System technologies
Most systems ore comparable with the ones of subsonic aircrafts. Emphasis is on low weight, small space and possibly high temperatures. Special systems for SCT are:
Inlet and nozzle control
Supersonic engines work at subsonic speeds. Inlet must decelerate the flow to subsonic speed, the nozzle must adapt to free stream pressure Especially inlet control with several shocks and tuning w ith nozzle stale is especially challenging. Concorde’s solution is sull state-of-the-art.
From subsonic to supersonic flight, the center of pressure varies strongly. Control is provided by center of gravity (CG) control via fuel transfer. This system is proved in Concorde and applied in several subsonic jets as well.
Scheduled systems
in order to meet noise requirements at take-off and landing, it is envisaged to use an automated system for scheduling of flight path, flap settings and engine controls This is envisaged for subsonic aircraft as well. But for an SCT it will be more complicated, and an SCT will be more dependent on such a system.