Popular lightweight
R44 Astro Typo: four-seat general-purpose kght hescopte* Powerplanl: one W-KW (260-hp.) Textron Lycomng 0-540 horticntatty opposed sa – cyfindor engmo Maximum speed: ?09 km/h (130 mp h.) Initial climb rate: 305 m/min (1.0001 p, m i Range: 643 km (400 mi.) Service ceiling: 4270 m 04.000 ft.) Weights: empty 635 kg it.397 to.): loaded 1088 kg <2.394 lb.) Accommodation: one pilot and up to trwv passengers Dimensions: |
Below: R44s have enjoyed sales success outside the USA. too. This smart dark blue example is one of a number ol machines currently registered in the United Kingdom. |
Robinson’s R 11 has brim an undLspulcd success Могу for the company SiiKv ii was Іаиікімхі їм the earls I99ib, orders have continued lo come in Гимн оЫ(Miters in various parts of tlir world. Л major teason lor its popularity Is the relatively low list price, which currently stands at around S265.000 in I lie I SA Experience with the K22 resulted in the retention ol the totoi tlfsij*n. which is unique in |
that it eliminates the need for rhe complicated hydraulic stmts anil shock absorlx-rs found on most other rotary winged craft Other notable features im hide maintenance tree couplings in both the main and tail rotor drives, and spiral Іч-vel gears. Most К i is have Iteen purchased for private use or as flying camera platforms In telet ision news companies. Others have Ijcen Ixmghr by small police tlepartntents |
Above: N244H was the second R44 to tty and. like the first, was painted in this smart hvery. It was later fitted with largo floats in place of the skids and served as the demonstrator for the more upmarket R44 Clipper variant. |
UM rotor diameter length height main rotor diameter |
1.47 m (4 ft. 10 in.) 9.07 m (29 ft. 9 in) 3.28 m (10 ft. 9 in.) 10 06 nr (108 sq ft | |
►1 both It» mam ant) t. ia rotor i>v«l тштвмпса-Гм» flexible cunnings .«t« used as а а special clastic teeter dingo. Thin prevents the man roan Wales hem making contact vssiti the la* unit. |
An imOv. Urre loahan of Rconeon heicoplers Is the man met* ur*f. It is incxe-rxngert eAminating me r«ed ler ag mr-ges. snoo fiteerters and dydraulc shuts, ncreasng refcatsity and reducing rreritencnoe wee. |
A two-Waded rran rzter is standard on the IVM and bods Wades are metal – bonded tr тйх/шп Krongtn and duraotfy. Tlie leading edges are tatmcoiea from steel |
Ртсм» m|’.iv»is«iI on Uie R2? won rifle*4*1 tor ’ =гусг tubing In II» 00041*1 п. иИ tt« Rcbuwnn central eve* stick pUe – an automatic itaotoo governor and rotcr tx. i-/• mwj1 hrto reduce 1 Hot workload |
20Jlruti|1»«ip.* | 105 taUti (US m. p.S. l |
•*4 A.1TMJ 130 |
240 kalfc (149 m p. h.l |
Lir/J aloy « pnmMity имкі m the fiwtago. win the entin section oomprtarocj a sir»* cage covered wtd Ughtmsght root» ana Waste Winning Edonv.* use o* sound daadooog гтийспщ results n я tow level of cabin nose*. |
MO ai/aut |
Ю5л»Ів (1.Ю0 f. p.m.) |
420 «tain 11.175 I pm I |
Robinson helicopters at work Я flSHING SUPPORT: Fitted with floats. U4. Mcoptere support large fishing beets. |
■ POLICE WORK: R22s (shown) and R44s are employed by various po-.ce departments. |
■ CROP-SPRAYING: Robinson helicopters am often used In the crop-dusting role |
■ COW HERDING: Many largo farms n the USA use heticcptms for rounding up cattle. ^———————————————– *. |
• American light helicopter • Hughes ancestry • Limited sales
D |
esigned in the early 1980s to meet the US Army’s requirement for a new flight training helicopter, the Schweizer 330 was produced with three sets of controls so that two students could be instructed simultaneously. It lost to the Bell TH-57 Creek in the military competition, but has been sold subsequently as a three – or four-seat light utility machine. It offers an attractive combination of low cost, high performance and mission flexibility.
A Looking similar to the larger Hughes! McDonnell Douglas Model 500 sonos of light helicopters, the Schweizer 300 first flew in Juno 1988. and went on sole during 1993.