The type and number of constraints are highly problem-dependent. Typical constraints for commercial wing designs arc:
• Lift and angle of attack. Either the lift C{ or angle of attack a are constrained or defined as input values. For the horizontal tail plane, both can be simultaneously constrained.
• Minimum and maximum lift. Maximum lift at low speed (=» 50m/s) C{ for a given Reynolds number influences takeoff and landing performance and is therefore an important parameter. For horizontal tails, the minimum lift at low speed C. is an important constraint.
For slender supersonic aircraft the maximum lift is usually defined by a maximum angle of attack of 20°. according to the ‘Concorde’ SST regulations.
• Buffet onset at 1.3g relative to Ig cruise. Although a buffet onset is difficult to predict exactly, a conservative estimate can be made using the trailing edge separation criterion [340| based on trailing edge pressure coefficients. Buffet of this type is usually a problem for transonic wing designs.
• Pitching moment C. This is usually not particularly important for subsonic transports but is a major issue for supersonic transports The hinge moment ^ is an important constraint in the design of control surfaces.
• The aircraft thrust must be at least equal to the drag also at off-design points, of which the most critical are usually at the high lift and high Mach number comer of the envelope. The allowed drag creep as a function of Mach number or lift is also often constrained.
• Geometry. The airfoil thickness and thickness distribution are usually subject to structural and geometric constraints such as spar depths.
• Engine installation. The wing design should take into account the disturbances due to engine installation. This is done implicitly by including the engine in – and outflow with the nacelle in the drag balance. When a surface (such as a wing) is placed near a nacelle it will then assume a shape such that the drag is minimized (e g. interference minimized)