• Combat proven • All-weather capability • Advanced weapons systems
Hughes developed the AH-64 Apache in response to the Warsaw Pact’s massive armoured strength. Produced by McDonnell Douglas, the AH-64 can engage tanks, often at a safe distance, even at night and in bad weather. The Apache uses advanced sensors to detect enemy vehicles. It then stalks them, using natural cover as a shield, before rising above the treeline to launch laser-guided Hellfire missiles.
Apache agility ^
Although tho AH-64 often attacks from covor. high speed and manoeuvrability аго important factors for survival.
A Hellfire launch
An AGM-114 Hellfire missile is tired by an Apache during tests. The missile homes in on a laser – designated target, which has been marked by another aircraft, ground forces or the AH-64 itself.
A Purposeful appearance
Hughes designed the AH-64 tor maximum survivability and effectiveness – not good looks.
▼ Hidden danger
In a classic example of terrain masking, this Apache demonstrates the aircraft’s ability to use natural cover while preparing to attack.
>■ An Apache battalion consists of 18 AH-64s and 13 OH-58 scout helicopters for target spotting and designation.
>■ AH-64s escorted MH-53J helicopters in the first mission of Desert Storm.
► More than 500 Iraqi tanks were destroyed by US Army Apaches.
>■ Apaches of the 10tst Aviation Regiment fired tho first Allied shots of the Gulf War against Iraqi radar installations.
>- Leased US Army AH-64As wore delivered to the Netherlands army in 1996.
>■ New developments have led to tho advanced AH-64D Longbow Apache.
Apaches porformod with devastating effect during the Gulf War, with crews finding and destroying targets oven in thick smoke when visibility was often down to 200 metres (600 ft.).
AH-64A Apache
Type: two-seat as weather attack holicopte-
Powerplant: two 1285-kW (1.700-hp.) General Electric T700-GE-701 turboshaft engines
Maximum speed: 293 kmti (182 m p h)
Range: 4?8 km (265 mi.)
Service ceiling: 6400 m (21.000 ft)
Weights: empty 5165 kg (11.363 tb): maximum take-off 9525 kg C20.995 lb >
Armament: one 30-mm M230 Chain Gun cannon with 1.200 rounds of US, ADEN or DEFA ammuwtion. up fo 16AGM-114 Moil fire loser-guided missiles or up to 76 fotdmg-fm rockets; various othor combmations of rocket prejecWee, guts and missiles
m»n rotor diameter 14.63 m (48 ft.)
fuselage length 14.97 m (49 ft. 2 in.)
rwght 4.G6m(l5ft. 4 in.)
mam rotor disc area 168 11 m (1.809 sq. ft.)
Armour txotocis k<rv ongne ccmpononts, and tho upper purls of omen ongno cowing fokJ down fo form mnntwwncc pC-ifWms Engnws wore uprntod to 1409 kW (1.900 hp) from tho 604th aremft
over the miKlem battlefield is extremely dangerous, but the Apache has all of the qualities needed for Its tank destroying mission
Mo fttru tup t чи-it tiUmclfy improved uixl can honw oiitomatiuiify on to u grouid laigcf Video tonnage token (Wn«j tr« (i<! War danonstr. iful I ho nxsale’S (XMdfy acavncy
A nviwnun «wJ of 76 luklny-fm rockcht may bo earned. iWtttowgh tfw confipi/nliix! ahown їй
ahnont slandiid
A centre tuwtaqe ammunition dn/ті forts a maximum о* 1.200 rounds of 30 mm ainmunbon ТІю McOcrnefl Dougt» M?30 Cham Gun tres at a maxmun & 025 гоїгтЯ no* rmnuto
St«iU the prrwert*] bgfrt control system lot. ti Honoywdl secondary tty-by w»e system is acttwifod. ««owing fiA control of both rotors and the ladptane.
Com: r. cu*1 of gosa fibre stormy, stool and compoeitos, the nvm tow Wooes are proof лдлпй hrts by 23-пип споту • vi’du Tticy have swot* :ps tot mcroosod
UtKeuafy. the AJ-f 64)i tulrotor consists o« two twin btoded mils mcunlod af S6‘ to each Other Tfirs onangenwnt koeirs ІХПЯ to a mmmum
This early product*»! uircratt carries standard US Army markings and paint scheme.
In service the aircraft rarely sports any form of individual or unit marking.
The Apache w me tautest of «he h**«opio** mown twre. TN* wo* A gnat «9Ct on the long <nnoe covert tnavens mo memy-hoM leinlory dimg the Gull Wat
CSM-2 ROOiVAlK 27t km» (172 ■.* h.|
Lccifit-j. l V-if. rn txetds the ААУААО 11 TAObt’NVS astern when к n#»n1 ; mount ist n то ссйггтиі rxnn
The energy absenting men laromg gear comomos with crash resstara seat and arftame design to gve the crow а 95 ее* cent chance of ssjrvrvng n 12.8 m per second (42 f pe.) around irrooci
(r« tatpCino nadence is ocntro*ed outoavitcaity by л Hamften Standard tfcght contrct system (he attrws Я to hetd tno nrcratt m on optmx/n position in a I tint it phUMS
KIOWA IN THE TREES: Small and agile, the OH-580 can often got closer to the enemy, and provides a ‘cone – of reflected laser energy for the АН-64’s missiles.
Other aircraft, pnmanfy the OH-58D with rts< more powerful laser, can also designate * targets for tho Apache
Gu. dJ
JMpache ia сараы<
i1u *0 >15 o. vn
APACHOTTAND-OFF: As it e. л hgh-vaiue target used, the Apacf<e often stands off at а sate distance and launches Hetfires at targets that are not visible
СМ2 йООПГДи 7032 ia (4.47* »•)
McDonnell Douglas