Linear system setup and solution
The subsequent numerical implementation of equations (6.37) will be done in terms of the following variables normalized with VL, denoted by the overbar (). Note that U is then dimensionless, while Г and CC have units of length and 1/length, respectively.
The linearized flow tangency conditions (6.37) constitute an N x N linear system for the Г. normalized vortex strengths when the U, C, Si terms are placed on the righthand side.
A.j = Y?(ri) ‘ no.
The Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient matrix A., and the righthand side vectors in braces are functions of the vortex lattice geometry only, and hence are known a priori.
Multiplying (6.39) through by A-1 using LU-factorization and back-substitution gives the solution vector Г. as a sum of known 6+Ni independent vectors, whose coefficients (arbitrary at this point) are the operating
parameters Ux, Uy … SN[. When these parameters are specified, Гi is determined by summing all 6 + N vectors.