irst seen in the WesJ in 197-i, the ‘Hind’ was designed to curry eight men into front-line |XJsition> unit support them with air-to-ground Па – Tlte MI-24 is very large und fast, l»ut it is not us agile. in Wі-stem buulcfield Ikrlicoplcrv However, aircraft like the Aim ж. in ЛІІ-б’І Apache are designed to engage tanks from hklden hovering positions, which calls for low-speed imnt>ouvralnlity. Tlte Hind, by contrast, is a purely offensive
weapon. Ikravlly aimed ami armoured and designed to advance at high speed
Most ‘Hinds’ are gunships. with a stepped tandem canopy housing a weapons oper. dor in front and a pilot (uglier to the tear lather can aim the gun with a magnifying sight in u bulge under tlte nose. which also contains a laser tracker for missiles
After conthut experience in Afghanistan. Mil introduced an improved ‘Hind’ with a twin
MK_____ .A —. ______________ J
Like most Russian weapons the ‘Hind’ is a poworlul machine, built to take battle damage and capablo of operating in very harsh conditions. It will serve for many years yet. as the planned Mi-40 replacement has been cancelled.
barrelled GSlh23L 3d-mm cannon Tills, together with its rockets and missiles, makes the ‘Hind very much a dose – support weapon, with enormous firepower
Mary Hods’ novo an oSro-wd jammer Mtoo to counter vxx*3or oiocnod heetaeekoq miscMs such os Stoger and SA U
This Mi-24 ‘Hmd-E’ serves with the Polish air force-. 56th squadron at InoWroclaw, armed with tho ihturm’ AT-6 lasor-guided anti-tank missile.
Af Ш newoptooi neve а cockwee rotatng rotor The rotor nead лаз buB to withstand heavy rrochme-gun tre
The ‘vaov r..mosnnns aw p^vwn*i годом but they are goting ad may bo ‘otilicoa by ongros u»d о V. -1 Iusku can find lh* money tr> upgado >1» Hods
Large едгаші suppressor» am fitted to some Hods’ to •«**» oka-red signature
■ Me DONNELL DOUGLAS AH-64 APACHE: Much more manoeuvrable at low speeds than the ‘Hind’, the Apache is the West’s premier gunship and anti-tank helicopter. Lrke the txg Mil design. « Is heavily armed and armoured
Type: battlefield heficoptry
Powerplant: two 1840-kW (t 500-hp.) Khmov (tsotov) TV3-117 Senes III turboshatts
Maximum speed: SlOknVh (192 m p. h.)
ЗоПі cockpits hove виееЯвти ameu protection arm sr-i. s
the stub wngs snow the Hmd to have very fastUyaddng to tneim from the rotor but C7V
Max cruising speed: 260 km/h (I6i m p h.)
Range: 750 km (465 mi.) with internal luet
Service ceiling: 4500 m (14.760 ft)
Weights: empty 8400 kg (18.400 lb ), loaded 12500 kg (27.500 to )
Armament: one four-barmi jakB 12.7-mm Gatting gun m chm turret; (our S-8 60-mm rocket pods or up to 3460 kg (7.612 lb.) ot rockets or missiles
main rotor diameter
6.54 m <2t ft.) 17.3 m (57 ft.) 19 79 m (65 ft) 6.5 m <21 ft.)
Tho fwo-badOd men rotor may bo replaced by that ol (he mom modem Mi-28 Начос’. S the ‘Und’ upgrade programme goto ahead.
Гов ongruk Mnd A’ had 49 tat rotor on ft hi otwtxxtfd s*3e o< the tar boom, but tt was switched to ood soon affix productcn had started.
Sper. iaiv prenarm Илов’ «Ubtonod a nsntmr t* hakeem* цдам records in the 7970*. and th* production want remain* on# of th# f**ii*t! паморвег* currtnVf m i«>vc# An «■aonmentnl vo*von ot Briura* Lynn hat vnc# taken th# JCnokit* hotcootw itecO record
Tho tat rotor romans one ot the waok conts ot the Hhd’ Th* yellow waning зо® hoe tho Russan word for danger oontod on it. a* ground Crews often to* to spot ft when 4 в towng
MI-240 НИЮ 0 ЇМ kaftOQ *1.|
AK-1F COMA 200 In (124 ml.)
НИХ АИ. ІМ 7 270 km |1C7 ml.)
rtns itpiwi eftm *r»t to } Vrr.’, i/xivy cn thn titxnrn lark of hsn mill cneed r»»wy Lvw» to
,’&V’ ftwriw. n thn ЛУ}тг vnr
Th* Mi 24 ■ a twg *rv1 heavy martin# and with * lull corrHMt «Md <i range it noticeably shorter Oran thoaa of it* malt although It can dOuOt# it rang# by carrying drop-tank* n place of naoocray Smc* lb# Unrf і* pnmnrJy а йаЮИаІИ weapon, at tact ot ‘ante i* no real hanocjo
■ MIL Ml-28 HAVOC’: Even mote powerful than the Hind th*i ‘Havoc’ dispenses with the earlier helicopter‘s раззепдвг cabin И та actively marketed by tho Mil design bureau, but might not nntor service with th* finnnciaSy-stralned Russian military
4 I AY-2 Snattrt аг 11 TOW niulln «■ TOW «Ittllct AT-6 S?»»r mhsian
Although tha Mind cam** lowo» anv tank wnapont than its rrvalt, it should be namemborad that « waa not d#*gned at an anti-tank platform its ttub wings con be uM to carry a much heevtor vwvghl of other wnapont nctudno bon*». rockets, Oun* and avert chemical woaporit