Подпись: h-K STATIC STABILITY LIMIT, hs Подпись: (6.4,25)

The critical C. G. position for zero elevator trim slope (i. e. for stability) can be found by setting (6.4,24) equal to zero. Recalling that Gmx = CL (h — hn), this yields

Подпись: orh — h,

where hs = hn ———— ——- (6.4,26)

0Lr + 2 CLe

STATIC STABILITY LIMIT, hs Подпись: (6.4,27)

Depending on the sign of Gmy, hs may be greater or less than hn. In terms of hs, (6.4,24) can be rewritten as

(h — hs) is the “stability margin,” which may be greater or less than the static margin.


Подпись: or Подпись: dd c “^etrim vm® dCLuim Д ddetrim ..... GL. dGLtTim Д Подпись: (6.4.28) (6.4.29)

For the general case, (6.3,19) suggests that the measurement of hn requires the measurement of Gm and CL . Flight measurements of aerodynamic derivatives such as these can be made by dynamic techniques. However, in the simpler case when the complications presented by propulsive, com­pressibility, or aeroelastic effects are absent, then the relations implicit in Figs. 6.17 and 6.18 lead to a means of finding hn from the elevator trim curves. In that case all the coefficients of (6.4,13) are constants, and

Thus measurements of the slope of <5„ vs. GL^_m at various C. G. positions produce a curve like that of Fig. 6.20, in which the intercept on the h axis is the required N. P.

When speed effects are present, it is clear from (6.4,27) that a plot of (ddetrijJdV)t against h will determine hs as the point where the curve crosses the h axis.