Steady Reference Flight
I define steady as the nonaccelerated and nonrotating flight and choose the body frame В as the dynamic frame. With шВгІ — 0 (nonrotating reference flight) and therefore lRll — 0, Eqs. (7.18) and (7.19) simplify to
D’eP’r + snBIRBpBrp>Br = Efa + e/, + (E – RBpBr)fgr (7.20)
DlslBJ — єта – I – smt (7.21)
To prepare for the use of the perturbed body coordinates ]Bp, we transform the rotational derivatives to the Bp frame. Let us start with Newton’s equation Eq. (7.20) and use the fact that шВгІ = 0:
D’sp’ = D^sp’g + SlBpIsplB = DBpsplB + ПВрВгєр’в
Substitute the rotational derivative and use the definition of the linear momentum Pb = mvB-
m(DBpevIB + ПВрВгву’в + еїіш RRpRrv’Rr) = efa + eft + (E – RBpBr)fgr (7.22)
Euler’s equation is obtained by a similar transformation
О’еіЦ = DRpeIri + ГBplElBi = DBpslBJ + ГlBpBrElBJ
and substituting it into Eq. (7.21):
DBpElBB! + ГlBpBrElBJ = Em a + Em, (7.23)
Modifying the perturbation e:Irr [Eq. (7.11)] by the definition of the angular momentum Eq. (7.7), and with шВгІ = 0, we obtain
_jB/ /BpI nBpBrjBrl jBp. .BpI nBpBr jBr. .Brl j^P, ,BpBr
SlB tBp – R и lBr = iBpU – K ІВгШ – 1ВрШ
and simplify Eq. (7.23) (with DBpIBR = 0):
l%DBpujBpBr + ПВрВгІврршВрВг — Em a + em, (7.24)
Equations (7.22) and (7.24) are the perturbation equations of steady flight in their invariant form. We select the perturbed body coordinates ]Rp for the component formulation. First we deal with the gravitational term
{[E]Bp – [RBpBr]Bp)[fgr]Bp = ([E]Bp – [RBpBr]Bp)[T]BpI[fgry
= ([T]BpBr ~ [E])[T]Br,[fgr]>
then we express the linear momentum equations in ]Bp coordinates
d єуівЛВр
= Wa]Bp + W,}Bp + ([T]BpBr – [E])[T]BrI[fgr}! (7.26) and the angular momentum equation
Г As&pBr~BP
[lZ +№ВрВг]Вр[1вр]P[a>BpBr]Bp = [sma]Bp + [smt]Bp (7.27)
These equations are nonlinear differential equations in the perturbation variables [ev1b]Bp and [aBpBr]Bp. Eq. (7.26) is coupled with Eq. (7.27) through [aBpBr]Bp. In addition, the underlined term of Eq. (7.26) also couples the angular velocity perturbations via the reference velocity. With small perturbation assumptions and therefore neglecting terms of second order, we can linearize the left-hand sides:
= WaBp + w, fp + (iTiBpBr – m)mBr,.uY
[-J BpBr-Bp
KTP =[ema]Bp + [emt]Bp
As you see, the translational equation (7.28) is still coupled with the rotational equation (7.29) through the angular velocity perturbations [a>BpBr]Bp. Equation (7.29) would be uncoupled from Eq. (7.28) were it not for the aerodynamic moment [єта]Вр, which is a function of the linear velocity. Both equations are still nonlinear differential equations through their aerodynamic functions.
The perturbation equations for steady flight are the workhorse for linear stability analysis. They apply equally to aircraft and missiles and have been used as far back as Lanchester, that great British aerodynamicist who introduced the stability derivative. A more intriguing challenge is the modeling of perturbations for unsteady flight. Much of our hard-earned tools will have to be put to use. With them we can study such exotic problems as the stability of cruise missiles in pitch-over dive and the dynamics of agile missile intercepts.