Twin-rotor US Navy rescuer
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esigned to meet д Naxy піхчі Гог л nhiplxwtd utility ln lU opiiT. Hr – Pfcuecki Model I’V-IH, known in naval parlance
.is tli. ІІП* Kemevei. Iir>i llew in l‘> and entered 4-nice thnx – vi ns Liter. Primitive by todays st. mil. mls. the III I* was ||ie finest ІК’ІІІМркТ III Its i|.«vs in tile 1‘Я0> It also чтмчі in the t*S Липу as the II-2S Army Mule With a single engine driving twin rotont and with its ГипсііошІ Inn odd-looking tail draper landing gear, the HI JT
и* Huo паз capacity w a crew or two and oitner kx« pu’-sengor» or throe stretch*» cases. An r, tornaSy-oporated «ьсиа lotcn rest to the preti soot was targe enough to aorornmoctote a toartod stretcher A Itydrocdc host above •hi – паеh was used 10 Mt scxvrvo* aboard wrue hovering
Above: Several US Navy HUP-2s had dunking sonar lilted for anti-submarlno operations and were designated HUP-2S.
HUP-2 Retriever
Thits HUP-2 сипім the markings ot Navy Utility
Helicopter Squadron 1. This unit operated
search-and-rescuo HUPs from various aircraft-
carriers during the Korean War.
HUP-3 Retriever
Type: singlo-engmed. twin-rotor utility, cargo and rescue helicopter
Powerplant: one 410-KW |550hp l Comment»! R-9/5-46A radial eng**
Maiimum speed: 169 km*» (tos m p. h.)
Maximum range: 547 *>m (340 m p h.)
Service ceiling: .1050 m no.000 It)
Weights: empty 1782 kg (3.930 lb). maximum take-o»t 2767 kg (6.100 lb |
Accommodation: pilot, co-pilot and up to five
passengers or three hoepctal stretchers with attendant