Prandtl Lifting Line Theory Lifting Line Theory
In Lifting Line theory, explain the origin of downwash.
In terms of drag, what is the difference between downwash and upwash?
Is there a net drag benefit to design a wing with upwash? Design of a Wing
The circulation distribution is represented by the Fourier series
Г[y(t)] = 2U&£~1 An sin nt
Design the simplest wing (meaning the wing with the least number of non-zero Fourier coefficients) with zero strength tip vortices, in order to minimize risks for airplanes caught in the wake of the wing. To achieve this goal, combine modes 1 and 3 in such a way that
at y = ±7 2
Note: you can impose
d Г [y(t)] n _ n л = 0, at t = 0 and n dt
to find a relation between A1 and A3(verify your result as the rest depends on it), then verify that
Use the following identity: cos 3t = cos t (4 cos21 — 3).
Sketch the circulation distribution Г[y(t)] in terms of y or t. Use the following identity: sin3t = sin t (4 cos21 — 1).