Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

Подпись:Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight◄ Resupply at sea

Transporting stores at sea is tlw UH-46’s mam task, ferrying toads from replenishment ships to warships. HH-46s serve n a similar role, but have a winch for scarch-and-rescuc duties.

▼ Frozen North

In support of US Manno Corps detachments CH-46s arc deployed to Norway. This is especially challenging as crews have to fly over the mountainous terrain m extreme weather

▼ Shot down

This CH-46 was shot down dunng the American intervention m Grenada. One of the weaknesses of the Sea Knight is that it has WOc armour and is vulnerable to small arms fire.

Подпись: ▼ Jeep carrier The CH-46 can oven carry a light vehicle in its hold, thanks to its integral roar loading ramp. This can be opened in flight to allow paratroop drops, or while the Sea Knight Is on the water for roscue duties.
Storm service ►

Tho biggest doptoymont for the CH-46 in recent years was Operation Deserf Storm. Sixty wore used for such varied tasks as casualty evacuation, resupply and vertical replenishment.


► The prototype flow on 22 April 1958, with tho first production CH-46 following on 16 Octobor 1962.

► Tho US Army tostod n version of tho CH-46 but docidod not to operate it.

► In 1965 tho Sea Knight replaced tho Sikorsky H-34 with Marino units in Vietnam.

► Some 669 Sen Knights were built: US Ha’H and Marine Corps models served in Operation Desert Storm.

>• Other military versions of this holicopler a** employed In Canada. Japan and Sweden.

► The V-22 tilt rotor has begun replacing d* CH-46.



Подпись: CH-46E Sea Knight
Подпись: The Marine Corps’ ‘flying bullfrog’

Подпись: Type: troop-carrying military helicopter Powerplant: twi |Э01 kW 0869 hp i General Electric T58-GE >6 turbobfiatt engine» Maximum speed: 256 km/h (159 m.p h j Cruising speed: 225 km/h (t40 mp n | at иы level Подпись:Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea KnightBoeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea KnightПодпись: Range: '-96 km (206 mi) Weights: -imply oqmppod 5100 kg (t i.243 lb l maimum take oft 9707 kg (21.400 lb.) Accommodation: two p»ots, up to 25 troop» or up to 1415 kg (3.1191Ы of cargo mternnity. plus up to 1000 kg (2,204 lb.) in an external niing Dimensions: rotor diameter 15 24 m (50 tt) length, rotor# turning 25.4 m (83 ft 4 in.) height 5.09 m (16 ft. 0 m.) rotor disc area 182 4t m' (1,963 *q ft.) Подпись:Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

Wlten the Iwln-turijtnc

CH-К» Чм Knight was introduced it provided a new М. ІІКІЛПІ ol performance to tlx? Navy and Marino Corps Uoih needed a strong, roomy, versatile |к*1ко|Кег for cnnilkil. support. To the Navy, this meant vcrtlail replenishment – using liclit t ipters to haul cargoes to %hlp> U e. t Hie Marine Corps Ittcd flu.- CIM6 to earr>’ comh. il tpjops ilinMly Into I kittle, anil Intany wl>o 4 ieil m Vietnam are alive khI. iv heeauve the
4-а Knight snatched them to safety In ми the Ivaltlclk’ld

After mure titan three decades of service many 4m Knights are now approaching ІІК’іг limit of KM*ft flying hours Д numliei Clf illtpn iVVIIients luvv licvn made to tlk’se valiant wamors I Hit the fleet is nmv пмгіу її»

Іч – tepl. iivil ‘Піе I S N;iv ts evaluating the Кашли К-Max

liclico|>fef to take over the i ll tfis supply mission, while the Marine Corps is planning in buy »J* Uell-Uoetng ’-li Олріеуч io replace its 2V< remaining Sea Knights.

Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

AnoBmr in®fw«nnMl tutrotaed to the CH-4fiE ■ tho uou o* (ЫйзМкО tc«иг ЫаЛ« At CH 4<iu.« a powerad bux»t fcAine system


Ал CH 46« remansog m wvxo rontart the T58-GE-16 ongrnv wtiicti was adoot od togeihn* wrtfi gUss-tPm rotor blades os pad ot и modrtostion programme


Th* ttnac t Aiders rruri rotors rotato s’ mtwvoni droctuna The uso of f»gtvnxxinitxl engnn aftows trvi гаКмі arm to ІМ vwy roomy, but nwhn* the Sou Knqht top hnaw and very vukwablo to turning over when thn iwrnitl has dcchod о u rungti soa


Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

Up to 25 fii»y equpprxl con<wi troops can bo camod in the heotage. Tho ftoor ot tho спит и НІгкІ wilt і roUoro to tsKMtato cargo loadng, and thwe а а cargo hook for understung toad», into inn fusouge





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Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight


Mott nssaue heAooptor* are not very «*u, navwo U»t» t*Ay urframea designed «0» cenynQ capacity rather man speed Duty OOiwraty. tved tosntj at аіма Ot extreme danger


Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

:r Mfng t? Г mtn machine guns Troops «wt fhrougn tno a wdo doors onfy used for crow


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MS UVtl (164 яі. р.х I


Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

Ttv unaotravnago * non ‘Btrnaattok bid is stiungtnonod to witt ы and tho ntgh rates» of vortical sr* common to — озшіііі і Miscoptiv s ог:«» atng hom araatti_u-v»».


Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

Подпись: ESCAPE TO SAFETY: Under the cover of suppressive fire from a Cobra, the Sea Knight returned to base, having suffered damage to its stabilising equipment. Ten Howard survived but loot hi* forearm in ifie incident. Подпись:Подпись: Oyuwnqa r»m rocor cornipj-Micri tre C.H I6 ran cant < Urge rxjmoor ol noom Mi its cargo twy The Kamov •Mai' a a mom compact anoed. dewgnoclto operate ktvn «man iftna like fhoatM

Rescue under fire in Grenada

DOWNED: Owing the American G’onada. a Cobra gunstvp *e« – J* ^*n *! •anteen sports 47? Ooroon The ptot. Captain n

И*- Qragpod hi* wounded

‘•ИЙС*!-’* U,0,V and caUe<1

t“’vun ,h’* omergency radio

SEA KNIGHT RESCUE: A Marine Corps CH-46 from USS Guam landed and picked up Howard. Ties crew then waited on the giound lot Captain Soagio doepde the incoming guntire However, unknown to hes rescue’s. Seegle had been shot and W»ed. 4. <?»

Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea Knight

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