Rotor Flapping Characteristics


Before deriving the helicopter equations of equilibrium and motion, it seems well to develop a general understanding of rotor flapping, a primary factor in helicopter stability and control analysis.

As might be expected, the stability and control characteristics of a helicopter are different from those of an airplane primarily as a rotor is different from a wing. Whereas the wing remains more or less rigidly attached to the airplane airframe, the rotor tip path plane tilts easily with respect to the helicopter airframe in response to changing flight conditions and control inputs. This tilt produces changes in forces and moments at the top of the rotor shaft. A hingeless blade may have no single point at which flapping occurs, but an effective hinge offset can be determined that will give it the same stability and control characteristics as a blade with an actual mechanical hinge at that point. This concept will be used to eliminate any consideration of blade structural stiffness in the following analyses.

Several different flapping characteristics will be discussed in a cause-and – effect manner and then mathematically derived from the laws of physics. These characteristics are summarized in Table 7.1 for rotors with and without hinge


Rdtor Flapping Characteristics (for Counterclockwise Rotation)


Change in Condition

With No Hinge Offset

With Hinge Offset (Or Hingeless Rotor)

Shaft tilted in vacuum.

Tip path plane remains in original position.

Tip path plane aligns itself perpendicular to shaft.

Shaft tilted in air in hover.

Tip path plane aligns itself perpendicular to shaft.

Tip path plane aligns itself perpendicular to shaft.

Longitudinal pitch (B() increased in hover.

Tip path plane tilts down in front by exactly Bv

Tip path plane tilts down in front approximately by Bx and tilts slightly down to right.

Lateral cyclic pitch (A() increased in hover.

Tip path plane tilts down to right by exactly Av

Tip path plane tilts down to right approximately by Al and tilts slightly up in front.

Forward speed increased.

Tip path plane tilts back.

Tip path plane tilts back and slightly down to left.

Shaft tilted back in forward flight.

Tip path plane tilts back further than change in shaft tilt.

Tip path plane tilts back further than change in shaft tilt and slightly down to left.

Collective pitch increased in forward flight.

Tip path plane tilts back.

Tip path plane tilts back and slightly down to left.

Coning increased in forward flight.

Tip path plane tilts down to right.

Tip path plane tilts down to right and slightly down in back.

Longitudinal pitch increased in forward flight.

Tip path plane tilts down in front slightly more than Bv

Tip path plane tilts down in front approximately by Bx and tilts slightly down to right.

Lateral pitch increased in forward flight.

Tip path plane tilts down to right by exactly Av

Tip path plane tilts down to right approximately by Al and tilts slightly up in front.

Steady nose-up pitch rate.

Longitudinal tilt of tip path plane lags shaft, tilts down to left.

Longitudinal tilt of tip path plane lags shaft, lateral tilt may be either right or left.

Steady right roll rate.

Lattral tilt of tip path plane lags shaft, tilts up in front.

Lateral tilt of tip path plane lags shaft, longitudinal tilt may be either up or down.

Sideslip to right.

Tip path plane tilts down to left and down in front.

Tip path plane tilts down to left and down in front.

Sideslip to left.

Tip path plane tilts down to right and down in front.

Tip path plane tilts down to right and down in front.

offset. (There are few modern rotors with individual blades hinged with no offset but two-bladed teetering rotors fall into this category for the purposes of this discussion.)

All these flapping characteristics can be explained on the basis that at the flapping hinge (or at an effective flapping hinge in the case of a hingeless rotor) the summation of moments produced by aerodynamic, centrifugal, weight, inertial, and gyroscopic forces must be zero.

Shaft Tilted in a Vacuum

If a rotor with no hinge offset is operating in a vacuum, there are no aerodynamic forces; only centrifugal forces acting in the plane of rotation. These can produce no moments about the flapping hinges. If the shaft is tilted, no changes in moments will be produced and the rotor disc will remain in its original position, as shown in Figure 7.1. If, on the other hand, the rotor has hinge offset, the centrifugal forces acting in the plane of rotation will produce moments about the hinges that will force the blades to align themselves perpendicular to the shaft.