Safety Height

The minimal vertical rate of descent at which flight is safest is achieved when gliding at the economical speed. However, if the engine fails while hovering, the helicopter speed V = 0. In order to transition into a glide at a speed close to the economical speed, some altitude must be lost in

order for the helicopter to acquire a definite kinetic energy E =

Подпись: mV2 GV2 _Sl Si 2 2g • Only part rather than all of the helicopter’s potential energy is used in acquiring the velocity (approximately two tenths of the total potential energy). The remaining energy goes to overcome parasite drag and main rotor profile drag, to turn the tail rotor and the accessories. The total potential energy of the helicopter is

Eb = GH,

where G is the helicopter weight;

H is the helicopter flight altitude.

We find the kinetic energy with loss of altitude from the formula


0.2GH = gl, 2g

Подпись: /133

Подпись: H = Safety Height

Hence, we find the safe helicopter hover height

Safety Height Подпись: + 10.
Safety Height

But experience shows that an additional height margin of about ten meters is required for the landing maneuver; therefore, the formula for determining the safe hover height takes the form

Safety Height Подпись: 24.82 4 Подпись: + 10 = 165 m.

Example. The economical flight speed for the Mi-1 helicopter is Vgc = 90 km/hr or 24.8 m/sec. We find the safe hovering height.

If the helicopter has translational velocity in the horizontal direction prior to transition to the main rotor autorotative regime, the safe height is found from the formula 196

For example, the Mi-1 helicopter is flying horizontally at a speed of 70 km/hr or 20 m/sec. In this case, the safe height is defined as

Подпись: safПодпись:Safety HeightH

Therefore, in case of engine failure in horizontal flight or in climb along an inclined trajectory, less altitude is required for transition into the auto­rotative regime than for transition into this regime from hover or when per­forming vertical climb or vertical descent with the engine operating. After determining the safe heights for transition into the autorotation regime for different flight speeds, we can plot the safe flight height diagram (Figure 84).

Подпись: //, MПодпись: 20 60 60 SO WO 120 V, km/hr Figure 84. Helicopter flight danger zone.

Safety Height
Safety Height
Подпись: + 10.

This diagram shows the danger zone, and we see that the safe hover height is up to ten meters or above 200 meters. The safe hover and flight height limitation at low speeds makes the use of helicopters at low altitudes difficult in practice. It is not advisable to fly, the helicopter in the danger zone except in extreme emergencies.