Definition of Moment-of-lnertia Tensor

A material body is a three-dimensional differentiable manifold of particles pos­sessing a scalar measure called mass distribution. Integrating the mass distribution over the volume of the body results in a scalar called mass (see Sec. 2.1.1). If the integration includes the distance of the particles relative to a reference point, then we obtain the first-order tensor that defines the location of the c. m. wrt the refer­ence point. If the distance is squared, the integration yields a second-order tensor called the inertia tensor.

Definition: The inertia tensor of body В referred to an arbitrary point R is calculated from the sum over all its mass particles m, and their displacement vector siR according to the following definition:

Definition of Moment-of-lnertia Tensor(6.1)

where SiR is the skew-symmetric form of the displacement vector slR.

The notation IHR reflects the reference point as subscript R, the body frame as superscript В and summation over all particles. The expression siRsiRE— siRsiR — SiRSiR is a tensor identity, which you can prove by substituting components and multiplying out the matrices.


Подпись: X><(42 + 43) і І -У! miSiRlSiR3 і Подпись: ^ WlisiRі siR2 X)wK4, + 43) і І Подпись: ^ m і siflj S(R3 і ^ ^ ^i^iR2^iR3 У ^(4 + 42) і

For the body coordinates ]B with [.v,«]л = [siRl siR2 siR}], the MOI tensor has the component form

The MOI tensor expressed in any allowable coordinate system is a real symmetric matrix and has therefore only six independent elements. Its diagonal elements are called axial moments of inertia and the off-diagonal elements products of inertia. They have the units meters squared times kilograms. Some examples should give you more insight.

Example 6.1 Axial Moment of Inertia

The axial MOI /„ of the MOI tensor IR about a unit vector n through point R is the scalar

/„ = itIBn (6.3)

It has the same units of meters squared times kilograms as the elements of the MOI tensor. If we select the third-body base vector as axis and express it in body coordinates [nB = [0 0 1], then

hi hi hi





hi hi hi


hi hi hi


The 3,3 element was picked out by n, justifying the name axial moment of inertia.

Example 6.2 Lamina

A lamina is a thin body with constant thickness (see Fig. 6.1). If the lamina extends into the first and second direction, then the polar moment of inertia about

Definition of Moment-of-lnertia Tensor Definition of Moment-of-lnertia Tensor


the third axis is

I33 = hi + hi (6.4)

For a proof we set sm3 ~ 0 in Eq. (6.2), then

h 1 = m‘sk ’ 7зз = mi (4, + 42)


Substituting the first two relationships into the third completes the proof.