Examples of Some Solutions

In this section, we present samples of a few numerical solutions of the complete

Navier-Stokes equations. Most of these solutions have the following in common:

1. They were obtained by means of a time-dependent solution using MacCormack’s technique as described in Section 16.4.

2. They utilize the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model (see Section 19.3.1 for a discussion of this model). Hence, turbulent flow is modeled in these calculations.

3. They require anywhere from thousands to close to a million grid points for their solution. Therefore, these are problems that must be solved on large-scale digital computers.

20.3.1 Flow over a Rearward-Facing Step

The supersonic viscous flow over a rearward-facing step was examined in Refer­ence 46. Some results are shown in Figures 20.1 and 20.2. The flow is moving from left to right. In the velocity vector diagram in Figure 20.1, note the separated, recirculating flow region just downstream of the step. The calculation of such sep­arated flows is the forte of solutions of the complete Navier-Stokes equations. In contrast, the boundary-layer equations discussed in Chapter 17 are not suited for the analysis of separated flows; boundary-layer calculations usually “blow up” in regions of separated flow. Figure 20.2 shows the temperature contours (lines of constant temperature) for the same flow in Figure

Figure 20.2 Temperature contours for the flow shown in Figure 20.1. The separated region just downstream of the step is a reasonably constant pressure, constant temperature region.