More Kinematics
Let us take stock of the progress we have made since laying out our requirements toward expressing Eq. (9.4) in component form. Equation (9.5) provides the transformation matrix [T]ul, and Eqs. (9.8) and (9.11) deliver [T]B for the skid-to-turn missile and bank-to-tum aircraft, respectively. We build [T]UG from
[T]UG = [T]U,[T]GI (9.14)
with [T]GI, the transformation matrix of the geographic wrt inertial coordinates, given by the longitude and latitude angles (see Chapter 3).
To come to grips with the [ TBU transformation matrix, we string it out
[T]BU = [T]BV[T]VG[T]UG (9.15)
The challenge is to calculate [T]VG, the TM of the geographic velocity wrt geographic coordinates. This will take several steps. We first calculate the geographic velocity v’l from the definition of the inertial velocity vf using the inertial position of the vehicle s Bi and the Euler transformation
vf = D! sBi = DesBi + ftE1sBi = vf + nE! sBi
Solve for vf and express it in geographic coordinates
[,f f = mYK]7 – [я£/] W)
From [uf]G we calculate the geographic heading and flight-path angles jrvc and 6vg, recognizing the fact that they are the polar angles of the velocity vector in geographic axes (CADAC utility MATPOL). Finally, from these angles we obtain [T]v’c (CADAC utility MAT2TR). We are now able to calculate Eq. (9.15).
In a moment we also will need
which we construct from Eqs. (9.15) and (9.5).
Back to Eq. (9.4), the angular velocity [Q. UI]U or its vector counterpart [ыи1]и is given by Eq. (9.7). Furthermore, we also need the body rates шв,]в for various modeling tasks. We build them up from
[o)B!]B = [шву]в + [a)VU]B + [coUI]B (9.17)
[шви]в is given by Eq. (9.10) for skid-to-turn missiles and by Eq. (9.13) for bank – to-turn aircraft. The second term [covu]B is the angular velocity vector of the geographic velocity frame wrt the inertial velocity frame. These two frames differ by the Earth’s angular velocity coEI. Expressed in inertial coordinates
[CO™]1 = [oF]1 =
Using Eqs. (9.16), (9.6), and (9.15), we can calculate the body rates
[(‘a)b,]b = [coBV]B + [T]BI[(oEI]’ + [T]BV[coul]u (9.18)
Rejoice! Our kinematic construction set is complete, and we can turn to the more profitable task of formulating the equations of motions.