AS 350 Ecureuil TV NEWS
• On-the-spot news • Rapid response • Economical and reliable
Helicopters are responsible (or some of the most dramatic television news images. The use of these aircraft as TV camera platforms has mushroomed since the late 1970s, when the first microwavo transmitters small enough to be carried by a light helicopter appeared. The helicopter usually carries a reporter and a camera operator, and the AS 350 Ecureuil, with its combination of affordability and reliability, has proved popular for the task.
Chicago ► bulletin
This JetRanger is operated by Chicago’s WLS-TV. The helicopter also represents а high-profile publicity tool lor tho TV station.
>■ A Textron Lycoming-engincd version of the Ecureuil is marketed In North Amorica as tho Astar.
> By 1 March 1989 Ecurouils and Astars wore flying in 43 countries.
► An uprated electrical systom on tho Ecureuil 2 makes it particularly suited to the TV reporting role.
► Apart from its twin engines, the AS 355 Ecureuil 2 is similar to the AS 350.
> Most of the AS 350’s outer skin is made from thermo-formed plastic.
The Ecureuil is still in production, and is now built by Eurocopter.
Aerospatiale AS 350 Ecureuil – tv news
Once It boot me possible їм relay like picture»
In nit helicopters. many Ітхкії омег» rushed to buy (heir own machines VCilllin 1H months there were more than |0() in use at toss the I Inited Sute» alunt – But operating in this way was very expensive, ami и Іччате more mmmtm to charter an aircrah when it was nettled to cover a sjxxlik story or event.
Tlte AS 350 ‘ main advantages lot news-gathering Operations are reliability ami performance Good reserves ol
powet. simple flight controls ami rapid response mean that the pilot can concentrate on the subject and docs not need to lx – concerned about the machine’s limitations.
litis is particularlj – imponant when the pilot is also the reporter Keeping clear of oilier helicopters, res|X4ting minimum height regulations and liandhng the controls, while selecting the right чіми to illustrate the story and
describing the scene In viewers, ts a full-time K^1
In spite ol the expense,
■I a helicopter can get to the scene of a major event as it is happening, or to the aftermath of a natural disaster, there is no substitute for the sense oi immediacy it can provide
Multi-purpose Ecureuil
a’f агтз w*e tt» Ecureuil in ns anned form
q. … helicopter It is compatible with a range of
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