Example of Design Problem

Design the simplest airfoil (thin cambered plate) such that the center of pressure stays at the quarter-chord at all incidences (small a’s) and the design lift (Cl)des > 0 is obtained at the angle of adaptation aadapt. By simplest airfoil, we mean one that has the smallest number of non zero Fourier coefficients. This has a practical interest for a “flying wing” configuration, where the long fuselage providing a moment from the tail is not available to balance the pitching moment at different incidences.

Example of Design Problem

The condition reads


Xc. p. A0 + A1 — “2r 1

C 4 (A0 + 4




Upon multiplying by the denominator (not zero, since C; = 0), one finds


A2 = A1




Example of Design Problem

x x 2

d (x) = a — A0 + A 2 — 10 + 8 2




Integrating from 0 to x gives


Example of Design Problem



The condition that d (c) = 0 determines A0 = a — A. Substitution of this result in the expression of the lift coefficient results in Ci = 2n (a + – A). Finally, the equation of the camberline can be factorized as

d(x) = Ax (7 — 80 (l — 0 (3.92)

From the previous result, the ideal angle of attack is aadapt = A and the associated lift (Ci)adapt = nA = (Ci)des. This determines the unknown coefficient A:


A (Cl)des





A sketch of the thin cambered plate at incidence of adaptation is shown in Fig. 3.23.


Fig. 3.23 Thin cambered plate at design conditions



















Example of Design Problem

Example of Design Problem