• European/Japanese co-operation • Ambulance, rescue and utility
On 25 February 1977 Mcsserschmitt-
Bolkow-Blohm and Kawasaki signed an agreement for the joint production of a new utility helicopter. Although the aircraft itself has been reasonably successful, it was the programme as a whole that demonstrated what
Eurocopter/Kawasaki BK 117
Fighting fires in Scotland ►
Emergency sorvices around the world appreciate the value of the helicopter for a variety of tasks. Many compamos, such as McAlpme in the UK.
lease aircraft to agencies such as the Strathclydo lire brigade.
> MOB abandoned Itr. armed military
BK 117A-3M. but ‘civilian’ machines have been sold to military customers.
>• Kawasaki flew the first production
BK 117 on 24 December 1981.
>■ Several features of the BO 105 were retained or modified in the BK 117.
>• MBB abandoned its BO 107 design and Kawasaki its KH-7 project in favour of Joint BK 117 production.
► The first aircraft from the MBB production line flow on 23 April 1982.
► Germany’s ministry of dofence used one BK 117 as a composites testing oircraft-
BK 117B-2
Type: tmn-turboshaft multi-purpose hdicoptor
Powcrplant: two Toxtron Lycoming LTS 101 7506-1 turboshafts, each with S28-kW (708-hp.) take-off rotmg and 516 kW (692-ftp.) continuous rating
Maximum Speed: 278 km/h (t72 m p ft |
Initial climb rate: 660 m/mtn (2,165 f. p,m >
Range: 541 km (335 mi) at sea level
Weights: empty 1727 kg (3.800 lb.): maximum take-oft 3350 kg (7370 lb)
Accommodation: one pilot and a maximum ot 10 passengers
main rotor dtamatar 11 m 136 ft. t in.)
length 13 m (42 tt. 8 in.)
height 3.85 m <55 ft. 3 (a)
main rotor <t-sc area 95.03 m (1.023 sg. ft.)
Above: MBB’s BK 117A-3M demonstrator is armed with HOT missiles. Although more than 20 military customers exist, none uses the BK 117 offensively.
Right: Kobe City Fire Department s BK 117 is equipped with powerful spotlights for fire-spotting and other emergency duties.
_____ ___ produced by
Kawasaki and all rotor systems
by мни
Tho tourbfcKied rotor hMd л «most Kiwi teal to that ot the MBS BO 106. It и» made ol titarium As on octcn. two of the hlYtts can bo made to <c*ct
This BK 117 serves with tho air proving wing of the Japanese Air Self-Defence Force.
Gass ftbre-r&niorced ptastic (GFPP) л used bx the mom rotor tfedtm. with a .ir. un. i-uc Meut дпіі-огохюп leodng-ndgo strip Th*> Wades ore santar to, but larger Iften. those of KfflB’s ргелхв design, the 00 t05
A plot and, J boaoccmt {•used as «г.
hit nine pain
■i su passengers can ilod when the BK 117 •oaitwo transport, щіт* ors standard in
BoOi Ы IT* tghMx riabcotxcn cXW good cianb oedcrmonce The much new tectmoiogir mod n II* Cxplorae n rafted od n it» luipcror perlomtarv:*
Tu рмеепдег» rrurr tic corned n etiigh-d>4..-y і»л»іі
470 «H>i*
(1.38D І. р я I
MBS is rosponsfcto tor such components as the rotor system and tail section Kirwnsaio nanutoebraa mo tusefcge. iud systems. Ironemsson and other, tem3
fH 0/ЬлІ Fight RJesl r – por. r.itAi with the na. nK ‘Xjuipment fa am equipped to
Wheats may be attached to the s*q0s to a*t ground hontJtog. Emergency itotnlton oqupmont дані snow studs are optoniw
Larger avtnmas tun* pпвЛш fut< capacity and ttwrtoni T* Ft/ecapur AS 365N7 Oauprwi? fta» it* kmgnl rung* The 8K 117. Mftough rxorporaiing otter technology. oft** a
ASJ45H7 ВП7В-7 DAUPHIN 2 Ml An. 197 m |5» rr іШяА-1 ____
■ OH-8: Beginning in March 1969. Kawasaki manufactured the Hughes OH-6 under a Uconce agreement.
■ 369: Civiban variants of the OH-6 designated the 369. have also been built m Japan, mostly for Japanese customers.