Dynamic Inflow

The forgoing description of a physical behavior forms a fundamental basis for the development of nonsteady (and perhaps aperiodic) wake models. Carpenter & Friedovich (1953) attributed the buildup of the mean rotor inflow and rotor thrust to inertia effects in the flow. To model this behavior, a dynamic inflow equation was formulated by equating the rotor thrust obtained using differential momentum theory to that using blade-element theory (i. e., the BEMT discussed in Chapter 3). Unsteady inflow effects were modeled using the concept of an apparent mass (inertia), where the thrust equation (as given by the momentum theory in Chapter 2) is modified by the addition of an unsteady term to give

Подпись: ,2 ... ( . 2 л  (10.108)

The term ma was associated by Carpenter & Friedovich (1953) with the apparent mass of an impermeable (solid) circular disk accelerating in a stagnant fluid, that is, a noncirculatory effect. It was further suggested that this apparent mass to be 63.7% the mass of a sphere of fluid with a radius equal to the rotor radius, that is,

Dynamic Inflow

The mabi term, therefore, is meant to represent the additional reaction force on the rotor disk because of the accelerating inflow. However this concept assumes an equivalence between the force on a solid disk accelerating in a stagnant fluid and the force on a fluid accelerating through a permeable actuator disk. Such an equivalence is certainly not rigorous but the derivation can proceed on this basis. Using the blade element theory (see Section 3.3), the elemental thrust including blade flapping is given by

dT = ^NbpcC[a (б – Q2r2dr. (10.110)


Assuming a rectangular blade planform (i. e., c(r) = c) and uniform inflow (i. e., u,(r) = uf) the total rotor thrust can be found by integrating the above equation to get

т = [ат = ъИьрсС^кг{в-т-ъ)-

Equating the two thrust expressions (Eq. 10.108 and 10.111), an equation governing the dynamic inflow through the rotor can be derived. Notice that the inflow dynamics is coupled with the blade flapping dynamics, and a second equation governing the blade flapping angle can be found by moment equilibrium about the flapping hinge, as described previously in Chapter 4. In nondimensional form Eq. 10.111 becomes





Dynamic Inflow



h + i









Therefore, the governing equation for the inflow dynamics can be written as


Dynamic Inflow






2A{ А,- + – /3


Dynamic Inflow

To determine the approximate time constant of the developing flow, Eq. 10.ІІ5 can be linearized about a mean operating state using А,- = A; + <$A; and Ст = Ст + 8Ct, which after simplification and neglecting terms of О (Ski)2 gives


Oaii+ai=(i)sCr – (ioil6)

This is an ODE that relates the change in inflow, 5A;, to the change in rotor thrust, 8Ct – The time constant of this dynamic system is







Dynamic InflowDynamic Inflow

For a typical helicopter rotor where X,- ~ 0.05 and Q ъ 40 rad/s, will be of the order of 0.1 seconds. The dynamic adjustments that take place in the time averaged inflow are, therefore, relatively rapid in real time. However, it will be noted that a time lag of 0.1 seconds corresponds to over half a rotor revolution, so at the local (blade element) level the local adjustments to the flow do, in fact, occur over relatively long aerodynamic time scales in terms of wake age or semi-chords of blade travel.