Glider Equilibrium
Away from high lift, a linear model of the glider in terms of the angle of incidence a (deg) and tail setting angle tt (deg) is given by:
CL (a, tt) = 0.1a + 0.01tt + 0.7
CM,0(a, tt) = -0.02a — 0.01tt — 0.13 Definition
Give the definition of the aerodynamic center. Aerodynamic Center
Find the location xac of the aerodynamic center, given that the reference length is lref = 1.5 m. Moment at Aerodynamic Center
Derive CM, ac. Moment at Center of Gravity
Derive CM, cg given a 4 % positive static margin.
Is the airplane statically stable? Explain. Equilibrium
Derive the equilibrium incidence a(tt).
14.3 Problem 4