MH-60 Pave Hawk

• Covert operations • Combat search and rescue • Combat-proven

Подпись:MH-60 Pave HawkSikorsky’s familiar ‘Hawk’ series is the basis for the MH-60 Pave Hawk, the USAF’s spocial operations holicopter, intended to support secret missions bohind onemy lines. Equippod with advancod navigation equipment, defensive machine – guns and an in-flight refuelling probe, the MH – 60 is establishing a fine reputation on long – range covert operations. The aircraft is designed to be easily transportable for worldwide deployment.

▼ Hawk over water

MH-60 Pave HawkПодпись:MH-60 Pave HawkRescues at sea аго also possible with the MH-60G. although it lacks the amphibious capabilities ot the HH-3E it replacod.

MH-60 Pave Hawk

T Special forces insertion

It is often too hazardous for the MH-60G to land m a hostile drop zone, so troops use ladders or ropes to leavo tho aircraft.

A Defence suppression

With its door-mounted guns, tho MH-60G is able to keep enemy heads down in tho drop zone.

MH-60 Pave Hawk

MH-60 Pave Hawk

◄ MH-60K – enhanced army capability

The US Army has not suffered the budget constraints of the USAF and has been able to fit extra items, such as terrain-following radar.


>- Slightly more basic aircraft assigned solely to combat search-and-rescue (CSAR) duties are designated HH-60Gs.

► Up to four combat-roady MH-60Gs may be stowed In the hold of a C-5 Galaxy.

► MH-60 Pave Hawks saw combat in Operation Desert Storm.

► MH-60Gs carry a Bendix-King 1400C colour weather radar in a port-side nose •thimble’ radomo.

► Tho first MH-60GS were delivered to the 55th SOS in December 1987.

► HC-130 Combat Shadow aircraft support MH-60Gs on long-rango missions.

MH-60 Pave Hawk

I Some criticism has boon made of the lack of cabin space in the pfy’j MH-60, compared to the HH-3E. Mfl The new helicopter is fully air transportable, however.

To enhance survivofcxky at low torol moot mitary 3-70». mckutrig mo MH 60G. have sets of entokj-ts/ftom filtod above and ootow rtto tusotayi


USAI" sources .nv reluctant in reveal much jlx>ut how tin* Sikorsky MH-60G і» used basically, ihc MII-60G is. і ПІ-60А. ormon – powerful I IN»»II. helicopter, uuxiiiVtl with radar. defensive weapon», un iii-lltj*ht геїиеіііпн рп»ІЧ‘. «ЦіїIons for external fnel – unk pylons, and additional cabin hid tanks.

1*3vc Hawk helicopters arc c|44ted lo j>r> into tnmb. il deep Ivluml enemy lines. operating at urcat distances Irom home, in snp|x>ti of sjxvial force» troo|>s primary requirement of the I’ave Hawk ptoxrainme was that the aircraft should lx* rapidly air


tr;ms|x»n. ihle to any pan of the world at a moments notice.

This tapability w as proven in 1W9. when MH*60Gs were deployed to Ethiopia within І і hours of tile news of ГІК* loss of ConxieSsman Mickey belauds m an air crash

Supjxitted l»y warplanes such :i’ die A-10. the MH-60G is also expected I о insetl itself Into a hot /one to rescue downed pilots. Several rescue mission» were flown during the Gulf War and continuing upgrades will ensure that the MH-60 remains highly effective m the future


A – MN 60Gu ant ftlfod wOi MRSS (Hqviw Wra – Red S*«»oseo* Stiwyatem) This rectos» 1ho aronlfs. vuviorahAly to twit.-vyikog meaton.


A ijnjgnxivrio if» Currently underway to «quo tx> MH-60G with ал ЛЛ’ЛАСЗ 18 forward iookmg infra­red (FUR) turret, when wvi t* stloa m

the towix го» The ►♦4-60G Hoof wi not nxwvw the #y»ir*n


Because 4 tacks tenon fottowmg rada1 and some otr*?r advanced systems, the MH-G0G has to иэе – и ccfour weathe* radar to e«oa tne wors: conditions The я not dee tor а ьреоа forces arcrah






MH-60 Pave Hawk

Although * hat Ни SOW* thin Iho Other fwinopal US Special forces hMcoolor* №• Wll-flOG a much light»» Pion (nd that Я hm good roxwvos o( іти» «hch такії kwpng in touch »>lh Horen**» larticr» tar ooso» than w-fh иупо ото» rvHeoocw tvoon


SAorsky used a one росе torged titan um rotor head on 0s? S-70 In addition to the advanced feature, the Utarvum and ccrnposrlo true» ro! o» btodas con withstand ruts by 23-mm unvгхігШкхі


From the outset, tne S – 70 senes was devetooad tor maximum surwaWity.

The On moo « ииНкуа-П »o alow a oontro*cd craah binding fooowng toss of tfw fat rotor лі tow Altitude.


Both то МИ-4ГР and

MH UJ am large» machoe than vie MH-00G. Urt they are

no*, и» могу ix-pioyotir


r-s,-s iage attitude >s adjusted irsing the powerful etectncaly operated tauptane The surface is automate and moves between -3*t’ г the contrctea hove» and O’ during autorotation


Swe-af MH S3Js and MH-GOGs wore wtwto identification stroes eve» rapkAy ooptcu desert camouflage dunng the Gull Wm


In Hiker to Uw лоти! ttoor mcunCO лчирогл. n tf*e СШШ 7.6?-mm mngixw •he arerafi also has a 12 7-rmn nvichtno – gin mouniod *» the гЛхі


MH 4?t CHINOOK tOMI k« (72.Ю0 lb.)


and the ГОИОМЧІ Uweh oTtuipon поеммиу fho WH 47£ ha* Iho urn systems as Ній WH-OOH


in Ra mtractod statu, tho MH-60GS ‘utootng probe л вткаї tong enough to deer the rotor dec »n operation it extendi! ’.otoflcopcaKy to keep iho retooing nose ooor of the rotor.


MH-60 Pave Hawk

Pave Hawk in action


AIR-TO-AIR REFUELLING (AAR): US Forces pioneered helicopter AAR in order to extend the range ol CSAR heftcoptera Army and Air Force MH-60s regularly practise the technique


TERRAIN FOLLOWING RADAR (TFR): Currently unique to US A/ту MH-eOKs is the nose-mounted Texas Instalments’ AN/AFQ-174A TFR This allows much safer tow-level R. ghL


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MH-60 Pave Hawk

MH-60 Pave Hawk

MH-60 Pave Hawk
