Mutual action of Two Vortices
Consider two vortices of strength у and y’ located at (0, 0) and (0, h), as shown in Figure 5.56. These two vortices repel one another if у and y’ have the same sign, and attract if the signs are opposite. This result has its application to the action between the vortices shed by the wings of a biplane.
5.19 Energy due to a Pair of Vortices
Consider two circular vortices of equal radius a and equal strength у placed as shown in Figure 5.57 with the distance 2b between their centers very large compared to a, so that their circular form is preserved.
Y /h
Figure 5.56 Two vortices at a finite distance between them.
Neglecting the interaction between them, we can write the vorticity as:
Z = iy ln (z — b) — iy ln (z + b)
The stream function is:
ф = у ln (—
where ri, r2 are the distance of the point z from the vortices, as shown in Figure 5.57. For the region external to the vortices the kinetic energy of the fluid is:
KEo = — p I I (u2 + v2) dxdy.
Now in terms of stream function ф:
2 2 дф дф
u2 + v = u——— v —
dy dx
д(иф) д(vф) du dv
ду дх ду дх
д^ф) дфф) (дv дu
ду дх + ^ 1 дх ду
But the region outside the vortices is irrotational and hence vorticity:
дv дu ^ дх ду
Therefore, we have:
KE0 = 2 p x 2
(цф dx + уф dy).
The integration is taken positively (in the counterclockwise direction) round c, and the circumference of the vortex at z = b. The factor 2 is to account for the two vortices contributing the same amount to the energy.
u dx + vdy = Vsds,
where Vs is the speed tangential to contour c and ds is arc length along c. Therefore:
Vs ds = 2ny the circulation.
Also, on c, r1 = a, and r2 = 2b (approximately), so that we may express the KE0 as:
KEo = – p x 2ny x у ln (2b)
= 2npyL ln — .
The fluid inside the contour c is rotating (Figure 5.48) with angular velocity у/a[6] 2 and moving as a whole with velocity y/2b induced by the other vortex. Thus the KE inside c is:
2 / 1 y[7] 1 a2 у2 |
KEi = nap 24b2 + 2 x 2 a4l ‘
where the first term is the contribution due to the whole motion and the second term is due to the angular velocity (r«). But a2/b2 is small and hence can be neglected. Hence: