Aircraft Drag Estimation Methodology (Subsonic)

The semi-empirical formulation of aircraft drag estimation used in this book is a credible method based on [1], [3], and [7]. It follows the findings from NACA/NASA, RAE, and other research-establishment documents. This chapter provides an outline of the method used. It is clear from Equation 9.2 that the fol­lowing four components of aircraft drag are to be estimated:

1. Minimum parasite drag, CDpmi„ (see Section 9.7).

Parasite drag is composed of skin friction and pressure differences due to viscous effects that are dependent on the Re. To estimate the minimum parasite drag, CDpmin, the first task is to establish geometric parameters such as the characteris­tic lengths and wetted areas and the Res of the discrete aircraft components.

2. Incremental parasite drag, ACDp (see Section 9.10).

ACDp is characteristic of a particular aircraft design and includes the lift-dependent parasite drag variation, 3D effects, interference effects, and other spurious effects not easily accounted for. There is no theory to estimate ACDp; it is best obtained from wind-tunnel tests or the ACDp of similarly designed aircraft wings and bodies. CFD results are helpful in generating the ACDp-versus-CL variation.

3. Induced drag, Cm (see Section 3.12).

The pure induced drag, Cm, is computed from the expression Cm = CL2/пAR.

4. Wave drag, CDw (see Section 9.11).

The last component of subsonic aircraft drag is the wave drag, CDw, which accounts for compressibility effects. It depends on the thickness parameter of the body: for lifting surfaces, it is the t/c ratio, and for bodies, it is the diameter-to-length ratio. CFD can predict wave drag accurately but must be substantiated using wind-tunnel test data. Transport aircraft are designed so that HSC at Mcrit (e. g., for the Airbus 320 type, « 0.82 Mach) allows a twenty-count (ACDw = 0.002) drag increase. At LRC, wave-drag formation is kept at zero. Compressibility drag at supersonic speed is caused by shock waves.

Aircraft Drag Formulation

A theoretical overview of drag is provided in this section to show that aircraft geom­etry is not amenable to the equation for an explicit solution. Even so, CFD is yet to achieve an acceptable result for the full aircraft.

Recall the expression in Equation 9.2 for the total aircraft drag, CD, as:

where CDparasite — CDfriction + CDpressure — CDpmin + ACDp

At LRC, when Cdw & 0, the total aircraft drag coefficient is given by:

Cd — CDpmin + ACdp + CDi (9.3)

The general theory of drag on a 2D body (Figure 9.3a) provides the closed – form Equation 9.4. A 2D body has infinite span. In the diagram, airflow is along the x direction and wake depth is shown in the y direction. The wake is formed due to viscous effects immediately behind the body, where integration occurs. The sub­script to denotes the free-stream condition. Consider an arbitrary CV large enough

in the y direction where static pressure is equal to free-stream static pressure (i. e., P = pX). Wake behind a body is due to the viscous effect in which there is a loss of velocity (i. e., momentum) and pressure shown in the figure. Measurement and computation across the wake are performed close to the body; otherwise, the down­stream viscous effect dissipates the wake profile. Integration over the y direction on both sides up to the free-stream value gives:

X (X)

D = Dpress + Dskin = f (Px – p)dy + j pu(Ux – u)dy

— X —X


= J [(PxD — p) + pu(Ux — u)] dy (9.4)

— X

An aircraft is a 3D object (Figure 9.3b) with the additional effect of a finite wing span that produces induced drag. In that case, the previous equation can be written as:

x b/2

D = Dskin + Dpress + Di = ff [(Px — p) + pu(Ux — u)]dxdy (9.5)

— x —b/2

where b is the span of the wing in the x direction (i. e., the axis system has changed).

The finite-wing effects on the pressure and velocity distributions result in induced drag Di embedded in the expression on the right-hand side of Equation 9.5. Because the aircraft cruise condition (i. e., LRC) is chosen to operate below Mcrit, the wave drag, Dw, is absent; otherwise, it must be added to the expression. Therefore, Equation 9.5 can be equated with the aircraft drag expression as given in Equa­tion 9.3. Finally, Equation 9.5 can be expressed in non

Unfortunately, the complex 3D geometry of an entire aircraft in Equation

9.3 is not amenable to easy integration. CFD has discretized the flow field into small domains that are numerically integrated, resulting in some errors. Mathemati­cians have successfully managed the error level with sophisticated algorithms (see Chapter 14 for a discussion of CFD). The proven industrial-standard, semi-empirical methods are currently the prevailing practice and are backed up by theories and val­idated by flight tests. CFD assists in the search for improved aerodynamics.

Aircraft Drag Breakdown (Subsonic)

There are many variations and definitions of the bookkeeping methods for com­ponents of aircraft drag; this book uses the typical U. S. practice [2]. The standard breakdown of aircraft drag is as follows (see Equation 9.1):

total aircraft drag = (drag due to skin friction + drag due to pressure difference) + drag due to lift generation + drag due to compressibility = parasite drag (CDp) + lift-dependent induced drag (Cm)

+ wave drag (Cdw)

= (minimum parasite drag[CDpmin]

+ incremental parasite drag[ACDp])

+ induced drag (Cm) + wave drag (CDw)

Therefore, the total aircraft drag coefficient is:

Cd = Copmin+ACop + Ci2/n AR + Cdw (9.2)

The advantage of keeping pure induced drag separate is obvious because it is depen­dent only on the lifting-surface aspect ratio and is easy to compute. The total aircraft drag breakdown is shown in Chart 9.1.

It is apparent that the CD varies with the CL. When the CD and the CL relation­ship is shown in graphical form, it is known as a drag polar, shown in Figure 9.2 (all components of drag in Equation 9.2 are shown in the figure). The CD versus the CL2 characteristics of Equation 9.2 are rectilinear, except at high and low CL values (see

Total Aircraft Drag Breakdown

Parasite drag Induced drag Wave drag, CDw

CDp CDi = Cp/nAR (compressibility)

(viscous-dependent – (lift-dependent but

no lift contribution) viscous-independent)

CDpmin + CDp

(minimum) (variation of CDp

(skin friction + pressure with a change)

+ nonelliptical effect)

Chart 9.1. Total aircraft drag breakdown

Figure 9.2. Aircraft drag polar

Parasite Drag Definition

The components of drag due to viscosity do not contribute to lift. For this reason, it is considered “parasitic” in nature. For bookkeeping purposes, parasite drag is usually considered separately from other drag sources. The main components of parasite drag are as follows:

• drag due to skin friction

• drag due to the pressure difference between the front and the rear of an object

• drag due to the lift-dependent viscous effect and therefore seen as parasitic (to some extent resulting from the nonelliptical nature of lift distribution over the wing); this is a small but significant percentage of total aircraft drag (at LRC, it

is «2%)

All of these components vary (to a small extent) with changes in aircraft incidence (i. e., as CL changes). The minimum parasite drag, CDpmin, occurs when shock waves and boundary-layer separation are at a minimum, by design, around the LRC con­dition. Any change from the minimum condition (CDpmin) is expressed as ACDp. In summary:

parasite drag (CDp) = (drag due to skin friction [viscosity]+drag due to pressure difference [viscosity]) = minimum parasite drag (CDpmin)

+ incremental parasite drag (ACDp) (9.1)

Oswald’s efficiency factor (see Section 3.12) is accounted for in the lift-dependent parasite drag. The nature of ACDp is specific to a particular aircraft. Numerically, it is small and difficult to estimate.

Parasite drag of a body depends on its form (i. e., shape) and is also known as form drag. The form drag of a wing profile is known as profile drag. In the past, parasite drag in the FPS system was sometimes expressed as the drag force in pound force (lbf) at 100 ft/s speed, represented by Dioo. This practice was useful in its day as a good way to compare drag at a specified speed, but it is not used today. These two terms are not used in this book.

The current industrial practice using semi-empirical methods to estimate CDpmin is a time-consuming process. (If computerized, then faster estimation is possible, but the author recommends relying more on the manual method at this stage.) Parasite drag constitutes one-half to two-thirds of subsonic aircraft drag. Using the standard semi-empirical methods, the parasite drag units of an aircraft and its components are generally expressed as the drag of the “equivalent flat-plate area” (or “flat-plate drag”), placed normal to airflow as shown in Figure 9.1 (see Equation 9.7). These units are in square feet to correlate with literature in the public domain. This is not the same as air flowing parallel to the flat plate and encountering only the skin friction.

The inviscid idealization of flow is incapable of producing parasite drag because of the lack of skin friction and the presence of full pressure recovery.

Figure 9.1. Flat plate equivalent of drag

Aircraft Drag

9.1 Overview

An important task in aircraft design is to make the best possible estimation of all the different types of drag associated with aircraft aerodynamics. Commercial aircraft design is sensitive to the DOC, which is aircraft-drag-dependent. Just one count of drag (i. e., CD = 0.0001) could account for several million U. S. dollars in operating cost over the lifespan of a small fleet of midsized aircraft. This will become increas­ingly important with the increasing trend in fuel costs. Accurate estimation of the different types of drag remains a central theme. (Equally important are other ways to reduce DOC as described in Section 2.1; these are discussed in Chapter 17.)

For a century, a massive effort has been made to understand and estimate drag, and the work is still continuing. Possibly some of the best work on aircraft drag in English is compiled by NACA/NASA, RAE, AGARD, ESDU, DATCOM, Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), AIAA, and others. These publications indicate that the drag phenomena are still not fully understood and that the way to estimate aircraft drag is by using semi-empirical relations. CFD (see Chapter 14) is gaining ground but it is still some way from supplanting the proven semi-empirical relations. In the case of work on excrescence drag, efforts are lagging.

The 2D-surface skin friction drag, elliptically loaded induced drag, and wave drag can be accurately estimated – together, they comprise most of the total aircraft drag. The problem arises when estimating drag generated by the 3D effects of the aircraft body, interference effects, and excrescence effects. In general, there is a tendency to underestimate aircraft drag.

Accurate assessments of aircraft mass, drag, and thrust are crucial in the air­craft performance estimation. The also contribute to aircraft stability and control analyses.

Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.12, and 3.16 define the basic elements of drag. This chapter outlines the considerations and methodology to estimate aircraft drag using worked – out examples.

9.1.1 What Is to Be Learned?

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to aircraft drag Parasite drag

Aircraft drag breakdown structure Theoretical background of aircraft drag Subsonic aircraft drag estimation methodology Methodology to estimate minimum parasite drag (Copmin) Semi-empirical relations to estimate CDpmin Excrescence drag

Summary of aircraft parasite drag (CDpmin)

Methodology to estimate ACDp Methodology to estimate subsonic wave drag Summary of total aircraft drag Low-speed aircraft drag at takeoff and landing Drag of propeller-driven aircraft Military aircraft drag

Empirical methodology for supersonic drag estimation Bizjet example – civil aircraft Military aircraft example

9.1.2 Coursework Content

The coursework task continues linearly. Readers will carry out aircraft component drag estimation and obtain the total aircraft drag.

9.2 Introduction

The drag of an aircraft depends on its shape and speed, which are design-dependent, as well as on the properties of air, which are nature-dependent. Drag is a complex phenomenon arising from several sources, such as the viscous effects that result in skin friction and pressure differences as well as the induced flow field of the lifting surfaces and compressibility effects (see Sections 3.12 and 3.16).

The aircraft drag estimate starts with the isolated aircraft components (e. g., wing and fuselage). Each component of the aircraft generates drag largely dictated by its shape. Total aircraft drag is obtained by summing the drag of all components plus their interference effects when the components are combined. The drag of two isolated bodies increases when they are brought together due to the interference of their flow fields.

The Re has a deciding role in determining the associated skin-friction coeffi­cient, CF, over the affected surface and the type, extent, and steadiness of the bound­ary layer (which affects parasite drag) on it. Boundary-layer separation increases drag and is undesirable; separation should be minimized.

A major difficulty arises in assessing drag of small items attached to an aircraft surface such as instruments (e. g., pitot and vanes), ducts (e. g., cooling), blisters,
and necessary gaps to accommodate moving surfaces. In addition, there are the unavoidable discrete surface roughness from mismatches (at assembly joints) and imperfections, perceived as defects, that result from limitations in the manufactur­ing processes. Together, from both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing origins, they are collectively termed excrescence drag.

The review in Section 2.6 makes clear that accurate total aircraft drag estimation is not possible using analytical or CFD methods. Schmidt of Dornier in the AGARD 256 is categorical about the inability of CFD, analytical methods, or even wind- tunnel model-testing to estimate drag. CFD is steadily improving and can predict wing-wave drag (CDw) accurately but not total aircraft drag – most of the errors are due to the smaller excrescence effects, interference effects, and other parasitic effects. Industrial practices employ semi-empirical relations (with CFD) validated against wind-tunnel and flight tests and are generally proprietary information. Most of the industrial drag data are not available in the public domain.

The methodology given in this chapter is a modified and somewhat simplified version of standard industrial practices ([1], [3], and [7]). The method is validated by comparing its results with the known drag of existing operational aircraft.

The design criterion for today’s commercial high-subsonic jet transport aircraft is that the effects of separation and local shocks are minimized (i. e., compressibility drag almost equal to zero) at the LRC (before the onset of wave drag) condition. At HSC, a twenty-count drag increase is allowed, reaching Mcrit, due to local shocks (i. e., transonic flow) covering small areas of the aircraft. Modern streamlined shapes maintain low separation at Mcrit; therefore, such effects are small at HSC. The dif­ference in the Mach number at HSC and LRC for subsonic aircraft is small – on the order of Mach 0.05 to Mach 0.075. Typically, estimation of the drag coefficient at LRC is sufficient because it has a higher Cf, which gives conservative values at HSC when ACDw is added. The LRC condition is by far the longest segment in the mis­sion profile; the industry standard practice at the conceptual study phase uses the LRC drag polar for all parts of the mission profile (e. g., climb and descent). The Re at the LRC provides a conservative estimate of drag at the climb and descent seg­ments. At takeoff and landing, the undercarriage and high-lift device drags must be added. In the next phase of the project, more detailed drag estimation is carried out.

Supersonic aircraft operate over a wider speed range: The difference between maximum aircraft speed and Mcrit is on the order of Mach 1.0 to Mach 1.2. There­fore, estimation of C0pmm is required at three speeds: (1) at a speed before the onset of wave drag, (2) at Mcrit, and (3) at maximum speed (e. g., Mach 2.0).

It is difficult for the industry to absorb drag-prediction errors of more than 5% (the goal is to ensure errors of <3%) for civil aircraft; overestimating is better than underestimating. Practitioners are advised to be generous in allocating drag – it is easy to miss a few of the many sources of drag, as shown in the worked – out examples in this chapter. Underestimated drag causes considerable design and management problems; failure to meet customer specifications is expensive for any industry. Subsonic aircraft drag prediction has advanced to the extent that most aeronautical establishments are confident in predicting drag with adequate accu­racy. Military aircraft shapes are more complex; therefore, it is possible that predic­tions will be less accurate.

Graphical Method to Predict Aircraft Component Weight – Military Aircraft

This extended section presents statistical data on military aircraft component mass in graphical form, as illustrated in the following figures.

Figure 8.5. Military aircraft fuselage mass Figure 8.6. Military aircraft wing mass Figure 8.7. Military aircraft empennage mass Figure 8.8. Military aircraft engine mass Figure 8.9. Military aircraft undercarriage mass Figure 8.10. Military aircraft system mass

8.14 Semi-empirical Equation Methods (Statistical) – Military Aircraft

This extended section presents military aircraft mass estimation semi-empirical rela­tions derived from theoretical formulation and refined with statistical data. The sec­tion is divided into subsections, each with a step-by-step discussion of workflow, as shown below by their titles.

8.15.1 Military Aircraft Fuselage Group (SI System)

8.15.2 Military Aircraft Wing Mass (SI System)

8.15.3 Military Aircraft Empennage

8.15.4 Nacelle Mass Example – Military Aircraft

8.15.5 Power Plant Group Mass Example – Military Aircraft

8.15.6 Undercarriage Mass Example – Military Aircraft

8.15.7 System Mass – Military Aircraft

8.15.8 Aircraft Furnishing – Military Aircraft

8.15.9 Miscellaneous Group (MMISc) – Military Aircraft

8.15.10 Contingency (McONT) – Military Aircraft

8.15.11 Crew Mass 8.15.12 Fuel (Mfuel) 8.15.13 Payload (MPL)

8.15 Classroom Example of Military AJT/CAS Aircraft Weight Estimation

This extended section of the book presents details of a worked-out example of Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT). The section is divided into subsections, each with a step-by-step discussion of workflow as their titles (below) show. The associated table is listed.

8.16.1 AJT Fuselage Example (Based on CAS Variant)

8.16.2 AJT Wing Example (Based on CAS Variant)

8.16.3 AJT Empennage Example (Based on CAS Variant)

8.16.4 AJT Nacelle Mass Example (Based on CAS Variant)

8.16.5 AJT Power Plant Group Mass Example (Based on AJT Variant)

8.16.6 AJT Undercarriage Mass Example (Based on CAS Variant)

8.16.7 AJT Systems Group Mass Example (Based on AJT Variant)

8.16.8 AJT Furnishing Group Mass Example (Based on AJT Variant)

8.16.9 AJT Contingency Group Mass Example

8.16.10 AJT Crew Mass Example

8.16.11 Fuel (Mfuel)

8.16.12 Payload (MPL)

8.16.13 Weights Summary – Military Aircraft

Table 8.9. AJT component and weight summary

8.16 CG Position Determination – Military Aircraft*

This extended section of the book presents the methodology adopted to determine aircraft CG. The section is divided into subsections, each with a step-by-step discus­sion of workflow, as their titles show. The associated tables are listed.

Table 8.10. Typical values of component CG locations – military aircraft

8.17.1 Classroom Worked-Out Military AJT CG Location Example

This subsection includes Table 8.11.

Table 8.11. Typical values of component CG locations – AJT

8.17.2 First Iteration to Fine Tune CG Position and Components Masses

First Iteration to Fine Tune CG Position Relative to Aircraft and Components

The preliminary aircraft configuration begins in Chapter 6 with a guesstimated MTOM, engine size, and CG position. It is unlikely that the computed aircraft mass as worked out in this chapter will match the estimated mass. In fact, the example shows that it is lighter, with a more accurate CG position; therefore, this replaces the estimated values in Chapter 6.

In principle, the aircraft configuration must be revised at this stage of progress as the first iteration. Final sizing is accomplished in Chapter 11, when iteration is required. Coursework may require only one iteration cycle of computation.

8.13 Rapid Mass Estimation Method – Military Aircraft

This extended section presents the military aircraft rapid mass estimation method in terms of mass fraction (in percentage) of maximum take-off mass (Mi/MTOM),

where subscript ‘i represents the ith component. The range of fractions are obtained from statistics given in tabular form in Table 8.8.

Table 8.8. Military trainer aircraft mass fraction

Bizjet Aircraft CG Location Example

Table 8.7 and Equations 8.54 and 8.55 are used to locate the CG. SI units are used.

Both the mass and the CG location are slightly different than the preliminary data. This results in the CG angle, в = tan-1 (8.4 -7.44)/1.357 = tan-1 0.7 = 35 deg. This is a satisfactory angle to cover the maximum fuselage-rotation angle at takeoff.

The CG is located almost at the middle of the baseline aircraft length, and the wing is positioned just behind it, which indicates that the CG is in the forward posi­tion. Proper CG positioning can be established after the aircraft neutral point is determined; the forward and aft CG limits can be ascertained by fine-tuning the

Table 8.7. Determination ofBizjet CG location

Item Group

Mass (kg)





























Undercarriage (nose)






Undercarriage (main)













Power plant
























MEM 5,457













OEM 5,800













Total moment at MTOM


69,934.7 x = 7.44 m

12,752.6 z = 1.357 m

MRM 9,450

component positions. Determining the aircraft neutral point is not addressed in this book, but it is approximately 50 to 55% of the wing MAC. Therefore, in this case, only small changes may be required to fine-tune the aircraft CG limits. Changing the wing position may be problematic, but a small degree of engine repositioning can be effective. Relocating heavy onboard items is easy and effective for last-minute fine – tuning, especially during flight-testing.

Center of Gravity Determination

After obtaining the component masses (i. e., weights), it is now time to locate the aircraft CG. A reference-coordinate system is essential for locating the CG position relative to an aircraft. A suggested coordinate system is to use the X-axis along the ground level (or at another suitable level) and the Z-axis passing through the far­thest point of the nose cone (i. e., tip), as shown in Figure 8.1. Typically, the fuselage axis is parallel or nearly parallel to the X-axis. In the example, it is parallel, with x measured from the aircraft nose and then converted to the MACw. Table 8.6 can be used to determine the CG location.

The first task is to estimate the CG position for each component group from the statistical data. Figure 8.4 provides generic information for locating the positions. During Phase 2, when more details of the components emerge, the CG positions are fine-tuned and the estimation is iterated. Typical ranges of the CG position relative to the component are given in Table 8.6. At this stage, the extreme forwardmost and rearmost CG positions (i. e., x coordinates) have not been determined and will be done later. In this book, it is demonstrated that the CG falls within the forward and aft CG limits, as shown in the worked-out example in Section 7.14. The CG
height from the ground is represented by the z coordinates. The CG should lie in the plane of symmetry (there are unsymmetrical aircraft).

It must be emphasized that the conceptual design phase relies on designers’ experience that is available in statistical data. Typical aircraft-component CGs result in the CG locations; therefore, the components must be positioned accordingly. At the conceptual design phase (i. e., not yet manufactured), it is not possible to obtain accurate component weights and their CG locations are yet to evolve. Designers’ experience is the way to minimize error. However, errors at this stage do not hin­der the progress of the conceptual design, which is revised through iterations for better accuracy. The industry can then confidently predict the final accuracy level within ±3 to ±5%, which is sufficient to study the competition before the go – ahead is given.

The expressions for x, y, and z coordinates are as follows:

Section 8.14 presents the worked-out example to compute X and Z.

Immediately after the go-ahead is obtained, significant budget funds are released for the project-definition phase (see Chapter 2). During this phase, major structural details are drawn in CAD to obtain more accurate component weights and the CG location. Bought-out items for the systems, undercarriage, and power plant also are identified, and the suppliers provide accurate weight and CG data. During the project-definition phase, very accurate predictions (i. e., < ±2 to ±3%) can be obtained.

If the computations do not indicate the CG within the specified ranges, the wing and/or the engine(s) are moved to bring the CG near the desired percentages of the MAC until a satisfactory solution is reached. Moving the wing also moves the CG and the neutral point, which may require iteration (also known as wing-chasing problems). The fuel tankage can be slightly modified. Batteries are heavy and can be moved to fine-tune the CG location to the desired position (as well as any other heavy items that can be moved).

Systems Group Mass

MTOW = 9,500kg (use Equation 8.47),MsYs = 0.11 x 9,500 = 1,045 kg.

8.11.5 Furnishing Group Mass

MTOW = 9,500 kg (use Equation 8.50), Mfur 0.065 x 9,500 = 618 kg

8.11.6 Contingency Group Mass

MTOW = 9,500kg (use Equation 8.52), MCoNT = 0.015 x 9,500 = 143 kg

8.11.7 Crew Mass

There are two flight crew members and no cabin crew. Therefore, Mcrew = 2 x 90 = 180 kg.

8.11.8 Payload Mass

There are ten passengers. Therefore, Mpl = 10 x 90 = 900 kg.

8.11.9 Fuel Mass

The range requirement is 2,000 nm carrying ten passengers. From statistical data given in Table 8.1, take the highest value of 26% of MTOW, Mfuel = 0.26 x 9,500 = 2,470 « 2,500 kg.

8.11.10 Weight Summary

Table 8.5 is the weight summary obtained by using the coursework example worked out thus far. The last column provides the estimation as a result of the graphical solution (in bracket – kg).

This computation requires further iterations to be fine-tuned for better accu­racy. The CG position is established in the next section, when further iterations will yield a better picture.

Variant Aircraft in the Family

For simplification, linear variations are considered, which should be worked out as a coursework exercise.

Table 8.6. Typical values of component CG locations: civil aircraft


CG and typical % of component characteristic length


Fuselage group



Wing group

No slat-30% of MAC With slat – 25% MAC


H-tail group



V-tail group



Undercarriage group

At wheel center (nose and main wheels taken separately)


Nacelle + pylon group




As positioned – use similarity


Power plant group



Systems group

As positioned – use similarity (typically 40% of fuselage)


Furnishing group

As positioned – use similarity



As positioned – use similarity


(do not need to compute CG)



As positioned – use similarity





As positioned (distribute around CG)



As positioned (distribute around CG)





Longer Variant. Increase APayload = 400 kg, AFuselage = 300 kg, AFurnish = 200 kg, AFuel = 300 kg, and AOthers = 200 kg. Total increase = +1,400 kg; MTOMLong = 10,900 kg (no structural changes).

Smaller Variant. Decrease APayload = 500 kg, AFuselage = 350 kg, AFurnish = 250 kg, AFuel = 350 kg, and AOthers = 250 kg (lightening of the structures). Total decrease = -1,700 kg; MTOMSmall = 7,800 kg.