Rescue Anakonda ►
Bristling with equipment, this Polish navy W-3RM Anakonda is equipped for the search and rescue role. As well as flotation gear, the aircraft carries a hoist and life-saving equipment.
A Naval service
The Polish navy operatos W-3RMs alongside Russian-built Mil Mi – 14s.
A Protracted development
PZL began W-3 dosign work in the mid-1970s, and the prototype flow in 1979.
First W-3A deliveries ►
Saxony’s police department took delivery of the first W-3A, equipped with Westom avionics.
► Among proposed W-3 variants Is an electronic reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures (ECM) aircraft
► By 1 January 1996, excluding prototypes. 85 W-3s had been built by PZL.
>• At 1994 prices, a basic W-3A was available for US$2.5 million.
>■ Polish civil W-3 users include the Interior Ministry, a telephone company and a cardiac hospital.
► W-3 users include tho air forces of the Czech Republic. Myanmar, and Nigeria.
> As well as tho W-3. PZL has developed a light turboshaft-powered type, the W-4.
W-3A Sokol
Type: medium multi purpose helicopter
Powerplant: two 671-kW <90B-hp.) WSK-PZL Rzeszdw PZL-10W turboshatts
Maximum speed: :>bb *m ь at 500 m Climb rate: >10 m/rmn at sea tevwl Range: ’60 km Service celling: 6000 m
Below: Currying its distinctive colour scheme, this Sokol demonstrates Its abilities at an air show. PZL Swidnik has been keen to sell the aircraft In the West. Piasccki Aircraft Corporation markets the W-3A in the US and Pacific.
Weights: empty 3300 kg. maximum tako-off 6400 kg
Accommodation: (passenger configuration! two flight crew pfcis up to 12 passengers
Above: With flotation gear inflated, this Anakonda demonstrates its amphibious abilities in the rescue role.
the W-3 has lemovahle seats and can Іч* used to carry cargo or casualties as an alternative to passengers. Only one example of the armed \ -3 Huzar has
rotor diameter fusetoge length hoight
rotor disc area
15.7 m (51 ti6m.) 14.21 m <46 ft. 7 in.) 4,12 m (13 ft – 6 inf 193.6 n* 12.084 sq tt)
been completed, but lUneloftineni is continuing
US company Rockwell tu» ргсаюат! a ‘Wcetemeed’ version ot the W-3W equepod with He4f*o ani– uvk msstes. upgraded ovlorucs. etectionio warfare and targeting systems
The W-ЗА спяа икриіісапііу more stowty than «malar modern Western type». Both It» S*ors*y S-76D and the Eunxopte» Dauprun are more atroanVmed deeqm
w-sasottdi тія*(ма»«.м
AS И5Н2 DWWilM 2 MS km* (177 ■ »-»!
sти smn km* per e..»j».|
Two mortem WSK-PZL Rrteirow PZL – 10W tUtXMtioflK. each ratort at 671 kW (900 hi),I for їжо oil. power tho W-3W they have a ЭО-mrwte emorgercy rftfing of 746 kW (1000 txij,
SokOis ivive a good denb rate perfcrmorc*. mergnoly better than ihel o< Ihe S-76 and ConerSrrnWy better than mat ot the Oajpnm. Thoi isflanmee la a reflection ol me type’s power-to – eergry гзйю
Solon ‘une а good range pertommnee. better mart mat of me S-76. cut not as good из mat ot tkeOeupran However, W-ЗЛ» are atAe to carry urgerioadi. especoiry r therr larger cotxn areas As many as 12 poasenoors may be accommodated
Ел»г w 3s earned a three person сим. including a dtot. co-ikbt w*J Вц/п ongvs.. W-CtAs. with •npto-md nvonic& con bo ttowri b, rvv mol *i vm CCrvV’rris.
Duran тип оотртюз moot of the W-CIA’s •umetoge structure ond tho u»< rotor омяЛііі? Glass nbre-rwitorasd plastic (GFRP) a incorporated n ihe main and tart •otcr blades, tmTm от hoctrontai siaotew.
On It» starboard vde ot the arcrati и GSz-23 ktrwnrtl firrig 23-rrim rwr – Ьогт^. о cannort is riled
For it» cavalry т-о. ihw W-3W hog irytrtnn titled tor mckrt іліппюг* Uvntaoi deptmnmc mnr»4lyvig pocks and к» attun wmdcw-mounlod ЛК 47 niton or other guns
і St ■ кім) fbooiaga conAgufabone aitowtor 12 passengers Anakonda SAP arcah carry eight sunmers and two attendants
Sokbl’s PZL-built predecessors
■ SM-Jb PZL produced M4 s first helicopter design, the Mi-1, ‘от :i о mm i 950s. Its own version, the SM -2 with an enlarged *** ■0 fuselage. was produced laier.
■ Mi-2 HOPLITF: Introduced In the late 1950s. the piston – engmed Mi-2 was made exdusrvefy in Poland from 1964. At least 5,000 have been birtt and production continued in Ihe mid-1990s
И KAMA: In collaboration with US engine manufacturer AJkson, PZL produced this updated Ml-2 vanant powered oy hvo Atoson 250-C20B turboshafts
PZL-Swidnik (Mil)