
• SD6060-PT (Fig. 12.109)

The SD6060 was designed to be an improvement over the E374 for cross­country flying. The E374 clearly shows large drag at low RrCs due to bubble losses. To alleviate these effects, the SD6060 was designed with a longer bubble ramp than the E374.

By comparing the E374 (Fig. 12.25) with the SD6060 (Fig. 12.109), one can see the advantages of the SD6060. Almost everywhere it has lower drag than the E374, especially at the high iEn’s, which are important for cross-country flying.

• SD6060-PT u. s.t. x/c = 20%, hfc = .17%, td/c — 1.0% (Fig. 12.110)

« SD6060-PT u. s.t. x/c = 40%, h/c = .17%,u>/e = 1.0% (Fig. 12.111)

A trip placed at 40% reduces the drag at 100k by shortening the bubble. Moving the trip forward to 20% further reduces the drag at 100k, although at 200k and 300k the drag is increased.

It is not surprising to find that the SD6060 and E374 are quite similar when both are tripped at 20% (compare Figs. 12.27 and 12.110). At high-Rn/low-Ci, the E374 has a slight advantage over the SD6060, although in the same regime the plain SD6060 has the lowest drag of both airfoils, tripped or untripped.

Also see: E374, E205, NACA 2.5411, SD7090 Digitizer plot: Fig. 10.42 Polar plot: Figs. 12.109-12.111 Lift plot: Fig. 12.112

Thickness: 10.37% Camber: 1.84%