▼ Colourful example
Having flown around tho world in 1994. this Boll 206B-3 is now used by a helicopter training school, to teach the fine art of hehcoptor flying to new pilots.
A Setting off
Crowds cheer and wave as Dick Smith takes off on his record attempt from Fort Worth on 5 August 1982. Ahead lay long solo flights across the world’s oceans and deserts that would test both pilot and helicopter to the limit.
> Like tho Booing 747, tho Boll Modol 206B JotRanger is one of tho most recognised aircraft In the world.
>■ Ron Bowor began his flight on 28 Juno 1984 from Fort Worth. Texas.
► Ross Perot Jr is the youngest son of the Texas oil billionaire.
► At the end of a round-tho-world flight, a total of at least 37,966 km (23,540 miles) must have been flown.
>• Pilots maintain that the record can bo accomplished In 200 flying hours.
► Pilots usually aim to comploto tho night in just 28 days.
Below: During his rocord-breaking flight Ross Perot Jr had to obtain his fuel in some extremely isolated and desolate locations.
Type: general-purpose light het-copter
Powerplant: one 313-kW (420-hp 1 AJIison 250- C208 tutbosbafl
Max speed: 225 knvh (140 m. p.li) at sea level
Cruising speed: 214 km/h 033 m. p-hj
Initial climb rate: 487 m/rmn ц,600 f pm)
Range: 579 km (359 m) with max fuel load
Above: Dick Smith comes in to land in front of cheering and waving crowds, having completed his round-the-world flight on 22 Juty 1983.
Hover celling: 3870 m |12.700 1p. m.)
Weights: empty 660 kg (1.452 *>.). maximum laku-otf 1451 kg (3,192 to,)
In 1996 Rower broke Ins own record in a Model 130. w ith Bell test pilot John Williams In 199“ Mike Smith ami Steve Good took the record from Bower living around the world in their McDI) Model 3001) in a mere 13 days.
Accommodation: 3 passengers and 2 p.’-ots
span 1.92 m (33 tt. 4 In.)
length 9.60 m (31 tt. 2 in.)
Height 2.91 m (9 ft. 6 In.)
rotor disc area 81.10 m’ (873 sq. tt.)
Amy Johnson vt her de Hawllard 60 named Jason. tmw to that pictured Detow. set out for tne same destination as ‘Ben Uniter m an «Wort to equal h-s record
28 June 1994, Ron Bowor, Wco PrcMdcni for Helmopter Marketing at Austin Jot International, took oft from Bell’s Helicopter ріалі Iri Fort Worth. Texas
30N HIS OWN: Bell s Customer Servico Facilities located throughout the world provided the only assistance. The trip was completed without any major probtems. a testimony to the capabilities of Iho JetRanger.