Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction

The flow field that results when a shock wave impinges on a boundary layer can only be calculated in detail by means of a numerical solution of the complete Navier – Stokes equations. The qualitative physical aspects of a two-dimensional shock – wave/boundary-layer interaction are sketched in Figure 20.6. Here we see a boundary layer growing along a flat plate, where at some downstream location an incident shock wave impinges on the boundary layer. The large pressure rise across the shock wave acts as a severe adverse pressure gradient imposed on the boundary layer, thus causing the boundary layer to locally separate from the surface. Because the high pressure be­hind the shock feeds upstream through the subsonic portion of the boundary layer, the separation takes place ahead of the impingement point of the incident shock wave. In turn, the separated boundary layer induces a shock wave, identified here as the induced separation shock. The separated boundary layer subsequently turns back toward the plate, reattaching to the surface at the reattachment shock. Between the separation and reattachment shocks, expansion waves are generated where the boundary layer is turning back toward the surface. At the point of reattachment, the boundary layer has become relatively thin, the pressure is high, and consequently this becomes a region of high local aerodynamic heating. Further away from the plate, the separation and reattachment shocks merge to form the conventional “reflected shock wave” which is

Figure 20.4 Streamlines for the low Reynolds flow

over a Wortmann airfoil. Re = 100,000. (a) Laminar flow, (b) Turbulent flow.

expected from the classical inviscid picture (see, for example, Figure 9.17). The scale and severity of the interaction picture shown in Figure 20.6 depends on whether the boundary layer is laminar or turbulent. Since laminar boundary layers separate more readily than turbulent boundary layers, the laminar interaction usually takes place more readily with more severe attendant consequences than the turbulent interaction. However, the general qualitative aspects of the interaction as sketched in Figure 20.6 are the same.

The fluid dynamic and mathematical details of the interaction region sketched in Figure 20.6 are complex, and the full prediction of this flow is still a state-of-the-art research problem. However, great strides have been made in recent years with the application of computational fluid dynamics to this problem, and solutions of the full

Navier-Stokes equations for the flow sketched in Figure 20.6 have been obtained. For example, experimental and computational data for the two-dimensional interaction of a shock wave impinging on a turbulent flat plate boundary layer are given in Fig­ure 20.7, obtained from Reference 86. In Figure 20.7a, the ratio of surface pressure to freestream total pressure is plotted versus distance along the surface (nondimension – alized by <$o, the boundary-layer thickness ahead of the interaction). Here, л’о is taken as the theoretical inviscid flow impingement point for the incident shock wave. The freestream Mach number is 3. The Reynolds number based on <50 is about 106. Note in Figure 20.7a that the surface pressure first increases at the front of the interaction region (ahead of the theoretical incident shock impingement point), reaches a plateau through the center of the separated region, and then increases again as the reattachment

point is approached. The pressure variation shown in Figure 20.7a is typical of that for a two-dimensional shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction. The open circles cor­respond to experimental measurements of Reda and Murphy (Reference 88). The curve is obtained from a numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations as re­ported in Reference 86 and using the Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model discussed in Section 19.3.1. In Figure 20.1b the variation of surface shear stress plummets to zero, reverses its direction (negative values) in a rather complex variation, and then recovers to a positive value in the vicinity of the reattachment point. The two circles on the horizontal axis denote measured separation and reattachment points, and the curve is obtained from the calculations of Reference 86.