Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


n. in. іде when missiles rule the battlefield. the main лин­ині. hcliuipicn in both Gernuny ЛІНІ I’ratXV were converted light utility machines, and were horribly vulnerable In ІЧН-» the two countries decided to риніте л new putcnl h. itileheltl helicopter іЧдщічі the Tiger. it w;is to Іч1 д state <a the-art gum-lnp Н<|иІ|>|хчІ with iillra-red. tdeM’iou. md loser sensors, tlx – Tiger can fly ліні light in. ill
weathers jnd at all times. It is. ittiied with the latest anti-tank missiles, potent against even the bill’s! мі 14*i tanks

Mm the Tiger Is more iluin lust л tank-killer It forms the basis lor the Freni It army’s Cicriaut, or (iyrlalcon. The ( ietfaut is an ем’смі ,nul lire Мірроп aircraft armed with air-to-ground tlx keis and a powerful cannon, and is designed to work closely with juijtpofting troops on the gr< нині Air-to-air

Although designed for the Cold War in Europo. tho Tiger will prove equally effective as a weapon for the rapid deployment and peacekeeping rotes which are likely to bo its lot for many years to come.

missiles also mean that it ran hunt down op|>osing helicopters First deliveries of the Tiger ttxik place in 1998. and it will lx – on the front line until well into rite 21st century

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Tigw’s mint mcwitnd owner’s s^ghl ennuos the ivilooutc» to Operate from behnd cow wtii mnmum м4ппг.«*ілу Tlx aght can toed iftfiptty tairta о born cockpt*. and contains a IV camera, a thermal подо* and a laser rangefinder

Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer

Eurocopter Tiger


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer
Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer

Armament: lour wing stations for up to eight HOT or Tngat anti-armour missiles, and four air-to-air mesiles: Escort version has a 30-mm cannon turret and can carry four air-to-ground rocket pods




Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer

13 m (42 ft. 7 inj 14 m (46 fU 4.32 m (14 ft. 1 Л)




Made from a tieioWe ttxe – pfesbc. me rotor blades are of advanced design they dre drwgned lo withstand cental damage and bkdstnko


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


Ire НЛС can carry ogW HOT or Tng*t mmon. or ее »ho»n hare a combrueon Ы bom together * m Metre ento-ae ітемая for


Iwn turbosrvtlt ongnes are mounted soe by *de above me tjsolago. They

bom inoommy hr* and shock


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


ire PAM-2 4 ot Mwlar eofibgureton. here ступо ngnt MOT maen. For arrt dalance nenwrwr. * 4 «дораО »*h tre


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyer


The MAP «тог can ею cany *our ar-lo ar пкиаю but n» men отшгепі і» a 30 mro cannon <n a noee turret and unguldod ar-io-vaurd госкй»


^ AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT: The Tiger is lethal И я more agio than older helicopter» the the Mi-24 and can engage them from hgh angles jd




Mam anti-heufcopter weapons are the noee-mountod 20 mm cannon, or tho Mistral heat seeking ліг-to-ar типик».


Europe’s airborne tank-destroyerEurope’s airborne tank-destroyerEurope’s airborne tank-destroyerEurope’s airborne tank-destroyer
