Italian-built of the sea

Aside from the Italian nay, operators of Uie original AS1I-3I> anti-submarine helicopter include the navies ol Argentina. Brazil and Peru The AS-61 VII’ and logistic transport nvxlel was bought in small numlx-rs 11 Tgypt Iran. Iraq.

Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

Another military variant is the ASUrKPelican mmb. tt search – and a-suic helicopter, equivalent to the HH-ЗГ which ts used In the Italian air force, later versions have upgraded avionics

king for night rescue missions.

In the course of its evolution, the AS-61 Ixvarne a much more capable helicopter. Early S-6b had a weapon load of less than l(M) kg <HHO lb t. but tlu – SI 1-А!> can carry much I wavier loads, such as a pair r»f Kxocet or I laqxaon anti-ship missiles.

Agusta also built several uvil variants. fu-r producing 13 S-611. and 123 sr»Jl civil versions of the Sea King. Agusta pnxluced the AS-61.1 Silver, which has a lightly shorter fuselage

Above: Often flown as a transport helicopter, the AS-61 is also capablo ol attacking enemy ships with missiles.

and seating for 2S passengers instead of the original 30 It has increased fuel capacity for longer range – it is capable of living more than %6 km (600 miles) with 2-І passengers.



AS-61 Sea King


The kjrye luse&go nfiows the Sea Keg to undertake и witM winery of tasks. These nave ranged «тат arm submarine pairoSs and searrn and rescue to VIP transport and erwon commercial cceral«cns


the Sea Kzg has a large fve-DJaao rolor пело Navtk vfldanlB have a 6P6oaJsed rc4cr hoed that aTcws fix* rotors to be toded back afcng tho fusewgn lor шоу atcroge on naval vessels


The urge AS-dlR Pe»can is a onveoceo venucm of lh« Son King Ths PnNcnn alter» m sgtiilcanl speed noranlng* over the Fnxxh ixilt Soper Fitfon Cot и и рост porforrasr естрагон 10 the late*- OeflnM Couflor


Devofopod in tho Into 1950s. the Sea King looks sot to continue operations across tho world, dospito tho development ol того advanced designs.


Italian-built of the sea

The lotting t»l rotec attow* the netcopler lo be stored fcetow Tlx, unusual ліра ot she °*cks and m me sniafi

ftjsmago reflects the boat-liko Isaacs ot legates. cn-iagn ot tho hetcopter Though rarefy practiced. tt*e hoheopter can land cn wsitor.


two V» .jo scotraans prolnxlo I tern other twdo of the Ллеїлде. They iw»e emergency hototen gw m tho event of n emth яі sea.



Bwlne-hd In coang duo to d* icouromonl to carry теки» rnyupment. ths AS-61 П. e al*o


Italian-built of the sea



SA 3710




338) я 1.10ЭП

<100 в


(1J.4S0 (t.)

3100 n

10.100 ft.)


Pum*. lh* Cougar has oxcoptonol pevfcvirayv*


Italian-built of the sea
