Flow Grid Deformation
For the volume mesh deformation of structured FLOWer meshes, the Multiblock Grid Deformation Tool (MUGRIDO) [8,16] was developed at LFM. This tool models the block boundaries of the volume mesh and selected additional mesh lines as massless Timoshenko beams. The deflections of the surface nodes relative to the undeformed configuration are imposed as boundary conditions and the structural problem is solved. Finally, the positions of the remaining mesh points inside of the blocks are calculated with transfinite interpolation. MUGRIDO is not suitable for unstructured TAU meshes. TAU offers two mesh deformation algorithms;
best suited for aeroelastic simulations with complex configurations is the weighted volume spline interpolation algorithm [15]. A further description can be found in the paper by Barnewitz in this volume. Since this method does not require any information regarding the connectivity between volume mesh points, it is equally applicable to structured meshes.