Interpolation Parameters of the MLS and GSB Methods

The newly-implemented projection methods MLS and GSB have more control para­meters than the FIE method. Only the (minimum) number of supporting edge mid­points NM, the polynomial order of the interpolation functions and the radius of the additional support points rFB are examined here. The results for the remaining parameters are briefly summarised beforehand. As reference for the deviations the deformed wetted surface obtained by application of the FIE projection with default parameter settings is used.

The number of additional support points to be generated around each edge mid­point nFB depends on the type of structural model. In previous extensive tests, nFB = 5 was determined as the recommended number for beam models. With lower numbers reliable solutions could neither be obtained with the MLS method nor with the GSB method. Then again, greater numbers do not yield noticeable improvements in robustness or accuracy. With structural models consisting of higher-dimensional elements, the number of additional support points generally can be reduced. For shell models nFB = 2 is often sufficient. For volume models, additional support points are likely to be omitted. The choice of the RBF has only very small influ­ence on the solution both in the MLS and the GSB method. Wendland RBFs with different orders of smoothness have been tried out as well as other RBF with com­pact support, like Euclid’s hat functions or the Thin Plate Spline, with hardly any effect on the wetted surface. Because the mechanism to perform the interpolation in intersection regions between assemblies in the MLS method is very similar to the mechanism in the FIE method, the same effects on the wetted surface can be expected from variations of alimit.

The configuration used here is similar to the one presented in the previous section in Fig. 11, but without the dummy fuselage. It comprises only one component and thus allows direct comparison between GSB and MLS. The surface mesh has 31245 points. The structural model with 654 nodes and the applied load distribution are the same as before.