers worldwide.


Alouette II/Lama

Подпись:Alouette II/Lama

A Strong, lightweight construction

An exposed taitboom structure was typical of helicopters of the 1940s and 19SOs. This is a Belgian military SE 313B.

Training with the Heeresflieger^

Germany took delivery of 247 Alouettes. beginning in 1959. After more than 30 years of service, tho army continues to operate about 60 in tho training role.

A Blue Bees’

Belgium’s ‘Blue Bees’ display loam was famously equipped with Alouotto lls.


► On 21 Juno 1972 a Lama, with Just a pilot on board, sot an absolute height record for helicopters of 12442 m (40,800 ft).

► Hindustan Aeronautics in India still produce the Lama; it Is known ns tho Chootnh.

► The Alouette II was the first foreign helicopter to gain certification in tho US.

► Licences to produce tho Alouette II were granted to Saab in Swoden and Republic in tho US: few were built, however.

► Alouotto lls and Lamas have served with more than 120 users In nearly 50 countries.

► In Brazil, Helibras assembled Lamas, as tho Gaviao. using French components.

Aerospatiale Alouette II/Lama


SE 313B Alouette II

Type: light genorol-puipose helicopter

Powerplant: one 395-kW (530-hp.| TurbomOca Artouste II C6 turboshaft derated lo 269 kV/ |360 hp.)

Maximum speed: 185 tun/h p is m. p.’v) at maximum take-oh weight at sea level

Endurance: ■! hours 6 min with maximum luei at sea level

Range: 665 km (350 mi i with maximum fuel at sea level

Service ceiling: 2150 m (7.050 It)

Weights: empty 895 kg (1.970 lb.); maximum take-off weight 1600 kg |3.520 lb.)


mam rotor diameter 10.20 m (33 ft. 6 in.) tusetogp length 9.70 m (31 П. 10 «.)

height 2.75 m (9 П)

rotor disc area 81.70 m: 1879 sq ft)


Alouette II/Lama

Above: In the military rofo. Alouette Its can be fitted with a variety ol rockets, missiles and guns. This machine carries SS. 11 anti-tank missiles.

produced in India, where the type is ideal for air force operations in the Himalayas


Alouette II/Lama





Listed rotes V/ ІГю wrauifct Alourilto torrWy inourto Dying стіv*‘. ktsort. observation. Uarwtg. ugricUturol work, pbotograptre жлоу and птЬиілпа» Ninth two iJrmchers)


Alouette II/Lama

Thn hug iyc*J glazed caon, Which ofwa іvi excefert »’i round vtow, souls up to fce – a pict and


Poweroa in its ongavti SE 3120 form by a 149-KW £2CO hp.) Salmxon rixiwl poton engine, a redesign fiubsatutod the 269 kW 060 hui Ailouste tuboehafl. In tli* form the оіго. іП wan known as the S£ 313Q Лоисдіе II. which «теплі cnWuchon os the SE 313B Tho AsUttou ИА-enqnod St 316C boasted



II» Atouette n*l a good tong» pwlcnmnc* worn» 50 km 05 IMn me Scout and 150 4m ЙЙ mrt»l bell»# tn»i №e JclRarxje, The Attuelt* enjoyad юте tote* success n tbe US


1 A1#»

Я J130 U.0UETTE О 565 кя (350 ml.)




412 кв (255 ml.)



AlOuotWi II Iron n Lima is by SooMng at me to* rotor, I no tom tor uses a two – «adod rotor and tho tailor three blades


,tnd Lama, with retractabe wheels «x ground manoeuvmg and Ugh srods, wheels or pneumote Ooatf M OP&cns A 120-kg (2&5-»i) hoist ccwtd also w lilted


Alouette II/Lama

510 km (Jt5 mi.)


The Scouts sc’MCo cetlrg was <0CO m (13.400 Я j. aOOng to it» venoMity m mlrtar, folm ГГ» Alouette tap?*! behmo m this respoct. although ПЮИІ sliod – contingn wwo «miM *n tho Ілггш. wlsch had » COnWltuWr mem power! ul on^ne tor improrexJ cotMtitty at altitude and M not weather,




Alouette (Is and Lamas worldwide


(10,500 ft.)


Alouette II/Lama

■ UNITED KINGDOM: The Army Air Corps ordcrod 17 Alouette lls. which saw service In such d. verso locations ns South America, Afncn and the West Indies. All have boon retired.


■ FRANCE: Largo numbers ol Alouette Its wore ordered for tho Froocri armed forces and police. Around 80 remain in army service, as well as a handful with the Amteo do Г Air.





32CUm П.


Alouette II/LamaAlouette II/LamaAlouette II/LamaAlouette II/Lama


Fast moving in the Gazelle

Подпись: Ire irvue rotor bbdra am rfass torn. wacwd around on flUrwi D war' eartog сюда

Тік* SA 5W Gazelle all- purpose lightweight helicopter Itegun jn a proposal for л new observation helicopter for tlte French army. It was renamed lire SA 540 soon afterwards. Hie finished ilcsign looked like the well – known Alouette ami initially used tlte «me engine, bnltke the Alouette, tin* Gazelle feature – a fully enclosed fuselage structure anil, while it can lie tlown In – a single pilot,

lias provision for two pilots with skle-by-xkle sealing

In l‘X»7. Hritain joined a pniduiliott-shanng agreement and I ч-g. in its long association with tlte (ia/vlle as а іпіііїліл – heluojXer Westland performed final assembly ol the firs; British military version in 1970.

The SA 5* I designation reappeared in ІУ70, when die C. azclle established three world helicopter speed records The upgraileil SA 5l2 first flew in

1976 Лін hi! a dozen versions of the Gazelle are hi wide use. Including military variants employed hy 27 countries, and are performing with distinction. France has nearly.-VK) heavily – atitud Gazelles

Fast moving in the Gazelle

Tho Aatarou f. xboetvi’t wan лМо usod m the enty RAe Jotstroum bus» vss arc? an ■ nos a ccolrAjg» compressor fktf Mage and axui uxxmd Vage


Ire Gazes? rotor head is c* ire comantonal hngod type, but л suftoontty strong to iwtmiand aerobatics h tho hands ot Bta Hovet Nmy dsptay loom


Rots wuu a anyto. control netn/ngri! console, but I VMS оооапке djai-controte


АЯ Gaze*» пемз a hJoJor mow aka type undwearriago. has рплвнхі tor ІСШсг шитті


Tho GasDob cycle prtch icvt* tv» on automatic throttle


Multi-role civil and military machine


■ COMBAT WEAPON: Fitted with advanced sghts and armed ■ ADVANCED TRAINER: While berg rNai-vely easy to by. the *>tr, n – r. f HOT vwe-guKtod rmsdes, the Gazettes ot the French Gazcto has enough performance and agility to tгаю student pdots ■mty can destroy tanks at ranges ol up to 4 km (2 5 mites) ю the challenges ot tactical rotary-winged light

Fast moving in the Gazelle


Fast moving in the Gazelle

Aerospatiale (Westland) SA 342 gazelle


As long as the Gazelle can stay out of range of enemy fire, it Is an excellent light scout.

It has fought in the Falklands. botli Gulf Wars and in Bosnia. Its future in this role may be coming to an end as air defence against helicopters gets more deadly.


SA 342M Gazelle

Type: live-seat utility hefccoptet

Powerplant: one «О-kW <860-hp) Turbomeca Astarou HA turboshaft engine

Maiimum speed: 310 knvh (19? mp h) ot sea level

Range: 670 km (415 mi) with standard fuel

Weights: • mpty 908 kg (2.000 lo): loaded

2100 kg <4.620 lb,|

Armament: 36-mm rockets. 20-mm cannon AS.1l. TOW. HOT. Mistrale or other meeAee

Accommodation: plot; four/m-e passengers or

700 kg <1.540 lb)of cargo


main rotor diameter 10.50 m (34 ft 5 in.) length 11.97 m (39 ft. 3 m.) height 3 15 m (10 ft. 4 in,)

rotor disc area 86.50 m 1931 wi ft.)






AJUiough it naa been n «оте* for many year» in* Gamut мяиїт one ottne faitmt heuccplnr» m it* CO*» The. wen IU ««gib oi>My. mean» me It can peafurm at MU lit топ» чип rival*




7H kmt (tW •-*.»!


Піки* |l«*■»» )




М? иі»ЧІМ*й»І




Fast moving in the Gazelle

Scout are are-tana naKeptm am bamefa-O weapon*. wtMcn ity trom temporary Імма* w«hn SO km or the front tore We. a range o< error 600 km and operatng from Mich a base. the Gazette Con «ater over the bamafetd for several hour*


The fenestron. or ‘fan n-tn tail rotor. was oevryvd to дглг increased Dedoimarctj n turbulent cwdtois os wo* m> bemq ess orono to damage


The tubular tall rotor drive – shaft runs down the зрте ot the tail boom




The mot і cornea by the Gazette and the BO 104 are The


и Mm cut ui «■ mot


■ EXECUTIVE TRANSPORT: Although most of the 1.200 or so GazoOes lh. it have been ЬиЛ are military versions. its speed and economy have made it a popular civil transport


mast continue


enemy unit me moala tvt* The American ВаЛ 40* <i


but me latest version» carry the


p-lOnd Helltre. WtucTi I* a Ire-and-forget’


SO 105 11 MT Mallet


Fast moving in the GazelleFast moving in the GazelleFast moving in the GazelleFast moving in the GazelleFast moving in the GazelleFast moving in the Gazelle


Aerospatiale (Westland)

• Missile-armed tank-killer • Helicopter trainer • ‘Fan-in-tin’ design

Подпись: A The Gazdlo is a superb performer despite being unarmoured and also a generation boiund the latest combat helicopters. France used missile-armed Gazelles to great oftcct in the Gull War.Aerospatiale (Westland)

Serving in attack, spotting or training duties, the Gazelle is a reliable and cost-effective helieoptor. A natural successor to the Alouette, this trim five – seater has much greater performance, and no utility-class rotorcraft looks more pleasing or performs better. In addition to aesthetic appeal and superb handling for its pilot, the Gazelle is among the most versatile of helicopters, and has been widely embraced by civilian and military users.

Aerospatiale (Westland) SA 342 Gazelle


▼ Mountain Gazelle

Like its French-built predecessors, the Lama and AJouotte. the Gazollo has a groat reserve of power, giving excellent altitude ability and making it popular with users in mountainous areas. The Gazelle gamed several helicopter speed records in the early 1970s. and is still one of the fastest in its class.


Aerospatiale (Westland)

A Tank-buster

Both French and Bntish Gazelles are fitted with roof-mounted Sights. But whereas Bntish machines are unarmed scouts used to kxato targets for other weapons. French Gazelles can такс their own attacks with HOT wiro-gwded missiles and 20-mm cannon.


A Staying low

In tho anti-tank scout role, short, fast hops between cover are koy tactics, and the Gazelle’s agihty and speed are vital.

With the Legion ►

Gazettes supported the fast-moving light units m tho Gulf, operating far to tfie west of Kuwait.




Aerospatiale (Westland)Aerospatiale (Westland)Aerospatiale (Westland)

> The SA 340 prototype flew on

12 April 1968 with tho name ongino and rotors as tho Alouotto.

> Tho glass-flbro rotor blados introduced by the Gazelle wero first used In 1970.

>• Manufacture of tho Gazollo began with a civil-registered aircraft on 6 August 1971.

>- Syrian Gazellos armod with HOT missiles destroyed soveral Israeli tanks in Lobanon’s Bokaa Valley In 1982.

► Tho Gazollo can carry out loops and barrel rolls in capable hands.

► Tho Sorbs usod Yugoslav-built Gazelles in tho Balkan civil war during tho 1990s.

First all-weather Western chopper

  First all-weather Western chopper

Loft: The French Orchidee battlefield surveillance radar program was shelved in 1990. but was revived during Operation Desert Storm. ТІю system was carried aboard a Puma.


To fill a French army tvi|uln.*menl for an. ill weal her nicclium-lili transport hclk opier, Sud Aviation < later to ІК’СОїПС part of Лсічлраііаїс) ііемциічі the

SA 53»»

This. I’nuKv s lirst attempt to build a medium helicopter without "iitvide technical cwntri – biillotf – was а а*мнт<Ііи>» sue – cess, thouiji the all weather capability dill not «чипе until after several years of development

Till* first deliveries of s. 350И> to the French army


frxik place in 1969. the type Ixx-omin^; operational tite following year

Vleanwhlle. the last pre – prod union Puma was Ix-ing пкхІіПеїі by Westland lor the КАК After promising tests, a Joint prtHluetion agreement was reached and the Uritish linn built iK sa 33HI> (Puma lIC. Mk Is).

Aerospatiale went on to build 6K6 SA 330s (Ix’foiv switching prtxJutlion to the Super Puma in IWI> in successively impn;ive«.l versions lot numerous export etLStomers These inc luded chil


operators. esjxxrially those in the oilfield мір|хкі industry once the all-weather capability was available in the SA 33<|l and I. between 1970 and IVKl. Atfrosputtok* noIcJ 126 civil models in all

Romanian cimi|xmy ІЛК Ix-gan license prrxluction in ИГ“ and by 1991 liad Ixnlt ewer 200. Pit «duct ion ol ІІН – I Alt-3301, continues and tixte are plans for an upgraded Puma 20<xj.




Above: The U. K. Defence Research Agency at RAE Boscombc Down operated this Puma HC. Mk I (or several years.


SA330H Puma


Tho Mty оМрсіЛіісчі main rote» with four аЫи’чап ьЫсп cit the imal ivixjucikx’ SA 330s were replaced fay a now lotoi with composite lAxics in tho SA 330.1 end L


L.-ito-cnxSjCl-on Pixims rvivn л good top югїм: compared to erne» noXopler» о a sim. ur category Both tne So> *rg and JA-8 mi. howewv. signify loro*» aircruft


The SA 330H I» Known to tho Froncli air force ns tho SA ЗЗОО. і 1515 was based in tho French Caribbean with Overseas Transport Squadron No. 58 in 1983.




234 iJbtl OH in. p.S.)


ТитотосзЪ Turmo tcxtxisrmfl engmo was aiso used in tho SA321 Soper FnAxi honr^ transport tvjtceotr-r nf th»* eortr 1900s


SEA KING HC. MK 4 241 ko.1l (149 ■ p. b.) ‘




though smxlc» ІПлп Itv* Sea Kmg and Mi8. the Puma has a pcoi! ia-vj« wflti тіл inn чтит toad aboard With ow 90 inire пчуо range, Pumas can Ml alirovt as much м limjw ryrwn

First all-weather Western chopper

tls типу to lift over mine torn combned wall its reUbrtiy compact «о тамга the Pcnui «M «or Ihr lnctv. nl transoert > 4I4J also on no support нота»


Though panted m a prodemnarnty green camouflage color вОкчпг this Puna dso carries largo patches of Cay Go writ work. mdcairg n sonxlHincl-rtBcue rokr


The man cabn ol Urn Puma was designed to hold 18 passengers in tho mitary uaKfxrt rote 32G0 «41 (7.000 Bi.) can bo carried (or 2500 Цу5і00 b. on an ntrmnf hcn«! RAF Pumas hare a door тосюїікі rnncun howl wm a 575 kq ft.266 tv) carxiofy

  First all-weather Western chopper

■ BELGIAN GENOARMERIE SA 330H: Assigned to NATO In time of war aro three ciwJ-reglstered upgraded export model SA 330Hs. normally usod for VIP transport and down by army pilots




МІ-Г • •1000 к» 18.808 a. i


First all-weather Western chopperFirst all-weather Western chopperFirst all-weather Western chopperFirst all-weather Western chopperFirst all-weather Western chopperFirst all-weather Western chopper

Aerospatiale (Westland) SA 330 Puma

Подпись:Aerospatiale (Westland) SA 330 Puma◄ Still in active service

Franco deployed Pumas to the former Yugoslavia for use by the U. N. This example fires solf-protoctton flares.

▼ Civilian sales

A Japanese civil SA 330 with flotation gear fitted to the nose and sponsons. This would inflato if the aircraft ditched.

< Oilfield support

Onco the Puma had boon equipped with radar for nightfall – weather flying, operators In the oil industry became valued customers. Bnstow Helicopters supports rigs in the North Sea.


SA 330Js and Ls woro the first Western helicopters certified for all-weather night Including operations in icing conditions.

Aerospatiale replaced the Puma with the more powerful Super Puma from 1981.

In the 1982 Falklands War Argentina used Pumas to movo radars from site to site.

The RAF"s Pumas have given over 30 years’ service.

The Puma prototype had two 970-kW (1.300-hp.) engines; SA 330Ls have two with 1175kW (1.575 hp.) power.

Romanian Pumas have boon armed with 9M14 (AT-3) anti-tank missiles.

Aerospatiale (Westland) SA 330 Puma