HLSR—Heave Axis Response Criteria
Height response (HR) criterion: The HR criterion of heave axis response (HAR) is to evaluate the rotorcraft’s dynamic behavior following a step collective input in hover. While applying the collective input the pitch, roll, and heading excursions should be maintained essentially constant. According to ADS-33, the vertical rate response should have a quantitative first-order appearance for at least 5 s. The first-order TF can be fitted to this 5 s response:
h _ Ke-Ts d ~ 1 ± Ts,
where T is the equivalent time constant and t is the equivalent vertical axis time delay.
This criterion can also be evaluated in the frequency domain. For HQ Level 1 the max T is 5 s and max delay is 0.2 s, and for HQ Level 2 the max T is infinity and the delay is 0.3 s.
Torque response (TR) criterion: The torque displayed to the pilot is used as a measure of the maximum allowable power that can be commanded without exceeding the engine or transmission limits.
Some case study results of BW criterion for BO 105 helicopter data are given in Table 10.11.