Westland’s king of the sea
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ritain’s Koval Navy Ixiught a total of І52 Mk l. 2, 5 and 6 Sea Kings, most < >1 them as anti-submarine aircraft. Ten of the helicopters have lx*en іжхІіГк-d with side-iiu muted radomes to :ict ;ls alilvmie early-warning (AIAV) aircraft, a lonvcnsion which was inmxluced as a icsult of experience gainetl dnnng the Falkland*. War The RAF usc-s tlte Mk 5 lor аіг-sca rescue, and inoa – than HO Sea Kings have Ixvn
Sea King Mk 48
Belgium received five Soa Kings which were roughly equivalent to German ond Norwegian SAR specialised aircraft.
Above: The pnmary role of Royal Navy Sea Kings is ASW. However, some HAS. Mk 5s have been converted to SAR HAR. Mk 5s by the removal of anti-submarine equipment.
entered service, with current aircraft compatible with a range ot imxlem weapons, including the Sea liagk* anti-ship missile.
Armament: four torpedoes or depth charges, or Soa Skua, Sea Eagle or Exocet anti-ebo missiles
rotor diameter 16.9 m (62 ft.)
length 22.15 m (72 tt. 8 In.)
height 5-13m 11611 10 in)
main rotor disc area 280.47 rn’ (3,018 sq ft.)
Witti it* «wodyrumuc*»/ Onnr nrЗато end eighty tower rnutntum UtaJ-oft wng«. the Sirarsky SWH « UoU* Uian the WaMOnd Sen Keg ft* IU. nA Uoscty match» «* 6re*h mnehm*