Closed-Form Integration for H-Force

The H – force is the horizontal force perpendicular to the rotor shaft and is derived in the same manner as that of the torque. Figure 3-35 shows the arrangement of the forces on the blades that contribute to the H-forces. At any blade element the incremental H-force is:

AH = f AD – AL — ] sin у — ALB cos у


In level flight, AH is positive on the advancing side and negative on the retreating side, although in autorotation the reverse can be true. Thus the total H-force can be either positive or negative, depending on which side of the rotor is dominant.

Because of this, the magnitude of the calculated H-force can vary drastically with relatively small changes in flight conditions—or, as will be shown later, with changes in the assumptions made in the integration. When the integration is carried out with the same assumptions as for the thrust and torque equations, the result is:


9. + -7-) _ + a0




1U { ^0

З Ш 2


Again, using the equations for (Bl + al) and (Д — and also the equation for CT/o, the equation simplifies to:


i + JL + A^+I _!■_

2 9 2 / 3 CLR 8 CLR


4 1 + |T


In this case the last term is generally small but perhaps not negligible.

If the inflow portions of the rotor equations are combined, it may be seen



£q/Ginflow — ^ CT/0 + a Ct/g)


This identity is illustrated graphically by examining the rotor mounted in a wind tunnel at a positive angle of attack, as shown in Figure 3.36. The momentum power that the rotor extracts from the airflow is negative rotor power and is equal